Chapter 7

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Luke was released from the hospital two week later. His surgery was scheduled for 2 months later. Luke soon realized that life would be harder than he thought. He couldn't do anything, someone had to dress him, bath him, help him go to the bathroom, move him when needed.

The best thing about this is that Ashton is around almost all the time. He stayed over almost every night. He slept in Michael's room, but he usually ended up in Luke's room because when Luke had a nightmare be wanted Ashton with him because he stopped them from happening, and he could calm him down the best. Luke became very dependent on Ashton to do almost everything for him. Luke would only let Ashton bath him and take him to the bathroom, and between Liz and Ashton they got Luke dressed in the morning. Luke loved having Ashton around, and Ashton loved being around.


"Ash can you come here?" Luke called. Luke was laying on the couch in the living room.

"Yeah Lu?" Ashton said running down the stairs.

"Can you take me to the bathroom, I really need to pee." Luke asked shyly, even though he asks this all the time. Ashton smiled before picking Luke up bridal style and carrying him into the bathroom. Luke's lasts favourite part is that Ashton has to stay in the bathroom with him until he's done. After Luke had finished Ashton carried him back to the couch, laying him down carefully.

"Call me if you need anything else Lu, I'll be up in Michael's room." Ashton smiled before walking upstairs. It wasn't long after that that Calum came into the house, Eden and Connor not far behind him.

"How you feelin Luke?" Connor asked.

"As good as I can be really right now." Luke said laughing lightly afterwards before he stop, his hips and pelvis hurting from laughing.

"Are you okay?" Calum asked, going into mother mode. Ever since the incident Calum has become like a mother hen. He was always concerned about Luke and would be concerned if Luke said anything about pain, and at times would be more annoying than Liz was.

"I'm fine." Luke said smiling at Calum showing that he really was okay.

"We brought your school work." Eden said setting Luke's book bag down, which container Luke's binders and textbooks.

"Thanks guys. Do you goys want to stay and watch a movie? Mikey and Ash are upstairs; we could all watch a movie."

"Sure, we have nothing else to do." Connor said, sitting down in a chair, pulling Eden down onto her lap.

"Mikey, Ashy do you want to watch a movie with us?" Luke called up the stairs. Two sets of footsteps could be heard running through the hall and down the stairs. Michael flopped down on the recliner, Calum sitting on the floor in-between Michael's legs. Ashton gently picked Luke up, before sitting on the couch, Luke's head in his lap. Michael picked up the x-box controller, turning on nelfix. He flipped through it for a while before settling on Jack and Jill.


After the movie Luke was fast asleep. Ashton gently stood up, picking Luke up and taking his to his room. He changed him into pajamas, kissed his forehead before leaving the room. When Ashton got back downstairs, he saw that both couple were passed out. He picked Calum up and put him on Michael's lap. He ran upstairs, grabbing two blankets from the basket upstairs and put one on each of the sleeping couple. He smiled at them before going upstairs. He peeked into Luke's room, seeing him whimpering and tossing slightly in his sleep. Ashton quickly moved to Luke's bed, sitting on the edge.

"Lukey it's me, you're okay." Ashton whispered running his fingers through Luke's hair. One thing that Dr. Payne told them was to not wake Luke when he was having a nightmare, they were to just let him finish the dream and wake him up after. Ashton kept running his fingers through Luke's hair and whispering calming words until Luke's whimpers and tossing stopped. Ashton quickly ran into Michael's room to change into his pajamas.

"Lu it's okay, it's me." Ashton whispered to Luke, gently running his fingers through Luke's hair. After a few moments Luke's breathing evened out and he stopped tossing and turning. Ashton pulled the covers back and got into Luke's bed. Ashton knew that even though Luke already had a nightmare he could have several more through the night so he figured that he might as well sleep with Luke. Ashton gently pulled back the cover on Luke's bed, climbing in and falling asleep almost instantly.

This is the last chapter. I'm sorry I may publish the other ones I have written at some point but for  right now this is it. I didn't get enough feedback from my last post so this is it. Later in going to post a run down of what the story so you know my intentions for the story. Sorry but this is what's best for me.

My other option is if someone is willing to write the chapters as my co-writer. I would tell them my plans for the chapter and they would write it. If anyone is interested send a message to my Kik with a cover for the story and why you should be co-writer. If no one message me by Friday I'm done.

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