Chapter Twenty- Interacting with Fans.

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~Weeks Later~

Cassie P.O.V

I was still in the hospital, I could go home and leave but I had to sleep in the hospital. It was really stupid. Harry was always by my side, even though the rest of the boys had stuff to do. Harry was MIA to everyone besides his friends and family. It was nice having him around all the time, taking care of me. Harry was out getting food; I decided to do a twit cam,

“Hey people, how’s everyone doing? Well, today has been a good day. Yesterday was horrible, but today is good. That would be why I am doing this twit cam, won’t be any interruptions of any kind, so yeah. *Laughs* so a lot of you people have been wondering where Harry has been and why I am always in this hospital room, wearing the bracelets and sometimes not around. Well, I have stomach cancer so I have to stay here for treatment and other medical things. Harry has been with me; so that is where is… So before you hate on me and him please remember that you don’t know us or what’s going on… I am not making him stay with me actually I told him to go with the boys but he wanted to be with me during treatments and what not. I’m done ranting; I’m hungry but I can’t really eat much so we will see what Haz gets me… Ah, this stupid IV is quite annoying. It’s always in my way, there are so many cords. I honestly don’t see the point apparently it’s all necessary, blah. Ooh, the cute doctor just passed by, he sometimes stops by and says hey. So, how are you?! I’ll answer some questions if you want to ask. Okay, then you people want to talk goodness there’s a lot. Okay how about you use the hashtag, #AskCassie on Twitter and then I’ll answer them from there. If you want to tag me you can, @cassiiee_EH127. Woot, oh hey doc; I’m just doing a twit cam, talking to my people.”

“Is Harry getting food?”

“That’s what he said.”

“Alright, he knows what you can have right?”

“Yep, that’s probably what’s taking him so long.”

“He did go with a bodyguard right?!”

“I don’t know. He just went to get us food because I’m hungry.”


I looked back at the laptop,

“Okay, sorry about that. Let’s get on with the questions! So, woah lots of tweets. I think I will follow some of you, let’s change the hash tag or add another. I will tweet them out so you know,"

@cassiiee_EH127: TWITCAM! #AskCassie #CassieHopeTwitcam #CassFollowSpree

“There, I already tweeted the link so whoop. Oh, Haz texted me. Okay first question, ‘Is it scary having cancer?’ oh terrifying, it’s one of the scariest things ever but it’s easier when you’re surrounded by amazing people. ‘Do you know when you’re going on tour?’ No, sadly I don’t. We had dates planned but now with me being here and what not I have no idea. It’s sad, I feel bad. ‘Are the dudes upset?’ I don’t think so. I hope not. They’re all really supportive, they’re always visiting me.. ‘Who’s Kyle?’ Uh, I know a few Kyle’s. I don’t who exactly you’re talking about. ‘You’re mom is really pretty.’ Oh thanks, I guess? ‘Is Evan single?!’ Uhm, I think so? I don’t exactly know but I think he is. ‘How about Matt, Kayden or Sean?’ Sean has a beautiful girlfriend. Kayden and matt are single, well Matt maybe not. I don’t know, he has been with this girl but Kayden is for sure single. He’s so hot, I don’t understand why… ‘Have you done anything with any of them?’ Ha, uh let’s see. I’ve kissed Kayden and Evan. I’ve seen them all naked. Uh, things happened with Evan. Yeah! ‘What kind of phone do you have?’ I have an iPhone 5. The white one, with my awesome case. ‘Are you in pain?’ Right now, I’m not. I’m feeling good now. ‘Why do you have IV in?’ Well, I don’t exactly know. I think it’s just to keep all the drugs good. I’m not a doctor I don’t really know. ‘Does the IV hurt?’ No, I barley know it’s there. ‘How long has Harry been gone?’ Oh, like half an hour now? He texted me a little while ago saying he was on his way back. I’m sure he will be here soon. ‘Is Harry a good kisser?!’ Yes he is. That’s awkward, so uh... Hi doctor, want to talk to my people?”

“Hello people.”

I laughed,

“Sorry girl, but you need your shot.”

“Eh, okay.”

He gave me the shot and left.

“Ugh, oh that was one of my cute doctors. And the stupid shot I have to get in my side every night. Well, I think I’m going to end this; I’ll do it again sometime soon. Love you, bye!”

I ended the twit cam and put away my laptop. Harry walked in,

“Baby, I’m sorry it took so long.”

“Its fine Haz, I did a twit cam to pass time.”

He smiled,

“I love you baby, more than anything.”

“I love you too! What food did you get me?!”

He laughed and handed me my food.

“Awh, Hazza you didn’t have to get me special food.”

“Yeah, I did.”

I smiled,

“Thank you!”

We ate, and then I got ready for bed. Harry went to his hotel room; he had to stay there overnight. I got into bed and tweeted,

@cassiiee_EH127: I love you @Harry_Styles more than anything. Thank you for always being there for me <3

Then I texted him,

‘Night dear <3 I love you, xoxo’

‘Goodnight! X I love you back :D x’

I smiled and went to bed. I couldn’t ask for a better boyfriend.


last chapter. <3 hope you enjoyed it.. i'll keep you updated on whatever i decide. 

Xoxo, Cassiiiiiiiieeeeeee (: <3

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