chapter 4 "you cant blame yourself"

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There was a light knock on the door .I was tired .I didn't sleep a wink last night 

"yeah" I mumbled loud enough that he could hear me .The door opened slightly and Justin poked his head around the door his eyes scanned my face .

I probably had dark circles under my eyes and I knew my hair was to messy to deal with 

"sleep well"He asked he sounded , concerned .I nodded not looking at him in the eye 

"I'm making breakfast in a minute" 

“I'm not hungry"i mumbled .He walked into the room and sat on the bed but I still didn't look him in the eye 

"I know its is hard for you but you need to eat" I shifted my eyes to my lap and said 

"Im fine just not hungry" I moved my eyes to his and smiled 

"honest" I told him but he didn’t seem convinced 

"Becca just eat" his voice was soft .I tore my gaze from his back to my lap .I felt him take my hand that was in my lap

 "Please" I hated when he did that he sounds so sad and you have to give in .I don't think he even knows he does it 

"Fine" I mumbled  .I looked up at him . he was smiling but it wasn’t genuine ,he stood up and helped me of 'my' bed and walked through the corridor  and down the stairs into the kitchen 

.He opened a cupboard 

"what do you want" I shrugged in response .I just want to go up stairs and go to bed alone,Justin sighed then he started making something up he tried to talk to me but all he got back in return were mumbles and shrugs but he didn’t give up talking finally ,he gave me a plate with pancakes on it , it looked to much there was to much on my plate .I swallowed i had to eat it or Justin will think I'm disrespectful

"thank you" I mumbled looking up at Justin he said 

"I gave you alot you don't have to eat all of it " he smiled and put his plate on the table and sat next to me after a few minutes of silence 

"ill find out if you can go home ill find out later " He told me . I nodded and looked down at my half eaten pancakes the first mouthful make me feel sick and now I feel 100x worse .I put my fork back on the table indicating that I couldn’t eat any-more 

"you go and get dressed and ill clean the plates up"Justin said i shoved the chair away from me and stood up walking up the stairs. I had no plans to get dressed I just wanted to get in bed i didn't care.I got to the room and shut the door behind me climbing into bed, I didn’t attempt to fall to sleep because i knew the memory's would keep me awake .

I just looked at the wall hoping it would just be a nightmare but that didn't happen my eyes just brought new tears making them roll down my face i didn't care that my tears were still on my face all i could think about was there dead body's mums high pitch scream the glass the thumping rain pelting down on the car hood .I shook my head i wanted to forget but i just couldn’t they wouldn't go away

 "Becca" Justin said softly .I jumped and wiped the tears away with the back of my hand and mumbled 

"you didn't knock" i didn't look at him nor more from where i was sat 

"I'm sorry can I come in"Justin spoke softly .I nodded iv never really seen Justin's soft side .He's just a person everyone knows he's popular  .The only reason we'd become friends was his sister was my best friend .I felt a weight on the bed 

"its all- my fault" I muttered my voice cracking while I said it new tears surfaced 

"ey - ey" Justin said softly 

"non of this is your fault " he paused for a moment 

"Becca look at me " I shifted my gaze to his he looked into my eyes it made me feel uncomfortable ,on edge 

"Becca" he finally said i made my self sit up and cross my legs

 "you can't blame your self " 

"stop it " I snapped instantly making his eyes widen. He was quiet for a moment lost for something to say 

"can you leave please" I muttered ,I didn't mean for the words to come out as harsh as they did ,he nodded and walked out the door and just like that i felt like a bitch. I was going to go and apologise but i decided to leave it till later .I had no more energy left in me so i stayed in bed for a few hours.

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