Chapter 6

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"Where's my baby. Don't tell me to calm down; I just want to know where my son is?" Liz yelled. Michael was quick to exit Luke's room, running to his parents to calm his mother down.

"Mom, come with me. I'll take you to Luke, just relax." Michael said grabbing his mother's hand, leading her and his father to Luke.

"Oh baby. Are you okay?" Liz said, running to hug Luke.

"Mom I'm okay. But can you please let go you're hurting my shoulder."

"I'm so sorry baby. I should have stopped that party from happening. This is all my fault. If only I was a good mother and told you guys to not have the party when I found out about it. I'm so sorry Luke." Tears were welling in Liz's eyes thinking that she was a bad mother and that this was all caused because of it.

"No you're not a bad mother, and it's not all your fault. Mom you're a great mother and you had no idea that it was going to happen, so it can't be your fault. Where did the boys go?"

"They stepped outside so that we could talk to you." Andrew said, speaking for the first time.

"Can you get them please? I want to tell you all about it together."

"Are you sure that you're ready to tell us? We can wait for a while."

"No I want to tell you guys this now, while I feel like I can and you guys need to know what happened." Luke said, taking a deep breath. Andrew nodded and when and got the boys who were sitting outside of the room. Ashton sat down on the chair beside Luke's bed that he had been sitting on all day, and gently took Luke's hand. Calum sat at the end of the bed with Michael standing behind him, with his hands on the younger boy's shoulders. Liz sat on a chair that was on the other side of Luke's bed Andrew taking a similar position to his son.

"Ok honey whenever you're ready." Liz smiled sadly taking Luke's other hand. So was in no way ready to hear this.

"I was sitting the couch, Mike, Cal and Ashton were in the kitchen doing shots, I would've joined them but I suck at shots. So I grabbed a bottle of beer and sat on the couch in the living room. I had just finished a bottle of beer when I feel people sit on either side of me, but I didn't think anything of it until I felt someone breathing down my neck and someone's hand on my thigh. I don't know what they said but they both said something to me, asking why I was avoiding them and if I wanted to play, I think. I tried to ignore them but Kyle grabbed my arm which is what pulled it out of the socket. I tried to call out for help, but one of them covered my mouth. They pulled me upstairs to my room. Lyle started kissing me while Kyle stripped us all of our clothing. They forced me onto my bed, my shoulder was killing me. I was yelling at them to stop, and I tried to call out to someone for help, but Lyle just kissed me again, but it wouldn't have matter anyway, it was way too loud downstairs. I slapped Kyle, and that's when he strangled me. I could hardly breath, and just before I passed out he left go, slapping me and yelling at me that I was no good, and no one could every save me. That's when he forced himself into me. I couldn't stop crying and screaming. After Lyle had covered my body with hickies he straddled me, forcing me to enter him. Kyle had climaxed a while before the boys showed up, but that didn't stop him he just kept going. They both did. I could feel my hip bones cracking from the force of them both. It was extremely painful but the more I cried the faster and harder they went. All I could feel was pain and just as I thought that I was going to pass out from the pain the boys burst through the door, saving me. The pulled them off me, knocking them both unconscious from hitting the floor so hard. The stayed with me until the ambulance came and I was taken here. I've talked to the police and told them the exact same thing that I told you. They've taken pictures of my injuries and even they think they'll be put in jail. Nurse Tomlinson and Dr. Payne have been great help through all of this. So have the boys." Luke finished, everyone in the room had tears in their eyes, even Andrew. Luke had held up but as soon as he was finished he broke down, laying his head on Ashton's shoulder. Ashton wrapped his arms around Luke, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Oh Luke. That's terrible. I'm so sorry that you had to go through that. No one should ever have to go through that, ever." Liz was frantically wiping the tears from her eyes, rubbing Luke's back to calm him down.

No one said anything for a while after that, all that could be heard was Luke's sobs and Ashton's whispering trying to calm Luke down. The silence was interrupted when Dr. Payne opened the door.

"Hello. I'm guessing that you're Luke's parents. I'm Dr. Payne, pleasure to meet you both." Dr. Payne said and shook both Liz's and Andrew's hands.

"Hello. I'm Andrew and this is my wife Liz."

"Can you tell us about Luke's condition?"

"I will but first, Luke, Nurse Tomlinson is going to take you to x-ray to x-ray your hip and pelvis bones again." Dr. Payne said before Nurse Tomlinson entered the room and wheeling Luke's bed out of the room, and down the hall the x-ray.

"Can you tell us now?" Liz asked getting impatient.

"Yes but family only, sorry boys." Ashton and Calum got up, but Michael stayed. "I said family only."

"I'm Luke's older brother. Am I not allowed to know how my baby brother is doing?" Michael said joining his parents.

"I'm sorry. I thought that you were all his friends. You may stay." Dr. Payne pulled up an extra chair across from the Hemmings family.

"I'm going to star by saying the Luke's injuries are not just physical but metal. His physical injuries will all heal but his mental injuries will probably never heal. This day will be the most vivid day of his life. He will always remember what those boys did to him."

"Excuse me Doctor, but how do you know this?" Liz asked.

"My fiancé went through something very similar to what Luke went through. It's been a few years but he still has nightmares and has his days where he suffers." Dr. Payne said, and Liz smiled sadly at him. 

"Now as for Luke's physical injuries, well some of them are pretty serious. He has two broken ribs and upon further x-rays I can see that he also had 3 fractured and 2 cracked ribs. His hips and pelvis bones are potentially broken, we will know for sure when we get the results from these x-rays back. His right shoulder was dislocated, but is now back into place. His shoulder will be very tender because it was out of the socket for a while and it seems like he was pulled around by his dislocated arm. Luke's trachea was damaged from the strangling and his body is covered bruised, hickies and a few scratches. A rape kit has been performed and confirmed that Luke was rapped. It seems like both boys were very ruff and forceful with Luke. Luke's hole was forced open and it will take time for it to go back to normal, and it will be very uncomfortable for him to sit for a while. Luke will be in a lot of pain for a while but all of his injuries are healable. Luke will need surgery for his hip and pelvis bones because even if they aren't broken they are cracked in some way. That surgery can either be performed now or later. If it is performed later than Luke won't be allowed to walk or move much until the surgery is performed. Luke knows all of this information. Would you like to discuss this with him?"

"Yes we would. And thank you for all the information." Liz said. They four of them sat in silence for a few moments until Luke was rolled in by Nurse Tomlinson.

"Luke do you want to have the surgery now or wait?"

"Can I wait for a while? I'm in a lot of pain as it is and I really don't feel like having surgery to top everything off."

"Ok we'll wait, but now for too long. You're coming back as soon as possible to have it." Liz placed a kiss on the top of Luke's head, smiling at him.

"I'll go tell Dr. Payne your final decision." Nurse Tomlinson said as he left the room.                      


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