Chapter 17

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Ava's Pov:

"Oh my gosh, Liam! Are you okay?" I wrap my arm around his shoulders and help him stand up and walk over to his bed where he falls flat on his face, exhausted. I order Niall to get a damp towel and he rushes to get one, only moments later bringing it back to me, "Okay, Liam, I need you to sit up." He doesn't obey so I have Miranda and Lily help me prop him up against the wall and turn on the light. His face is cut, bruised, and his lip is busted open. It's nothing serious, thankfully. I slowly begin to dab at the few cuts scattered across his face and he winces at the cold water. I examine his face closely, he has a black eye which is beginning to swell shut, he has three small cuts around the same side that he has a black eye, and his lip is swollen and bleeding. Most of the damage is done on the left side of his face, though.

"Liam, don't tell me." I begin sadly, my voice quiet and I'm not sure if he even heard me until he speaks up, bringing his hand up to tell me to stop talking and listen to him, and I do as he tells me and I sit patiently in front of him, still cleaning out his cuts. Miranda is in her dorm getting some rubbing alcohol to clean the cuts.

"It doesn't matter, I'm okay, Ava." His voice is raspy, and Miranda comes back into the room handing me a small bottle. I pour some of the rubbing alcohol on the cloth, "Hold still. Don't move because I don't to jab you in the eye." I instruct Liam, bringing the towel up to his cuts and as soon as it meets his skin he of course flinches away, and I barley miss poking his eyes, "Liam!" I scold and he mutters out a sorry and lets me finish cleaning his wounds.

"Speak, Liam. What happened?" I say more sternly this time, refusing no for an answer even though he tries to tell me no, "Tell me." I beg but he becomes stubborn, and it takes Niall threatening to wake him up by pouring hot coffee on his face tomorrow morning for him to actually give in and tell us what happened between him and Louis.

"Okay, so this is what happened." Liam begins, his voice still shaky as he takes a sip from his water that Lily gave him.

Liam's Pov:

I headed outside, the cool breeze slamming into my face as I immediately walked towards Louis' and Harry's dorm. Louis making a bet with Ava was bad enough, but the fact that he was now personally hurting her and Harry's reputation, and spreading false rumors, was outrageous and immature, and I knew that if someone didn't stand up to him he would continue with his nonsense. Walking up to his dorm, 17S, I banged on the door and as soon as Louis swung open the door I had my hands on the collar of his shirt. To my luck, Louis was alone and Harry was no where in sight. I shut the door behind us, one hand still placed around his neck.

"What the hell, man?" I spit, literally, in his face, "Telling everybody that Harry and Ava slept together is not cool." I yank him towards me and push him backwards, watching him trip over his feet and I can't help myself but grin in amusement at his struggle, but the smile is quickly erased from my facial features as Louis connects his fist with my jaw, sending me stumbling into the bed post, hitting the side of my rib. Since my first intention wasn't to come here and fight Louis, I decide to lean up against what look like Harry's bed and face Louis.

"Why did you spread rumors about Ava and Harry having sex?" I ask for an answer, no, I demand for one. I look into his eyes, and I now understand what Ava means by, 'He's emotionless and you can never tell what he is thinking, it's very annoying.' She was right, it was beginning to piss me off because he just stared back at me, completely silent. "Well?"

"It was just a joke, take it easy." Louis shrugs as if it was no big deal. Of course, nothing is a big deal to him, that was another annoying quality about him on the endless list of his bad and irritating personalities.

"Everything is a joke to you, Louis, and it's getting out of hand. You can't just keep playing with her heart like that. Not only are you screwing with her mind, you're screwing with other people's minds, too. Stop being an immature child." I huff, crossing my arms and he takes a step closer to me, his breath increasing and his eyes narrowing towards me.

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