Chapter 3

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The party was in full swing now. People were dancing and grinding on each other like their lives depended on it. Luke was sitting in the living room with a bottle containing some type of beer. Michael, Calum and Ashton were in the kitchen taking shots and Eden and Connor were leaning against a wall making out. Luke was watching his two friends with slight disgust in his eyes.

Luke had finished his beer when he felt people sit on either side of him. He ignored them until he felt hot breath on his neck, and a hand slowly creeping up his thigh. Luke looked on both sides of him and seen Lyle and Kyle, identical twins who love to hit on Luke. They were juniors and usually one of Luke's friends would keep them away but when Luke looked around he couldn't see any of them.

"Hey babe why are you avoiding us?" Kyle whispered in Luke's ear before he started nibbling on his earlobe.

"We just want to play Lukey. Why won't you let us play with you?" Lyle whispered in Luke's other ear kissing down his neck.

"Come and show us your room Lukey." Kyle said as he forcibly pulled Luke off of the couch, pulling his arm out of its socket. Luke cried out in pain but on one heard it over the loud music, plus no one was really paying attention.

Lyle started kissing Luke, so Kyle stripped the three boys, as soon as the door to Luke's room was closed. Luke was forced on to the bed his shoulder killing him.

"Please stop, you've already dislocated my shoulder, what else are you going to do to me? " Luke whimpered.

"We're just getting started Lukey." Kyle said before placing his lips on Luke's.


Michael, Ashton and Calum were finally down with the shots so they moved into the living room. The three boys looked around but none of them could find Luke. The house wasn't that big, and if he wasn't in the living room then where was he?

"Where's Luke?" Calum asked, wondering where his best friend was.

"I don't know. Ask Connor or Eden they're over there." Ashton said pointing to the two girls who had finally stopped kissing and where now sitting on the stairs.

"Hey girls, have either of you seen Luke because we can't find him." Calum said leading against the riling on the stairs.

"No we haven't." Eden said laying her head on Connor's shoulder. They all stood there for a moment before Connor jumped up, causing Eden to fall down the stairs.

"Ow bi*ch! What was that for?" Eden yelled rubbing her head.

"Guys I saw Kyle and Lyle come in a while ago but I don't see them now. What if they got Luke?" Connor said, panic in her eyes.

"Shit." Michael yelled running up the stairs, Calum and Ashton following close behind.

Michael threw open the door to Luke's room. All three boys were extremely shocked at what they saw.

Kyle was still fu*king into Luke even though he already climaxed, while Lyle was forcibly riding Luke while placing kisses down Luke's neck with was bruised from hickies and fingerprints from when Kyle tried to strangle him. There were tears slowing down Luke's face from all the pain from all over his body, sobs stuck in his throat. All three boys were quick to take action.

Michael grabbed Kyle by the hair at the back of his neck, throwing him to the ground, knocking him unconscious from the force. Calum and Ashton pulled Lyle off of Luke throwing him down with his brother. Michael slipped out of the room to call his parents and the police and shut down the party.

Luke was lying on his bed tears falling down his face, pain enveloping his body, and all he wanted was comfort. Ashton looked over at Luke, and instantly went over to the bed, cuddling Luke into his chest.

"Shh Lukey, they're gone. I'm here and nothing is going to happen now. You're okay." Ashton tried to sooth Luke, gently rocking him back and forth.

Calum handed Ashton one of Luke's oversized sweaters and a pair of panties. Ashton smiled at his little brother before gently dressing Luke. Calum came and sat on the other side of Luke, rubbing Luke's back like he knows he likes. Michael joined them in just a few moments.

"Lukey mom and dad are on the next flight back to Sydney, so they should be here by Sunday morning. Also everyone has left. And the police and ambulance should be here in about 20 minutes." Michael said before joining the cuddle session, spooning Calum while playing with Luke's hair.

"Thanks guys." Luke's voice was horse, his throat hurting from crying and screaming so much. He pulled his face out of Ashton's chest and looked down at the floor to see Kyle and Lyle both knocked out on the floor was a blanket over them. Luke smiled to himself before sinking back into Ashton's chest.

The boys all smiled at Luke and they knew that even though nothing would be alright, maybe something good can happen because of this. If only they knew what was instore for Luke.

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