Chapter Thirty

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We drive for what seems like forever. We'd pick out a place, then quickly forget it as soon as we see a shabby looking gas station ( adorned with an impressive, yet unnecessary, amount of neon signs) claiming the area. We'd just drive past it, growing more worried and agitated with each minute we waste.

I've begun to catch myself nervously glancing out the back window, searching for any signs of the FBI or other agencies. I've become somewhat timid out of habit, but it's nothing compared to the horrifying sense of anticipation when being hunted for. I'm someone's prey, just like I was when I tried to hide from my drunkard mother.

When I give it thought, I realize that I was actually running from reality. I was a scared little girl with one parent dead, the other abusive. I had to pretty much fend for myself, sneaking money out of my mother's purse when I went to school so I could buy food on the way home.

I had no friends. Just books and music. But somehow, the literature, both sung and written, were better to me than any human companion. Between my constant desire to study, my timid mannerisms, and freaky appearance, I was instantaneously seen as someone you'd normally avoid. I was the kind of girl who'd avoid speaking to anyone in public. I would always cross the street when someone walked towards me on the sidewalk. I honestly didn't care if I was rude. I just wanted to be left alone.

I frown. I had my visions after I met Torren at the store. "Maybe he really is a good guy." I mutter to myself. My eyes widen as I recall his unnaturally refined manners. I mentally compare him to the man I had come to despise in my vision. "He's important to me?"

I shake my head at the thought. Besides, how can I even trust what Finn says anyways? My eyes unconsciously drift to the fire mage's hard-set features. If what he said is true, then he's important in my life also. I smirk. How could that jerk be important to me?

I continue to eye him suspiciously. I notice a scar peeking out from under his shirt. It looks white and slightly wrinkled, like a grape that's been sitting in the sun for too long. "But it's not at all ugly." I decide.

I suddenly blush as I find myself wanting to to reveal the rest of the scar to my curious eyes, and use my fingers to trace along its jagged edges. "As if!" I almost snort aloud. Like I'd ever do that. How did he get that thing anyways?

"There!" I suddenly jump as Finn's voice shatters the comfortable silence that we've been basking in. I quickly avert my eyes from the scar on his neck and glance out the tinted window of the SUV. I shiver at the sight of the ominous desert. "It's so... empty." I breathe as my eyes take in the barren wasteland of rock and sand.

The only evidence of life in the snow-dusted wasteland is the few scraggly bushes that protrude from the sand, branches seeming to claw the sky for even the tiniest drop of water. That, and the occasional patches of saguaro cacti that sprout from the snow.

I once again frown as the red fabric of his hoodie sitting in my lap catches my eye. "Why can't I give it back to him?" I almost groan in frustration. I finger the frayed edges of the jacket. Stupid Finn.

The SUV suddenly stops as Hiyori slams her foot down on the pedal. "Here." Finn says, nodding towards the vast expanse of snow-dusted sand. Hiyori nods after scanning the landscape for any sign of human occupation.

She suddenly turns the wheel and the car takes a sharp right turn towards the desert. I clutch onto the arm rest as the black tires dig into the odd combination of snow and sand. At first For a moment I'm afraid that we're stuck, but my worry soon vanishes as soon as Hiyori puts the SUV in four-wheel-drive. We lurch forward, continuing our journey towards some unknown destination.

After the highway is just a small line on the horizon, we finally stop. Hiyori puts the car in park, then turns the key in the ignition, cutting off the engine. "Finn, please grab the license plate and duffel bag." She says while popping her car door open. "Come on Crystal."

I nod and crack my own door open. The cold air that greets me is surprising for a second, but I soon recover, pushing the door open and sliding out of my seat. My Converse crunch against the combination of sand and snow. I unconsciously grab the hoodie, then shut the door behind me.

I look around, admiring the soft pastel colored rocks dusted with frozen ice crystals. I smile as my breath comes out in visible puffs of vapor. I feel somewhat guilty of being happy about the climate change. I'm sure that people like Finn are suffering from the sudden cold-front, but I can't help myself. This is my place. This is where I feel comfortable. Where I can hide from society, because, after all, who doesn't? This is where I belong; in the cold.

I glance over my shoulder at Finn. He holds a screwdriver, no doubt working on getting the license plate off the back of the SUV. I know I should be following Hiyori, but I want to stay and help. I should be of some use to them. Technically, I was kidnapped, but it just doesn't feel that way. It's like I belong with them, like how I belong with the snow.

I tie the hoodie around my waist. "Finn?" I say, walking over to him and looking down at his working figure. His movements seem somewhat sluggish. I frown. "He must be exhausted. "

He sets the screwdriver down then sighs, turning his head and squinting up at me. "What, Ice Cube?" He asks, sounding rather annoyed. I scoff, but decide to ignore the insult. "Do you need help with anything?" I say, crossing my arms over my chest. He raises his eyebrows. "Why, do I look like I do?" He asks sarcastically.
I squeeze my eyes shut, then sigh. Why is he such a pain in my neck? "I just want to help. Take the offer or leave it. I'll gladly go with Hiyori." I say, my eyes sill closed.

He snorts, laughing a little. My eyes open, and I glare down at him. "What?" I snap. He grins cockily up at me, then stands. Despite my already tall figure, he seems to tower above me. My eyes widen slightly, but I soon glare up at him once again. He steps forward, his chest pressing against mine. I yelp in surprise, and stumble backwards. He grabs my wrist before I can fall.

"Let go!" I say through clenched teeth, averting my eyes from his face while blushing. "Crystal, look at me." He says. His voice is stern and soft at the same time. I turn my head to look at him. My breath hitches as I stare into his magnificent dark orbs. They remind me of pools of ink, darker than midnight and more mysterious than all of the mysteries in the world. "Are you comfortable with us?" He asks. My cheeks heat up. He leans closer to me. "Wh-what?" I stutter, trying to pull away from him.

His grip on my wrist tightens. "Are you comfortable with us?" He repeats, more determined. I glance away from his obsidian eyes. Everything is quiet for a second. "Yes." I say, breaking the uncomfortable silence.

I fix my gaze on a mound of rocks. I sigh. "I'm comfortable with you guys. I feel like I..." I pause for a second and bite my lip nervously, trying to find the right words. I clear my throat, then continue after a moment of thought. "I feel like I finally belong. I've finally found someone like me." I say cautiously.

He lets go of my wrist and I look back at him, pulling my hand to my chest and holding it there. He smiles. I don't know why, but he truly does smile. "Crystal." He says. I blush. "What?" I ask assertively, my voice wavering. He laughs at my nervousness. "You're now one of us. You're always welcome with us, and you never have to worry about your past again. I promise." He smiles.

I look at my feet. "Thank you." I mutter. I jump as something behind us falls to the ground with a loud Clang! I instinctively grab his arm, gripping onto his bicep for dear life.

"It was just the license plate, Ice Princess." He snorts. I let go of his arm and shove him away from me, blushing. I struggle to find words to accurately express my anger and annoyance. Aggravated, I just settle with, "Whatever! Where's Hiyori?"

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