Be honest...

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Does anyone actually really care about this story anymore? No body ever reads anything the last part I published has 30 some reads.

I'm probably just going to delete this story honestly. I had big plans for this but I just have no motivation to write because I feel like no one appreciates my writing. I feel that way about all my books honestly.

If every chapter (even ones that aren't technically chapters) can get 4 comments and 10 votes I may consider keeping it.

Another problem is I wrote all chapters in word on my old laptop and that won't connect to the Internet anymore for some reason and I had 4-5 more chapter written.

I want you're guys honest opinions. If I detest this I'll put all my focus onto the two books that I'm currently writing which I may combine into one book. If you don't care tell me but if I delete this I'll upload a summary of my plans for this book. Iv had this book all planed out form when I first started writing it, even before I changed everything. The plot has been kinds the same I just improved it. So please guys be honest. 💞💞 I love you all for reading this and showing support for me.

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