CHAPTER 17 "you're so beautiful "

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“How long till we get there ” I groaned we had been in the car for about an hour and it was starting to get dark alittle the sun was setting and soon enough it would be dark and really cold.

“Five minutes ” Justin said carrying on driving down the road . He said five minutes , five minutes ago and I really wasn’t a patient person I'm anything but I hate waiting for anything . 

“You said that five minutes ago”I moaned slouching back into the chair Laura and Chaz hasn’t been speaking much to each other but the way he looks at her you can tell he likes her but what can I say I didn’t know Justin liked me so I'm the last person to ask .

“We'll get there before its 12 I promise” Justin said resting one of his hands over mine .

“I'm getting tired though” I moaned which made Justin laugh but he didn’t say anything .

“We're here ” Justin cheered making all of us look up I was nodding off to sleep so I wasn’t paying any attention to where we were going .We where in the same place as when we came years ago it was a camping site but not many people knew about it which made it mostly quiet and peaceful .I closed my eyes again snuggling back into the chair.

“Baby are you tired” I heard Justin say in a hush tone. I opened my eyes to see Justin had opened the car door and kneeling in front of me and I had a blanket draped over me which I didn’t notice before . I nodded stifling a yawn . I looked to the back of the car where Laura was fast asleep but Chaz wasn’t there .

“Where is Chaz”I mumbled looking at Justin rubbing my eyes .

“He's taking the stuff out of the car you go back to sleep in the back with Laura and we'll sort the tents out ok”  Justin said moving some hair out of my face behind my ear . 

“Ok” I breathed stretching out my legs and arms .Then I felt Justin pick me up .

“I can walk” I said resting my head on  Justin's chest .

“I know ” He whispered kissing my head .He placed me back down next to Laura in the car.

“I love you ”I whispered cuddling into Laura making her mumble something .

“I love you too ” I felt Justin's lips on my forehead when I felt myself fall to sleep 


As I walked away from Becca it kinda hurt me knowing that I couldn’t sleep in the same bed as her tonight .

“Justin”Chaz shouted in  a hushed tone I looked over to him he had one tent up and one half done .

“While I do this tent will you do a fire I have a lighter in my bag” He said pointing over to his rucksack . I nodded jogging out into the woods alittle bit until I found some wood .I carried it back to where Chaz was I noticed that both tents were up and Chaz was leaning into the car.

“Are you going to carry Laura to the tent” I said in a whisper .

“Er- i-i guess” He stuttered probably shocked by me asking his to carry my sister .He picked Laura up bringing her out of the car she stirred alittle opening her eyes a tiny bit .

“What are you doing ” She mumbled Chaz started walking to the tent and he whispered .

“I'm just taking you to the tent go back to sleep”Laura closed her eyes again .Going back to sleep Chaz ducked into the tent . 

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