Chapter 25

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Ava's Pov:

Not much happened between Saturday and Sunday until now, Thursday. The most exciting part of Sunday when I woke up in Louis' arms was Harry staring down at us, screaming at Louis. Other than that nothing interesting happened. I'm currently sitting in my dorm room, alone, like how it has been for the past few days. I don't mind though, I haven't heard much from anyone except for Harry, Liam, and of course Lily who keep apologizing to me most frequently over text but I never respond so they eventually stopped yesterday. I got a message from Zayn who told me that he was sorry to hear what happened, and of course a few messages from Miranda asking me what is going on. Other then that nothing interesting has happened in the life of Ava.

Until now.

"Hey, sweet cheeks!" Harry bursts through my dorm room door that I thought was locked but it obviously wasn't. Harry's usually sleek and slightly curl hair is now matted to his forehead, and his usual well shaven face has black dots scattering his chin, letting me know he hasn't touched a razor in awhile, or since the last time I saw him, at least. He is holding a water bottle in one hand and his other hand is holding onto the bed post to help him stand up semi properly. I know for a fact that their isn't any water in that water bottle.

"Hi, Harry?" I say, clearly confused. I've seen Harry drunk before, it was pretty funny if I do say so myself, but this time is different, this time he wasn't getting drunk to have fun, he's getting drunk because of something else.

"I'm not high." Harry snaps at me, his cheeks turning red. He obviously took my statement the wrong way. "Not yet, at least." He adds, laughing like a maniac and I wink at his alcoholic breath that I can smell from practically all the way across the room.

I slowly walk over to him, attempting to reach for his bottle full of mysterious liquid, but he just smirks and goes on his tip toes, holding the bottle high above his head. "Dang it, Harry. Give me the bottle." I say, jumping for it which only makes Harry raise it has high as he can. He sticks out his tongue at me like a four year old child would after he beat his sister to the swing and there is no other swings left. Except in this scenario i'm the young friend watching out for my older friend who is too young to be playing with swings. Swings, in this case, is alcohol. After several failed attempts at reaching for the bottle I retreat back to my bed, only to be followed by Harry who sits down next to me. I scoot over and he scoots closer.

"Come on, Ava. Don't be a stick in the mud." He nudges me and winks, grabbing a hold of my jacket. I slap his hand off and I am granted with a dirty glare as he moves away from me and makes the wise choice of sitting on Lily's bed instead. I almost say, "Hey, you should be used to being on Lily's bed. You're probably on it all the time." But I bite my tongue and keep quiet.

"Why are you here, Harry?" I sigh, letting the breath escape from my body. I watch has Harry's face screws up into a sour emotion and he looks away, thankfully setting the bottle of cherry vodka, or so it smells, down.

"I, um, I wanted to see you." He stutters but I know that isn't the truth. Harry is the type of guy who, surprisingly, sucks at lying straight up if he hasn't already established some sort of plan.

"Come on, Harry. You can tell me." I lean forward and rest my elbows on my knees, staring at him intently as he avoids making eye contact with me.

"My um, my..." He begins, fiddling with his hands and looking around the room nervously, "my step dad, he..." He stutters, looking at my only for a brief second before looking away, "he died." He says quietly, burying his head in his hands to try and cover up his emotions.

"Oh my gosh, Harry, I'm so sorry." I move to sit on Lily's bed with him but he looks up, his eyes red and puffy.

"I don't need your sympathy." He states clearly, clearing his throat and blinking a few times before grabbing the bottle again and unscrewing the lid. I manage to snatch it out of his hand but unfortunately while he tries to grab it back he squeezes it and the cherry vodka splatters all over Lily's bed and the carpet.

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