Chapter 14

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Ava's Pov:

"Ava, wake up." Lily's voice filled our dorm room, making my roll over and cover my ears with my pillow, attempting to block out her voice. I begged for five more minutes, but she wouldn't have it, so Lily grabbed my left foot and dragged me on the floor, letting my body hit the carpet with a loud thud.

"Really?" I screamed at Lily, taking ahold of her arm and pulling myself up, "You couldn't have just woken me up with an alarm clock or something like a normal person?"

"I think we have both established the fact that I am not normal." Lily laughed, managing to get a small smile as she punched my arm playfully before heading towards her dresser, tossing out some clothes for today. "So," she said, lifting up a plain white t-shirt from her drawer, "what happened last night at the party? I didn't see you once."

I shrugged, "I don't know, I just hung out with random people." I told her, breaking our eye contact and applying some makeup, "Anyways, what did you do while we were there?" She either didn't hear my question or chose to ignore it, but whichever way, she never bothered to give me an answer.

"I'm going to go to Starbucks right now, I'm meeting up with Niall in half an hour and I don't want to be late or blow him off. Sorry, I'll see you around?" She somehow within the last ten minutes has managed to finish getting ready.

"Yeah, sure." I told her as she exited the room quickly, leaving me alone to my thoughts. I wondered why Niall wanted to meet up with her, any only her, but I didn't bother to ask any questions. I pondered about what I should do and decided to give Liam a quick text, telling him to come to my dorm room so we could hang out.

Right when I had finished getting dressed and putting on my makeup, I heard a small knock on the door. "It's Liam." The sweet British accent called as I opened the door, "Hey." I smiled, moving out of the way and gesturing towards my room as he stepped inside.

"Not to be rude or anything, but why am I here?" He chuckled, shoving his hands in his pockets and leaning up against the door as I sat down on Lily's bed and shrugged, thinking of an excuse but I decided to just tell him the truth, instead.

"I just wanted to chill with you because I'm bored and Lily's off with Niall." I laughed as Liam raised his eyebrows, licking his lips in a sexual way at the thought of Lily and Niall.

"Are they a thing?" He barley managed out in between his laughs, and I shook my head even though I wasn't exactly sure. I knew one thing, and that was that Lily hadn't mentioned to me if she liked Niall or not, but I mentally put it on my to do list to ask her.

"Okay," Liam began on a more serious note, "what do you actually want to do? I have a car, you know. We could drive somewhere, although my first class starts in..." He scowled, looking at his watch, "only an hour an a half."

I thought about it, "I actually wanted to talk to you about something," I chose my words carefully and he lifted up one of his eyebrows, taking a spot on my bed, directly across from Lily's. He leaned over, resting his elbows on his knees.

"I'm all ears." He said, gesturing for me continue my question.

"About Louis," I started and immediately his smile turned into a frown as his eyes found their way to his feet, staring there instead of at me, "we are having a bet and I sort of agreed to do it because I was pressured into it. I'm really sorry I didn't tell you about it earlier, but the 'game' is to try and make the other person jealous and if the opponent forfeits the game, then the person who loses has to tell everybody that they love him or her, even though it may not be true."

During my whole explanation, Liam doesn't lift his eyes once. He doesn't even speak, he just jiggles his room keys around in his hand, staying completely silent until I finally ask if he even was listening to me. He just nodded, finally looking up. His eyes were filled with an unreadable emotion, and his face held a blank expression.

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