Chapter 4

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narrybaby93 shout out to you because you made me feel like this story is good and giving the the hope that people will love it so thanks girl 💞💞

13 minutes later exactly the emergency team was there. Paramedics were immediately rushing up to Luke's room, taking him away. Michael, Calum and Ashton all nervously talked to the police before they were excused and drove to the hospital as fast as they could. When they got to the hospital a short nurse met them out front, like he knew who they were.

"Hello boys I'm nurse Tomlinson, I'm guessing that you're the friends and family of Luke Hemmings." The three boys nodded before nurse Tomlinson continued talking. "Ok if you would follow me. You boys can't see Luke yet but you can wait outside of his room for him to be allowed visitors." Nurse Tomlinson said as he led them up some stairs and to a room with a solid light wood door. Nurse Tomlinson smiled at the boys before walking away.

The three boys sat on chairs outside of the room. They all just looked at each other, now all they could do was wait.


It was the next morning when they finally heard something. They tried to sleep but the chairs were very uncomfortable, and the anxiety made it nearly impossible, just a few minutes at a time.

"Boys, the doctor is coming to talk to you." Nurse Tomlinson said before looking up with love in his eyes as he stared at the doctor. It was obvious that they were together.

The three boys looked up to see a tall man with deep brown eyes and short hair.

"Hello boys I'm Dr. Payne. I've been the doctor treating your friend Luke. Please come with me to my office and we can talk." The boys sluggishly followed the doctor down the hall until they reached the office.

"I've been Luke doctor since he came in, and he's doing alright. I specialize in rapes, male and female and male pregnancies." Dr. Payne was cut off by Michael standing up.

"Are you saying that my baby brother is PREGNANT?!?!" Michael yelled, anger clear in his voice. Calum gently grabbed Michael's hand and pulled him back onto his seat. "Sorry." Michael mumbled looking at the ground.

"It's okay it happens all the time honestly. Luke has talked to the police and explained hat happened and the boys have been charged with aggravated sexual assault and one has been charged with attempted murder."Dr. Payne explained, and a feeling of slight relief washed over the boys now that they knew that the boys were being charged.

"Wait, what do you one of them is being charged with attempted murder?" Calum asked.

"One of the boys tried to strangle Luke. We don't know if it was for pleasure or if he was actually trying to kill Luke. Now about Luke's condition. First off Luke's trachea is bruised from being strangled too hard. His shoulder is also popped out of place and bruised from being out of its socket for too long. Luke's anus is also very bruised, and ripped slightly. He has two broken ribs, and one if not both of Luke's hip bones are broken, and his pelvis bone is cracked. His injuries are being treated but I need to meet with parents to finalize some things. When will his parents be here?"

"Our parents should be here by tomorrow morning." Michael said.

"Ok. Luke is getting some tests done and when he'd done you can go see him. Lou- sorry Nurse Tomlinson will come and get you when you guys can see him. Go to the cafeteria and get something to eat, it'll probably be a couple of hours until you can see him. You can also go home and get cloths from yourselves and for Luke if you want. Just tell either me or Nurse Tomlinson before you leave and we will call you when you can see Luke."

"I think that we'll go home and get some stuff. Here is my cell number call as soon as anything happens." Michael said writing his number on a piece of paper on Dr. Payne's desk.

The three boys stood up and exited the hospital getting into Michael's car. The drive back to the Hemmings household was silent. Michael went up to his room and filled a duffle bag of cloths for him and Calum. Ashton ventured into Luke's room. He could see a pile of t-shirts on the shelf in Luke's closet. Curiosity got the better of Ashton and he pulled down the pile of cloths, Ashton smiled when he seem what they were. They were all Ashton's t-shirts about 5 of them, including the growling dog shirt. Ashton picked one for himself (totally planning on giving it back later), and one or two for Luke along with an oversized sweater, panties, leggings, pajama bottoms, and even a few flower crowns. Ashton put everything in a pink bag that was hanging on Luke's desk chair.

Ashton met the other two boys downstairs. "I got Luke some cloths and stuff. I'm also going to grab some make-up from the bathroom and the other stuff Luke might need from the bathroom then we can go back to the hospital." The other two boys nodded, going to the car. Ashton found one of Luke's make-up bags in the bathroom and put in the make-up that he usually wears concealer, eyeliner, mascara, lip-gloss, and an eye shadow pallet. He also grabbed Luke's hairbrush, gel, and toothbrush and toothpaste. Once he had everything ready he grabbed the two bags and joined Michael and Calum in Michael's car.

Nurse Tomlinson met them at the door of the hospital with a bright smile on his face. "Hello boys. Luke is finally ready for visitors. You can't all go in at once, but two of you can."

"Mike you and can Cal go. You're his brother, and Cal is his best friend. I'll wait outside of his room and go in when you're done." Ashton said said. Michael smiled and nodded, grabbing Calum's hand and together they walked off to Luke's room. Ashton sighed and slid down the wall.

"So you must really like Luke." Nurse Tomlinson said sitting beside Ashton to the floor.

"How did you know?"

"You have the same look on your face that I do when I look at my fiancé." Nurse Tomlinson laughed, playing with the silver band on his finger.

"You're engaged. Is it Dr. Payne?"

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"You totally had this look of love on your face when you talked about him."

"Yeah we are engaged. We actually met in this hospital, in a situation very similar to yours."

"Really will you tell me?"

"Sure. It was about 3 years ago. I was 19 and I was studying to be a nurse at university. At was at a party my friend Niall was having. I had drank a lot of alcohol and I could barely stand. My other friend harry offered to walk me home. I didn't live too far away, just a couple blocks, plus Harry was drinking so he wasn't going to drive. My memory is a little blurry, but I remember that he went the opposite way, and was leading my away from my house. He led me into an ally where he started to kiss me. Even though I was drunk I said no and tried to stop him. That's when he told me that he liked me, and I rejected him. That made him angry and he started to beat me before he raped me. He knocked me out and left me in the ally, alone, and probably to die. I woke up the next day sometime and somehow stumbled my way to the hospital. Dr. Payne was the doctor on duty and he asked what had happened, and I told him that I was beaten and raped by my friend. The police were called and Harry was put in jail for aggravated sexual assault, and attempted murder. I ended up pregnant from it, and Liam was with me the whole way through my pregnancy, and even delivered my son. After he was born Liam asked me out. He proposed last week."

Ashton didn't really know what to say, so he just sat there for a few minutes not saying anything.

"Wow that was something. But it's good that something good came out of something so terrible happened."

"You never know, you and Luke could get together because of this." Nurse Tomlinson smiled standing up when he saw Dr. Payne coming down the hall.

"Ashton, Luke wants to see you. Michael and Calum have gone down to the cafeteria to get something to eat." He said walking away, with nurse Tomlinson following behind.

Nurse Tomlinson smiled back at Ashton, encouraging him to get up and go see Luke. Ashton sighed pushing open the door to Luke's room.

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