Chapter Twenty Nine

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I carefully fold up Finn's jacket as I kick the putrid bathroom door open. This time, the wind doesn't pick up. In fact, it's eerily silent in the outside world.

Hiyori had refused to remove her outdated get-up and strutted outside like some sassy rooster. I look around and see Finn in front of a rusted payphone. He hangs it back up in the receiver, then jogs over to greet us.

When he sees the two of us, he raises a curious eyebrow at Hiyori, who does that incredibly ridiculous pose again. He shakes his head and face-palms. "What are we gonna do with you?" He laughs as Hiyori grins arrogantly. He looks up at me, face still red from laughter. My eyes meet his. I smile and shrug. "Who knows?" I say, smiling. He appears to be somewhat startled before he glances away from me. I frown. "What was that about?"

He ushers us over to the car, but seems to be avoiding me. Is it the way I look? I feel awkward and sad for some reason.

"Quinn says that we should create a portal immediately." He says, his voice low and urgent. I keep the gates closed on the flood of questions that automatically plague my mind. A portal? I suppose that if we can have powers that were meant for comic book characters, then there could be science fictional matter such as portals.

Hiyori nods and sighs exhaustedly. "I figured that we'd have to. Did you tell Quinn our coordinates? What does she know about our pursuers? Did she hack into their system?" She asks. Finn smiles wryly. "Yes, she knows where we are. We're not being followed closely, but I switched the license plates, just in case. As for the hacking, you have no reason to be worried. It's Quinn, after all. She even made sure that our calls couldn't be traced."

Hiyori nods, a distant look in her eyes. "You can never be too safe." She says quietly. She suddenly seems to be her own age, her youthful soul momentarily shutting itself up on the inside. The years of wisdom she's gained gleam in her dark eyes. Her smile wrinkles become more defined. She looks tired.

As suddenly as her face seemed to warp, it returns to its youthful state. She smiles. "Come on. We need to get moving. The last thing we need is the police to catch up with us." She says. We all nod in agreement.

We pile up in the SUV and pull out of the parking lot, ignoring the curious stares of the clerk who nosily peers through the paper-clotted window at us. We lurch out onto the road, tires squealing. Once again we set out on our journey.

Finn speaks up. "We'll need to find an isolated place, and fast."
Hiyori rolls her eyes. "Yes, Finny. That's obvious." She says bluntly. Finny? I smile at the nickname. How long have they known each other?

I suddenly remember the hoodie. I look down at the worn, red fabric. "Just like in my vision." I blush a little as I remember how the other Finn had kissed me while wearing a hoodie similar to this.

I subconsciously touch my lips, recalling the way he had stole them, claiming them as his own. The way I melted into him like we were both made of wax. I sigh. "That was my first kiss, too. And it wasn't even real."

I blink and snap back to reality. Finn and Hiyori's bickering had faded into the background of life as I slipped out of consciousness. I've been daydreaming a lot lately.

I suddenly feel uncomfortable, and... Lonely. I feel a true sense of longing. I frown at the thought. I've always thought of being left alone as a reward of some sort. An opportunity to escape from a world of lies seemed dream-like to me. Friends never proved to be very appealing, much less reliable. Why trust someone and devote your friendship to then when you know it'll all end in slammed doors and rejected apologies?

"Why do I feel... lonely?" I look at Finn and Hiyori. "They seem so normal. Even when they fight. Is this what friends are supposed to be like?"

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." Someone shouts. I snap out of my weird trance, startled. "Oh. I'm sorry." I say quietly. Finn frowns. "Everything ok?"

My breath seems to be squeezed out of me. "Wh-wha-?" I stammer. He glares out the window. "I mean, it's not like I want to help you. It's just how I am, since I'm a healer. It's a pain in the neck, really." He rambles on, squeezing his eyes shut in annoyance.

So I was right. He still has healing and fire magic. So is it just his personality that's different?

"Figures." I shake my head, and manage a weak smile. "Don't worry about it." I say distantly.

"I never said I was worried!" He snaps. He's silent for a moment before he finally speaks again. His voice is quiet. "Besides, I know you're lying."

My eyes grow wide. He can read my mind? Has he been able to read my mind this whole time? Then he knows! He's been able to hear my thoughts about Finn and his hoodie and the kiss.....

He shakes his head, laughing lightly. I jump. "Don't be stupid and jump to conclusions, ice cream cone. I don't have telepathic powers." He says, smirking. He must have been able to read my facial expressions.

My cheeks grow red in embarrassment. I cover my face by slapping my forehead. "Oh, haha, I see." I laugh nervously.

"What are you, stupid?" I mentally scold myself. My embarrassment suddenly dulls a little when I remember his insult. "Wait, who are you calling 'ice cream cone', blow-torch?" I spit.

Hiyori rolls her eyes. "I'm surprised that children like yourselves haven't called me something like a bagpipe or a windbag yet." She scoffs.

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