Chapter 5

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Ava's Pov:

"Relax." I hear a voice snap from behind me, the person holding me loosening their grip enough for me to turn around sharply, noticing that it's Louis.

"What the hell is your problem?" I say, fighting the urge not to kick him in his balls. "Are you trying to rape me or something?" I scream at him, backing up until I am propped up against the tree, staring at Louis with my hands placed on the curves of my hips.

"What? No." He protests immediately, frowning. "I touched you're arm barley and you freaked out. Damn." He says, equally as harsh.

"Oh, that totally explains the reason you covered my mouth with your hand." I stare into his eyes, looking for something that I can't find. Emotion.

"I did that," He says, taking a step towards me, "because you jumped and were about to scream." He then adds, "If someone had heard you scream, they'd come over here checking if everything is okay." Huffing, he runs his hand through his hair before shoving his hands in his back pockets.

"You couldn't have just said my name before scaring the crap out of me?" I grumble, crossing my arms and realizing that my heart race is finally starting to go back to it's normal speed. Why did I ever come here, exactly?

"You know what, forget it." Walking off, Louis throws up his hands in annoyance, not saying another word.

"No, you're not leaving." I say, taking a few large strides towards him before standing in front of him, "You brought me here, almost gave me a heart attack, and now you're just walking off. At least tell me why you wanted to meet me here." I huff, exhausted from all this arguing.

"To ask you what the hell your problem is." He says, no sugar coat or anything. "Why did you come here?"

"I don't know," I said sarcastically, "I just go here on a daily basis, you know?" A laugh escapes my mouth, making Louis' features harden even more.

He stays silent, turning away from me in frustration and staring at the tree ahead where the scene had happened. He looks so pissed right now, which I honestly don't understand, because if anyone should be ticked off it should be me, not him.

"You're wasting my time." I snap, waiting for him to face me but he doesn't. "I guess the things they told me about you are true." I grumble, shifting my weight onto my left leg, staring at Louis' back. Finally I get his attention with the last thing I said and he turns around.

"What things, and who?" He stares past me, refusing to make eye contact.

"Nothing, and nobody of your matter."

"Tell me." He demands, taking a step towards me as I take a step back, shaking my head 'no.' I take another step back. He takes another step forward. And again, and again until I trip over a tree's root and Louis' arm shoots out, grabbing my wrist and pulling me up before I fall.

"Ouch." I say, rubbing my wrist he grabbed after letting me go. The same wrist he had hurt earlier.

"What? You didn't fall. Stop complaining." He says, his features turning into a frown like always.

"No, my wrist, it's bruised because..." I begin, my voice trailing off as I cover it with my jacket, looking away from Louis and up at the sky, realizing it's dark. Before Louis can question me anymore, I quickly add, "I have to go. It's getting late and I should've never came." I say, beginning to walk off. I look back, Louis standing in the same spot, his face turned down towards the floor.

I hear the crunching of leaves behind me, "No, wait." He says, catching up with me and slowing down once he is just behind me, "I'm not letting you walk alone."

"Oh, so now you care about me?" I snap.

Silence, like usual. I prefer silence rather then fighting, though. Throughout this whole day I've lost all the energy I once consumed, I'm tired and I just want to go to sleep. I didn't expect to stay out this late with Louis, or even come here, but somehow I managed to waste an hour and thirty three minutes of my life by the train tracks with this idiot.

I check my phone, two missed calls and one message from Lily.

"Hey, is everything okay? Call me when you get the chance."

I decide to send Lily a quick text, letting her know that everything is fine and that I am on my way back to the dorms right now. Almost immediately, I get a text back from her with her saying 'okay, see you soon.'

Once we are only a minute or so away from CCSD, I blurt out my thoughts on accidently, and a little too loudly.

"Why are you acting like such a dick?" I ask, my face immediately looking down at the dirt beneath my feet. Louis stops suddenly,

"How am I a dick?"

I stop too, looking over my shoulder at him. "You're kidding, right?" But by the look on his face, I can tell that he is oblivious of his crude actions. He does it so often that he doesn't even notice it anymore, I assume.

He shakes his head, beginning to walk again and shoving past me. Does he not realize what 'being a dick' means?

I shrug the thought off, trailing slowly behind Louis with my head down. The rest of the walk between me and Louis is just complete, awkward silence except the occasional car that drives down the road.

Once we arrive at CCSD, Louis doesn't even try to apologize before we go our separate ways.

"Ava." He says quietly, and I turn around, seeing Louis gesture towards me, the only thing that is bright about his face is his lip piercing that is shining in the moon light.

"About earlier," he begins, talking slowly, "when I caught you..."

I cut him off, "Yes. Thank you." I say sharply, turning my back to face him but not walking away.

"Don't interrupt me." He demands, his voice rising and a few moments of silence pass before he speaks again, his tone completely different from what he said only seconds ago.

"Your wrist, did I..." He says, having a hard time figuring out what words to use.

"Sorry, I have to go." I say, walking away and forcing myself not to look back at Louis, giving him no time to finish his sentence because I honestly don't want him to.

I swear I hear him say something under his breath, but when I look back to ask him what he said, he is gone. I look left and right, wondering where he could have possibly disappeared to so quickly, but no trace of evidence is found.

I turn around, heading to my dorms, exhausted and mentally drained. As I enter my room, I notice that Lily is gone. Stepping inside a familiar crunching sound is made, and I look down, noticing a new, thin white sheet of paper.

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