Chapter 19

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Ava's Pov:

I held the piece of paper between my index and middle finger for a long, long time. Rereading the note for several minutes until I finally looked up and outside the window. I wasn't sure if Louis was being serious or not, because it was just so unexpected. I am almost positive he sent this note to me trying to catch me off guard, but it wasn't going to work. I think about going up to him and talking to him, but I decide against it and let whatever goes, go.

I sit in my dark dorm room for an hour, thinking about life until Lily finally steps in, saying goodbye to someone and strolling in with a cup in her hand, "Here, we stopped at Starbucks on the way back and got you a hot chocolate." I had already gotten a Starbucks drink today, but I gratefully took the drink from Lily and thanked her before taking a slow sip, making sure the drink wouldn't burn my tongue this time because last time I wasn't so smart and my tongue was still numb in this one spot from earlier.

"Is everything okay?" Lily stares at me, noticing my unusual and quiet behavior. She looks directly in my eyes because she knows that when she does that that I can never lie to her because she just looks so innocent and interested. I don't know, but she makes me feel obligated to tell the truth all the time. It's kind of annoying, actually.

"I guess, I am just thinking." I shrug, answering truthfully, "Look at this." I hand her the note Louis sent me and her mouth drops, she looks up at me with wide eyes and then back down at the paper, and then over again five more times until she actually decides to open her mouth and speak.

"Is he serious?" She gaps, handing me back the crumbling up the note after I specifically tell her not to mess it up. I snatch it from her, frowning, and try and smooth it out as best I can.

"I have no idea, but I'm going to go up to Liam and ask him if while he fought Louis if Louis mentioned anything about calling off the bet." I twirl my hair between my hands, deep in thought. I'm not sure if I should be glad that Louis is trying to stop his games, but I'm kind of disappointed that I didn't get to earn my reward. I was looking forward to pissing of Louis, honestly. I get up, heading towards the door to go over to Liam and Niall's dorm.

"Do you want me to come?" Lily bounces off of her bed, bolting to the door next to me, "I can if you want." She smiles widely, too cheerfully, but I kindly deny. I would rather talk to Liam privately, I feel like he will be more open with me if we are just one on one.

I knock on their door, "Hey, Liam, can we talk?" I call through the crack, waiting for someone to answer. No one does, and I knock again and this time Niall appears in front of the opening, shirtless.

"Oh, hey, Ava." He smiles weakly, looking behind him over the shoulder. The door is only slightly open and I go up on my tippy toes trying to see over him.

"Is Liam here?" I question, failing because Niall's height is too tall for me to look over.

"Uh," He stutters, looking back again and slowly turning his head towards me, "no. Sorry." He begins to close the door and I raise an eyebrow, putting my hands through the crack and he hits my arm with the door, opening it and staring at me, "What do you want?" He says harshly, staring at me in annoyance, "I already told you he is not here. Can I get some sleep now?" He complains and I nod slowly as he slams the door shut, leaving me alone in the hallway by myself and my confusion. I sigh, heading back to my dorm and falling asleep quickly despite how early it is.

Two days. That's how long it's been and I haven't been able to talk to Louis or Liam. Louis just seemed to have disappeared off of the face of the earth because I can't find him anywhere, and Liam just seems to be avoiding me. If Liam wasn't such a nice guy I would suspect that he shot Louis or something, but Harry swears to me that Louis is still alive. I honestly don't know why Liam isn't avoiding me, I hope that Louis didn't threaten him not to talk to me.

It's Saturday morning and Lily and Miranda are bouncing around our dorm room, trying to wake me up. Once I finally get up I shower, get dressed, and put on all my makeup. I have come to the conclusion that I need to talk to Liam today and figure out what is happening between us, because that last time I talked to him was the day that Louis beat the crap out of him.

"Hey, do you want to come to Denny's with us?" Miranda and Lily ask me as they head out the door, turning back and offering for me to tag along with them.

"No, thank you, though. I really want to, but I have to talk to Liam. I don't know why he has been avoiding me and Niall hasn't talked to me much either, I really want to clear things up and ask him why he hasn't been including me in his life for the past few days," I begin but I get cut off by them.

"Oh okay, I just wanted to know if you wanted to go or not." Miranda says rudely and Lily silently apologizes to me as they exit, telling me that Miranda on her period. I laugh as they close the door, feeling a little more confident about my talk with Liam today. I quickly head to their dorm, knocking only once before the door swings open to reveal the person who has been avoiding me for the last two day.

"Hey," Liam says, his voice raspy and thick with sleep, "I haven't seen you around recently." He comments. I want to blurt out that that isn't my fault but I chose the smart decision and keep my mouth shut.

"Yeah," I say quietly, "are you alone?" I ask him, not even bothering to look over Liam because I know I will not be able to anyways.

"I'm by myself, do you need to talk or something?" He says uneasily, stepping out of the doorway and letting me through to his dorm. I walk instead, taking a sit on the edge of Niall's messy bed.

"Kind of, I just was wondering why you've been avoiding me." I get to the point quickly, not bothering to waste any of my time stalling.

"I haven't been avoiding you." He defends himself but he isn't convincing me, much less himself.

"You just told me less then five minutes ago that you haven't seen me in awhile." I huff, crossing my arms in a child like manner, "Stop lying to me. What's going on?"

"Nothing." He tells me but this time I can see right through him. He is nervously chewing on his lip and he is refusing to make eye contact with me, and when our eyes do meet he quickly looks away. I've never seen him like this before, then again he has never lied to me before.

"Forget it, we can talk about that later. Anyways, did Miranda tell you about the letter Louis sent me the night that you two got into a fight?" He shakes his head and I continue, "He sent me this." I hand Liam the note, and he reads it, actually he just scans over it and reads it as if he already knows what it says.

"Huh, weird." He just shrugs his shoulders and hands it back to me casually. I instantly tell that this isn't right. Liam should be going down to Louis' dorm right now laughing in his face about giving up, but here he is, sitting on his bed, staring back at me with no emotion like usual for the last few days, saying nothing and not caring about what is happening at all.

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