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**** warning language ****

I'm not the richest or the smartest or the
coolest person in the world  but I think I get by ok, or so I thought recently I've had the worst luck in the world. But for you to understand why I'm sitting on the side of the road holding my shoes in one hand and crying in the pouring rain we have to back up to this morning.

To know me you should know that I live in the smallest two bedroom apartment that I'm pretty sure is not a two bedroom apartment for one my bedroom doesn't have a door I use a sheet to keep my privacy, but it's the only thing I can afford and I live with a girl named Zoey who is covered with tattoos and runs her own tiny tattoo parlour in our own living room. Not to mention the living room and the kitchen are just one room and in one corner we have my room which is where I hung up the sheets for privacy while Zoey the owner of the this nasty apartment has the actual bedroom in this place.
I woke up to the sound of the buzz of Zoey running her machine in the living room.
" great." I whisper and manage to push myself off of my mattress on the floor. Very uncomfortable might I add. I get myself up and brush my teeth and getting into some jeans and  a stripped shirt with a black sweater overtop making my way out to find Zoey and her dark black hair in a really high ponytail.
" morning Zoey." I say as I take some water from the sink.
" hey Astrid um sorry about this but I have to kick you out." She smiled and looked up from the large man she had laying on top of her coffee table." What?" I ask as I get closer to her." Yeah I need your bedroom space for my growing business so pack up your things and get the hell out, I mean that in the nicest way possible." She says before returning to her job . " great just great." I smile as I head back to my room to pack up my clothes, i think it's the best if I leave that nasty ass mattress here I don't need it. I take the duffle bag full of my belongings and leave the crowded apartment.
Well I don't have anywhere to stay and like zero money for a hotel so well I'm fucked.

I walked down the street listening to some upbeat music while sorta dancing before walking into the small office. I had a small cubicle in the back of the second floor of the three floor building in the back roads it payed me enough to get fast food every night but nothing great for me to have a steady life.
I sit down in the rolling chair and look at the small framed picture of me and my old bird. My parents aren't the nicest people in the world to take me in for a couple nights so I'm kinda Stuck here hoping something good will happen to me. I log into the slow computer and go into document full of all the payments this company has made.

An hour had gone by and I was playing with a elastic band because this company makes zero payments to anyone. Suddenly I hear my name being called. " what?" I whisper and my head shoots up to meet my bosses icy cold eyes. She motions me to come forward and I got up knocking over a cup with my pencils in it.
" um what do you need?" I ask as I close the door to her office.
" Ms. Hofferson you've been a valued worker of this place but I'm not seeing any reason to keep you here I watch all the payments from my desk and all you do is sit here playing with an elastic band plus we are having budget cuts and I won't be able to pay you and let's face it I'm paying you to do nothing." She says as she digs around her filing cabinet. " yes I am firing you but I gave a referral to some other companies so you can get back on your feet." She smiles handing me a small file. " you can pack your things and go." She said lightly and I just stood there silent and frozen what the hell was I going to do now. " go on Astrid." She nudged me out of her crammed office and I stood outside her office door staring off into the cubicles at all the staff members I never got the chance to meet. I put some of my belongings in my duffle bag before heading down the flight of stairs to the outside world.

