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The memories ran fast through her mind as she watched him glide away into the clouds, a single tear escaped her eye and she looked down and dragged herself back home.
Not being able to go killed her, she found her way back to Valka who was ordered to stay back with her.
" Astrid." She said softly cupping her hands around her soft cheeks and stared deeply into her puffy eyes.
" he is going to do something crazy and get himself killed." She said holding back her tears. Valka embraced her in a hug as she fought her tears.
Suddenly a arrow shot from the shadows and Valka gave everyone signals for fighting.
" astrid, honey we can worry later right now we need to get you into safety."

The cave dripped of water and astrid paced from corner to corner watching the guards every signal. Valka sat with stormfly and cloud jumper sharpening astrid axe for her out of boredom. The silence killed her, no news, no nothing for two hours now.
" your not going to have any energy if you keep pacing like that." Valka said not taking an eye of the axe.
" I know just worried." Astrid said waddling back to her seat she had at the back corner.
She sat staring at stormfly who had her eyes open for any short of danger. Her mind wondered from thought to thought. She thought about the time hiccup beat Drago and how proud he was of toothless for beating the alpha. Her lips formed a smile before the thought of him looking lifeless after the red death. A tear rolled down her rosy cheeks, and saw stormfly nestled up beside her she stroke her her beautiful blue scales. Her teeth showed as she remembered her and hiccups first flight, how nervous he felt and yet at the same time happy as could be, that was the first time she felt connected to the dorky boy. Or the time he proposed and how his emerald eyes shined lightly full of joy and hope. Her favourite time was the time was when they met. He was 14 and she was 13 when she returned to berk after taking a trip with her parents and finding the scrawny boy working his ass off with gobber in the forge. Then their wedding day, a truly magical day for all, all she could remember was when she walked down the isle and with each step her legs felt they were going to give out, the joy and excitement made her face light up. And of course the most recent memory that changed her life, the-
Her mind traveled to the present as she felt a sharp pain in her abdomen, she winced as she grabbed her stomach and saw stormflys eyes full of fear of her owners pain.
" Valka!" She gasped


Okay well I have made another book and your probably wondering wth why is she making a whole bunch of books! Well I take naps a lot and thoughts just come to me so I have to write them down, plus this book I started making a long time ago ( like right after they announced httyd 3) but I forgot about it but I have decided to continue it so here is a little teaser and I plan the release tom at 4:00 so be ready btw it's just called how to train your dragon 3 so that gives you an idea, and you know me hiccstrid all the way so yeah! Hope you enjoy it!

Thanks for reading!!!!

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