Final Chapter...

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So these are the chapters that I've written so far and all I will be writing. I pains me to say this but I just can't do this anymore. No one reads, comments and votes so I've made the decision to stop this story. Depending on the feedback from this chapter I may or may not do a character ask if I get 15 comments on this story I will and if I don't then this is the end. I'm so sorry I had such big plans for this story but I can't find it in me to finish is no one reads it and cares about it. Sorry for the very very few who wanted me to continue I'm sorry. Here are the chapters and any outfits I've written/made for this story.

Chapter 8: Luke's Pov                           

**2 Months Later**

"Are you ready for surgery Luke?" Mom asked sitting on the edge of my bed, running her fingers gently through my hair.

"Nervous. When are the boys going to be here?"

"When you wake up from surgery they will be here." Just then a nurse walked though the door.

"Hi I'm Nurse Jessica I'll be prepping you for surgery today, and will be with you during surgery. Dr. Morgan will be here shortly, he'll be performing your surgery today." A young nurse said walking over to my bed. She had brown eyes and light pink hair pulled back into a ponytail.

"What do you mean? I was told that Nurse Tomlinson was going to be with me and Dr. Payne was going talk to me, do my prep and even though he wasn't going to do my surgery he was going to be there with me? Where are they? They promised that they would be here, but they're not." My breathing became quick and it was getting hard for me to breathe. I could hear my mom and the nurse saying something to me but I couldn't hear, and the next thing I knew, all I can see is black.


"Lu, come on Lu wake up." I heard a voice calling to me and something wet on my forehead. I slowly opened my eyes to see Ashton sitting on the edge of my bed with a wet cloth in his hand.

"What happened Ash, and why are you here? Shouldn't you be in school?" I tried to sit up but Ashton stopped me.

"Just relax Lu. You were freaking out and have an anxiety attack and passed out. Your mom called us, and we all rushed over. Liz and our brothers are getting food because the doctor didn't know when you would wake up." Ashton started running his fingers through my hair and it was really relaxing.

"Thanks Ash." I mumbled falling asleep.

"Thanks for what Lu?"

"Thanks for being there for me for the past few months. I don't know what would have happened to me if you weren't there for me for this whole time. I don't know where I would be without you right now and..." I was going to say something else but a wave of nausea come over me. This had been happening a lot over the past few weeks. I sit there for a minute waiting to see if Im going to throw up or if it's just nausea. Luckily it passes but I can see that Ashton is giving me a weird look. 

"You okay?" Ashton asked, rubbing my back.

"Yeah I'm fine, just felt sick there for a moment. It's probably just because I'm nervous for this surgery." Ashton gave me a look but dropped it. The door opened and Nurse Tomlinson walked into the room with Dr. Payne trailing not far behind him.

"Hi Luke. Sorry about everything that happened. There was a mix-up with scheduling but now everything is all sorted out so we'll both there for you during your surgery and after everything. You're going in for surgery tomorrow morning. So get some sleep and I'll wake you up when I need to start prep." Nurse Tomlinson smiled at me, before fluffing my pillows and getting my comfortable.

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