Chapter Eighteen

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Once again, I awake to bright lights. My head throbs, but I ignore it. I have to get to Finn. I try to get up, but my whole body is strapped to a gurney.

I look around, bewildered. The room is all white with no windows. A small metal door is heavily bolted, and has a sliding window that is currently closed. I panic.

I writhe around and try to wriggle free from the straps, but they just seem to tighten. "This isn't right." I think.

I hear a beeping noise, and momentarily stop moving. The door opens, and three nurses, all dressed in white, walk in. "Hello Dear, how are we doing today?" One asks.

"Where am I?" I demand. "Is this some kind of sick joke? Untie me!" I spit my voice cracks from the uncontrollable anxiety and fear I feel.

The nurse seems disappointed. She frowns, then whispers something to the second nurse, who nods, and shakes her head in disapproval as she scribbles something down on a clip board.

They have black, brown, and blonde hair, all tied back in painfully tidy buns. Their white uniforms are pristine, with button up collars and a long white skirt that covers their ankles.

"Please?" I beg. "Help me! I have to get to Finn-"
"Dear, this boy you speak of doesn't exist. He was just a dream you experienced during your coma."
"No!" I scream. "He's real! Tell me where he is! NOW!"

"Honey, you're in an insane asylum." The third nurse snaps. "I would keep yourself under control if you ever want to see daylight again."

My eyes widen with fear. Insane asylum? Am I really insane? "No, I don't belong here! Where's Finn?" I begin to sob. "He's real, I swear it! As real as you and me! And he needs help! Oh, God, he might be dead!" I gasp, and begin to try to escape from the straps. The nurses sigh wearily.

"We're going to give you some quiet time, Sweetie." The blonde says. And with that, they turn on their heel and file out through the door. It slams shut behind them, and the bolts slide back into place. "NO!" I scream. "I HAVE TO HELP FINN!"

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