Chapter Twenty Four

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Why does my stomach drop? Why does it seem that my heart stops and my lungs cease to draw in air? Why do I sink to the floor, my knees smacking the linoleum painfully? This is what happens when you trust people. This is what happens when you think that you're in love. What did you expect, Crystal?" That voice taunts. I stare at my hands. My hair shields my face from his view. "I need a trim." I think, randomly.

"Sorry." I mutter.
He looks surprised. "What?"
"I said I'm sorry!" I growl, my fists clenching the edge of my gown, scrunching up the fabric. I look up at his puzzled face, angry tears cascading down my cheeks. He doesn't look as angry as he did. I would prefer it if he were mad at me.

I look away, my cheeks red. "Please stop looking at me. Please, please, stop looking at me." I practically pray as the warm eyes I've come to love stare back at me. If he keeps staring at me with those damn eyes I'll keep on loving him. I don't need that.

"I- I dreamed of you, okay?" I wince as the word that I had so desperately denied spills out of my mouth like poison. I swear that I can hear the therapists shouting in triumph. "And it was so real." I continued. "It felt so real. But I guess it was all an illusion. Maybe this is just a sick coincidence. But I don't know. I don't know what's real or not anymore." I confess.

As the tears keep coming the anger keeps building up. "This is so unfair. I've finally found him, and he's not even real. This isn't my Finn."
"Is that why you're here?" He asks, his voice gentler. How was he unfazed by my confession? I meet his soft, warm eyes once again.

"Yes." I say, embarrassed. He sighs, then pinches the bridge of his nose. "So unlike Finn."

"I'm sorry that I acted like a jerk. But we really have to go. I'm in a disguise, see?" He points to the scrubs he wears and the mask that hangs from his neck. "You've come to bust me out?" I ask. Why would he do that?

He nods. "Yes, I have."
"But, why?"
"I don't have time to explain now! We need to go! Now!"

I frown. "I have no reason to trust you." He sighs. "Yes, I'm aware."

I bite my lip. Should I go with him? Probably not. Do I want to go with him? I don't know. It's better than being here I suppose. But will I be able to deal with the pain that his presence causes me?

"Alright. I honestly don't care anymore." I decide. He almost looks sad. Sad for me? I hope not. I don't need his pity. "Okay." He says. He holds out his hand to help me up.

"Do you know why you could see me in your dream?" His question startles me. Does he really know? I look up at him, clearly expecting an answer.

He pulls the mask on. When he speaks again, his voice is muffled. "It's because your dreams can show you the future. And the most important people in your life will have almost completely different personalities in your dreams, or as we call them, Visions."

I can see the future? I mean, it's weird enough to be able to form ice out of thin air, but seeing the future? I take his hand, and stand. "I see." I say thoughtfully, still rather dumbstruck from my new discovery. My cheeks grow hot as I realize that, according to him, he's important to me. He seems to be oblivious of my feelings for him; it doesn't help that he leads me towards the door, his hand still holding my own.

I can feel my pulse quicken as his thumb accidentally rubs against my own. He lets go of my hand. I'm disappointed, as ridiculous as it is. "Don't fall in love, you idiot. It's nothing but trouble. Look at where you are, now!" That voice rambles on.

It has a point. But isn't that what teenagers do? Fall stupidly in love, and end up getting hurt? It's like our duty or something to make sure to do this over and over again until we find the right one. Then there's the smart ones. The kids who avoid "love" and focus on other things. Why can't I be like them?

My cheeks are dusted pink as he leans his ear to the door, listening for any approaching footsteps.  I notice that his left ear is pierced. It's kind of hot, to be honest. I smile sheepishly. His red hair is as brilliant as ever. Like a glowing ember in the dead of night. Is he really that different from the Finn that kissed me?

After confirming that the caretaker of this floor isn't anywhere near, he signals for me to come over. He opens his mouth to say something, but pauses as he notices my blush. He raises an eyebrow curiously. I shake my head vigorously, like I'm denying a crime that I'm guilty of. He shrugs nonchalantly.

I let out a suppressed breath of relief, which he seems to be oblivious of. "Are you ready?" He asks as he turns around to face the door once again.

"Yes." I say, nervousness creeping into my voice. He unlocks the door. The buzzes and clicks unnerve me. "Hold on." I say.

He looks at me over his shoulder. His eyes have taken that cold, hard look again. I retrieve his cap and toss it to him. "Here. You might need this." I say, managing to smile a little. He takes it without saying a word to me. Once again, I am devastated to confirm that he's completely different from the boy that I fell in love with. With a serious look that appears to be so odd on his features, he pops the door open. "Let's go."

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