Chapter Five

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I have to go to the hardware store today. Mom is building a tool-shed in the backyard and she wants me to go buy a few things.

I decide to drive, it being scorching hot and all. I climb into the old Chevy pickup, and turn the key in the ignition. The engine coughs and spits, then dramatically roars to life. I click on my seatbelt, then back out of the driveway.

When I get to the store, I park the old truck a ways from the entrance. I want this trip to last as long as possible.

I get out, locking the truck, then make my way to the automatic sliding doors of the store's entrance. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a flicker of movement.

I nervously turn my head towards the movement. There, standing by an assortment of lawn furniture, is the most gorgeous thing that I have ever seen.

Believe it or not, he's actually looking at me. I feel disappointed, knowing that he's just curious of whether or not I'm an albino. When he notices me watching, he quickly turns his head. I roll my eyes at the boy. Or man, for he looks my age or older.

A small spark of hope enlightens within me. What if he was flirting? And then, I realize, why would he notice me? Some say I'm beautiful, but am I really? They comment on my ivory skin, my long, slender fingers, my full lips and ice blue eyes, my long wavy hair which curls uncontrollably if I try to do anything with it. Although, I'm definitely on the curvy side, at five foot ten and one hundred and fourty pounds.

I might have a pretty face, but a size fourteen in jeans is too much for most guys. And that's not bad at all!

I walk into the store, looking for the nails that my mom requested that I get. I find them in an isolated aisle towards the back of the store. I take the box up to the checkout.

I use my mom's debit card to buy them. The cashier swipes it, frowns, then swipes it again. After what seems like forever he says, "I'm sorry miss. It looks like your card is maxed-out." I sigh, then rub my temples. Seriously? "Looks like mom was a busy bee."

"It's okay, I've got it." The deep voice startles me. I jump, then whirl around. It's the boy that was staring at me! "Whoah, sorry! Didn't mean to scare you." He says, apologetically, putting no his hands out in front of him. I feel my cheeks grow hot.

"Oh, um...," I begin like an idiot, "I-It's okay." I mentally scold myself for sounding so dumb. The boy manages an awkward grin. I laugh nervously. "No really, I'm a klutz, don't feel bad if I get jumpy."

I'm expecting him to awkwardly walk away, but instead, he laughs. I mean, not a laugh tinged with pity, like I'm used to, but an amused chuckle. "Don't worry about it " He says cheerfully.

He walks around me and up to the now impatient clerk. The cashier  swipes the man's card, asks for the pin, then hands over the box of nails. I sart to reach for the box, but the boy shakes his head. "No can do ma'am," He begins, "I'll carry this for you." My cheeks heat up again.

And so he leads me out of the store, and after he is certain that I've made it safely to my car, hands over the nails. "Um," I begin dumbly, "Thanks."
He chuckles. "Anytime."

I watch him as he walks away. I admire his jet black hair, his vivid green eyes, his tan skin. I love the way he walks. Confident. I shake my head. He was just being nice. I mean, who would like a girl like me? Before he turns the corner, he calls over his shoulder, "By the way, my name's Torren." With that, he disappears behind the building.

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