Now this day has been crappy, hopefully a small coffee from this cafe will help cheer me up I walk in to see it's quiet with old people sitting talking or some students working on essays. " this is nice." I say to myself before getting to the counter. " what can I get for you?" The lady asks from behind the counter. I give a smile before looking at the order bored.
" a coffee 3 cream 2 sugar." I say and she writes down everything as I scoop out change from my pocket. " thank you." I smile and leave a ten cent tip in the jar. I move over to side letting others take an order.
" your coffee miss." A man says from behind me and I gradually take it from his hand and walk off towards the door. As I step out into the cloudy day I take a sip of the hot beverage letting it sink in, damn it was good. Suddenly as I walk around the corner a stranger with headphones in bumps into me allowing me to spill my coffee all over my shirt. " great." I whisper as the man proceeds to keep walking without taking notice of me. I take out a towel I had stashed in my duffle bag that I brought with me and tried to whip off the coffee.
" two dollars of my savings wasted." I sign before zipping up my sweater to hide my now stained shirt. I keep walking till I hit a suburban neighbourhood with white picket fences and the lowest crime rate in this whole city. I take a turn and find myself face to face with a brown two story home, my old home. I open the latch to the gate and find myself taking careful steps towards to the wooden door. Finally I come face to face with the cream coloured door and I'm raising my hand to knock. " cmon Astrid don't think just do they will be happy to see you." I whisper and before I can say anything back to myself I knock. Dam it maybe I can run away. But no it's too late the golden door knob was being jiggled open and It revealed a tall man.
" Hey Astrid what um what are you doing here?" He says and I slump down scared to say any words to this man, the man that broke my heart.
" Hi Keith I came to visit Corey."I smile and he stands there large dark brown eyes staring down at me.
" um Astrid you know you can't see him." He says looking down and I stare down at my feet feeling all the regret and everything come back to me. " I know but you can over rule that your the one who put this on me so let me see my son." I say as I look back into his eyes.
" you lost him a long time ago." He says softly.
" he's my son Keith I've been having a rough day and all I want to do is see him." I can hear my voice breaking as I'm about to break down and sob on my ex's porch.
" momma?" I hear a soft voice and I look over Keith's shoulder to reveal a little blonde seven year old door standing at the bottom of the stairs.
" mommy!" He yells excitedly and starts running towards me and I bend down ready to take him into my arms. Keith signs before moving out the way so he can meet me.
" hey baby." I smile as I let the tears flow out as I hug my son. " I've missed you. Hey sorry I'd didn't make your birthday party your father here wouldn't let me come have some cake." I smile as I look into my sons dark brown dreaming eyes. " it's alright momma you came to see me now though." He smiles and I rub back his hair.
" yeah I'm here now." I smile and give him another hug.
" hey sweetie I brought you a gift it's not much but it used to be mine before I grew up." I smile and take an old stuffed dog from my bag.
" I love it momma thank you!!" He yells as he hugs the old dog. I smile and wipe away the tears that were streaming down my cheeks before standing up to Keith's level.
" hey Corey go to your room and introduce your new dog to the rest of your stuffies." Keith smiles and Corey runs up the stairs the dog pressed against his chest.
" look I know your trying to get a relationship with him that's fine but soon he is going to be asking to hang out and sleepover with you or even when is older to go live with you and that can't happen when you can't provide for him." Keith says obviously he doesn't know what it's like to live apart from the one thing that makes you happy.
" I know I just wanted to see him again it was his birthday you can't except to take me out of his life I'm his mother!" I whisper yell.
" look Astrid i know you don't have any where to stay the judge was looking through your files to see if anything had changed and called your roommate this morning. I'm sorry but unless you can provide a solid reference to a home where you can pay the bills with a solid job then you won't be seeing Corey." Keith says and I can feel my heart shattering from inside of me.
" you can't just forbid me from seeing my own son!" I yell and Keith starts to close the door.
" yes I can I'm a lawyer and I have full legal rights to my son and you don't. You showed the court three years ago you can't provide for him and you still can't I'm sorry Astrid but that's the way it is have a good day." And with that he closed the door and I was left stranded with no one, no where or anything to do. I let the tears stain my cheek before turning around and walking down the street as fast as I could.
I kept walking and walking till was in the downtown late after six. walking around all the people late after everyone was going home to spend time with their families and have a good meal.
" why do all the bad things happen to me?" I sign and I sit down on the curb looking at the covered skies. I think back to when it was simple when me and Keith had Corey and we were in love till he brought that hoe into our bed cheating on me leaving me broken. I wanted to leave with Corey but I had nowhere to go but to stay, my parents wouldn't take me in they were still mad at me for not getting a good enough education and having a son at  young age. Finally getting tired of Keith's crap I decide to leave with Corey not really sure where to go finally the worst happen, Keith... he was a lawyer and he took me to court getting full custody of my son and leaving me truly alone. Now all those feelings are rushing back into me and I feel like I'm going to explode; and that's exactly what I did.
I Began to cry and cry on the curb on a usually busy road but it was late and it was only filled with people who stayed later from work and hookers. Well if things couldn't get possibly worse It began to ran hard.
" why does the universe hate me." I managed to get in between sobs. I sat letting my hair get soaked and drip down my shoulders and I sat there crying well since I have no where to go. Since I decided to sit right beside the road a car drove by splashing up some water getting my shoes absolutely soaked, I looked down at the poor things that have been with me since I turned twenty- five and began to take them off leaving me in my bare feet since I was dumb enough to go out with no socks.
So that's what brings you too now where I sit alone crying in the pouring rain with nowhere to go for shelter I'm homeless.
Until a black car drove past but It was going slow because just a little bit up ahead it stopped and someone emerged from it with a yellow umbrella, of course I didn't really notice him since I was still crying with my mascara running down my cheeks. That's when the rain stopped well it stopped hitting me at least.
" what?" I asked as I sniffled and looked up to see a man standing over me with beautiful green eyes and a charming smile.
" can I join you?" He asked and well what to do I have to loose so I shrugged allowing him to sit beside me still holding the bright umbrella.
" Now why is such a beautiful lady sitting on the side of the road crying?" He asked and I chuckled.
" beautiful that's kind but I'm more of a mess." I laugh and he looks deeper into my eyes.
" your a beautiful mess then." He smiled and let out a stiff chuckle. " now why are you sitting out here?" He asked and I looked down at my cold bare feet.
" well today hadn't gone as good as I hoped I got kicked out of my apartment, fired and my ex just told me I can't see my son ever again." I laugh as I try to wipe away a tear and sniffle looking back at this kind stranger.
" wow that's some serious misfortune." He said looking down at my feet." I probably shouldn't be telling you this for all I know your a male prostitute or an a man with a knife in his pocket ready to stab me in the chest, but now thinking about it might not be so bad." I smile as I meet his eyes once more." I mean I'm
Homeless now." I say and he lets out a small chuckle.
" not anymore I may not know who you are but I know two things your not a prostitute or a murderer so how'd you like to come stay at my place for a couple days. get your pretty little blonde head under a roof." He smiles and I can't help but give this man a hug.
" thanks stranger." I breath into his shoulder and I can feel him smiling.
" you can call me Hiccup."

Dang that was long idk if Im gonna do a part 2 yet i might just leave it there. Anyways thanks for reading have a wonderful day and I'll see y'all in another one shot or another book of mine
Thanks for reading !

Sorry for spelling errors

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2017 ⏰

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