Chapter 5

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Luke was lying in his bed when Ashton entered the room. Luke smiled sadly. That's when Ashton noticed all the hickies and bruises on Luke's face, neck and arms, and Ashton's positive that there's more on his torso, and legs.  

"Hey Ash." Luke's voice was just as horse as before.

"Hey Lukey. How you feeling?"

"Honestly I'm in quite a bit of pain, but the pain medication Dr. Payne gave me is helping a lot. Come sit down, I'm not going to break." A small laugh left Luke's lips, making Ashton smile.

"Are you ever going to tell us exactly what happened?" Ashton asked, lightly laying his large hand on Luke's small one.

"I'll tell you guys when mom and dad get here. I want to tell you all together. The police said that the trial will take place when I'm out of the hospital and when I'm better." Luke looked scared, like he was scared to see them again, or scared that they won't go to jail and they'll come back to get him.

"It'll be okay Luke. There is so much against them that there's no way they'll be free. They're going to go to jail, and you'll never have to see them again. Everything will be fine, and life can go back to normal."

"No it won't. I can't close my eyes without see them, seeing what they did to me. The doctor had to give me medication to sleep because I couldn't get myself to sleep. I'm scared Ash. I'm scared that they're going to come and get me, and do it again. I'm so scared, and I've never been so scared in my life." Tears were now falling down Luke's pale cheeks.

"No Lukey no." Ashton said sitting on the side of Luke's bed, wiping the tears away, and hugging Luke tightly. "As long as I'm around nothing bad will ever happen to you. I promise that I will protect you; I'll do anything to keep you safe. As long as I'm here no one will ever hurt you." Ashton said, a few tears falling from his eyes. He cuddled Luke tightly into his chest. Giving comfort to both of them. After a few minutes Luke drifted off to sleep. Ashton stayed for a few minutes, before gently laying Luke back onto the bed and slipping out of the room. Michael and Calum were standing outside of Luke's room.

"How is he? Have you been crying?" Michael said wiping away a stray tear from Ashton's cheek.

"This has really taken a tole on Luke. Did he talk to you guys about it when you were in there?"

"No not really. He just talked to us like nothing had happened. Why? Did he talk to you about it?" Michael answered.

"Yeah he did, he told me that he was scared that they were going to come and get him again. It's all we talked about while I was in there."

"Really? I mean it's understandable. What happened to him is unforgettable."

"He also said that when he closes his eyes he can see them and see what they did to him. He did fall asleep though just before I left."

The three boys sat down in the chairs to give Luke sometime to sleep. It was about 10 minutes later when they heard loud screams coming from Luke's room.

The three were quick to jump up and run into the room. Luke was still asleep but he was thrashing around in the bed, screaming from help and crying. Ashton immediately went over to Luke, rubbing Luke's forearm to try and sooth him. Michael and Calum stood on the other side of the bed, trying to gently wake Luke up. Luke woke up tears still falling, and not showing any signs of stopping. Ashton wrapped his arms around Luke, whispering comforting words into his ear. Michael and Calum just stood and watched Ashton comfort Luke, smiling at each other because they both know that the two boys like each other. It took a few minutes before Luke finally calmed down enough to talk.

"What was your dream about Lulu?" Calum asked, using the name he gave Luke when they were little, he only used it when Luke was in pain, or in situations like this.

"They came back, they came to the hospital. Ashton tried to fight them off, but they killed him. Then they killed you two. Then they took me away, and kept me prisoner for the rest of my life. That's not going to happen, right?" Sobs were once again racking Luke's fragile body. He buried himself as deep as he could into Ashton's chest.

"No it won't Luke. We will all make sure that nothing will happen to you, and nothing will happen to us." Michael said, rubbing Luke's kneecap in a soothing matter. Luke nodded, trying to stop the sobs that were coming from his body. The three boys stayed with Luke, calming him down the best that they could. They all now knew that Luke wasn't okay, not even remotely. He was broken and scared. But what else did they expect?

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