Chapter 24

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Ava's Pov:

"What the hell is going on, Lily?" I turn around to see her shuffling back, her butt scooting backwards as far away from me as the small dorm room will allow her to go. Her eyes are wide, timid, and full of guilt. Me finding out that she was having sexually interactions with Niall was definitely not on her check list of things that she wanted me to find out. Not to mention that she is dating Harry.

"I-it's not what it looks like," Lily begins with the classical obviously deceiving statement that is clearly a lie because the situation is actually exactly what it looks like in reality.

"I'm pretty sure it is..." I glance downwards at Lily and then turn my head towards Niall who is scrambling around the room, butt naked as he grabs handfuls of clothes attempting to find his correct garments. I have the courtesy and common sense to look away. I honestly don't know what to say, half of me wants to scream at Niall and Lily for being ignorant and stupid, and yet the other half of me wants to go to Harry and tattle tail on Lily to sort of get back at her for dating Harry in the first place. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, Harry was dating Lily while he was flirting with me. The thought of this only makes my blood boil and it takes everything in me not to grab Niall by the shoulders and shove him out my door.

"I can explain," Lily states yet again using a common argument on trying to distract and manipulate the other person, which is, in this case, me. Whenever someone says that they can explain, they usually come up with the craziest scenarios. "I saw Niall outside of our dorms, being mauled by a bear who was stripping him of his clothes, and me, being the heroic person I am, grabbed Niall and pulled him into the safety of our room. However, I heard you coming and did not want you to see him in the nude, so I hid him in the closet." My subconscious mocks Lily, imagining what would happen if she actually tried to explain this situation.

"No you can't." I say simply, leaning against the closet door and folding my arms across my chest, looking back down at Niall as I silently pray that he has found some clothing by now. With only some luck, he has his boxers on and his belt in one hand. Niall looks up at me with white, glazed and innocent eyes. It's ironic how such a sweet looking kid could do such a horrible thing. I zone out, this is all happening too fast. Harry, Niall, Lily, Louis, even Liam. Is Zayn and Miranda the only innocent ones here?

I am snapped back into reality as Niall clears his throat, staring back at me, "Can you please turn away? You're making me uncomfortable." He says quietly in the most timid voice I've ever heard. I slowly blink, turning towards Lily and walking over to her, looking at her blankly.

"We didn't have sex," She begins and I feel an immediate relief knowing that they haven't done anything, "we were going too but then we heard you coming in so he hid." She adds, her voice quiet and scared just like the half naked blonde boy in the closet.

"So you were going to cheat on Harry, then?" I catch her off guard and it seems to catch Niall by surprise, too. From behind me I can hear his jaw fall open as a soft gasp escapes from his lips.

"What is Ava talking about, Lily?" I hear the ruffling of clothes as he gets up, walking towards me and taking a spot besides my bed staring at Lily in all his clothes now, "She's talking gibberish, right?" His eyes are pleading her, almost begging her past self to not have accepted Harry's offer to be his girlfriend. But on the look on Niall's face, I somehow know deep down that he knows the answer. He knows that he is being used, but then again who hasn't been used yet in these past few days?

"Niall," She mutters and her eyes fall to the floor and her mouth hangs open lifelessly as she has no idea what to say.

"To think you were different." He half snorts and grabs his jacket and stomps towards the door, slamming it on the way out, leaving Lily and I alone in the claustrophobic room that seems to be growing smaller and smaller by the thick tension that keeps increasing rapidly.

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