Falling Into Self Consciousness

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     That girl was all i could think of at the moment. "I'm sorry." Her round bambi eyes were wide as if they could pop about of their sockets any minute, she was under my bed. "I decided to give you a thank you since i didn't have the chance to also i wished to get to know you. When i caught your twin stalking some girls from my school, i took the advantage to find you and he told me to hide under your bed." She explained as my jaws were dropped low as if they were touching the ground. I doubt it. 

     "It's fine." I sighed as she glance at me pleadingly for forgiveness, "Well, thank you even when you didn't help me at all, but you did keep me some company." She went fairly red as i nodded still in somewhat shock. "I'm Ivy." She struggled to shake my hand with her eyes open since i was partly nude in just a towel wrapped around my waist. I felt personally felt like i was stalked now, paranoid as well. 

     After her thanking me, she left the door hurriedly and a part of a selfish me wanted her to stay, but she insisted that she had to leave before getting scolded by both her parents while i tried the best to take it all in. I was absoutlutly tired so once she left, i didn't bother changing. I fell instantly on the bed and exhaustedly sighed before closing my eyelids and letting sleep overcome me. I knew it would be yet another dreamless sleep. A smile reached upon my lips thinking about Ivy. Ivy was a pretty name which suited her. Another sigh escape my mouth knowing that as much as i try, she will always want my twin, so why bother? In a second darkness consumed me and i fell asleep thinking about her round bambi eyes.


     After leaving school prematurely yesterday and was seized by a ghetto-ish white girl with hazel eyes and sarcastic personality, i felt as if i had the urge to see her again. Classes passed smoothly and i was received a set of a ridiculous amount of homework. My hair was gelled back into a quiff-like style as i stuffed the stack of homework into my bag. I had informed the teachers that Ryan was sadly sick and he was forced to deny the offer to going to school, but in cruel reality his head was pounding from last night currently.

     Hangovers weren't the best instead they were the worst and if anyone assume hangovers would just be your head hurting and it'll wear off soon then your humorously wrong because it wouldn't fade off from a short amount of time plus it hurts like bitch just to think about it. I'm surprised Ryan wasn't charged from the police due to underage drinking i mean, alcohol for a teen is a big no, to me. Ryan was only seven-teen and it was weird to see him hooking up in a club full of hormonal sweaty teenagers that are mostly guys since they planned on getting laid. Everyone thought going to a club you would get laid by some hot chick when in reality its a tad bit hard to find one unless you drug the girl.

     Tempted to forget about Ryan, i decide to clear my head by going to market for some daily supplies. I phoned Ryan to inform him. I pulled out my blackberry and phoned Ryan as i pursed my lips, after three accurate rings, he picked up with his voice rather hoarse, "Ryan do you need anything?" I asked never bothering to greet him, i should since he doesn't check the caller ID before picking up his phone, "Your going to the market aren't you? If thats a yes then-" A wince escape his mouth and i can imagine him massaging his temple. Poor guy, the hangover wasn't very nice. "Pick up a condom, jelly beans and a nice hot pocket  then whatever you want, i guess." Ryan finished and hanged up his phone, i sighed. Who doesn't wait for an response and hang up? Ryan, of course.

     I made my way out of the building. On the way i was met by a familiar red head and i immediately tried to hide myself before he could grasp the fact that it was me. "Matthew!" Ed called with enthusiasm in his voice clearly, i was annoyed as i bit my bottom lip and having the sudden urge to bite my corrupt finger nails. "Have you notice that i was in English and waving at you frantically or were you too caught up in your own world to notice." He teased with a toothy grin on his face, "I have a terrible headache." I lied as i walked past him as quick as possible, "You busy?" He asked with his eyebrows raised, "Yes." I responded as he played with the end of his rather large glasses.

    "I need to go anyways." He smiled and walked away from me. A smile reached my lips and i suddenly had the desire to do a happy humorous dance in the middle of the street so some random car can hit me and i can die of happiness. No. I walked into the market once i reached it and went straight to the candy section. Jelly beans, why would Ryan want jelly beans and condom? Oh, right, he'll probably plan another party just so frat boys can come and also large breast red heads would as well. I rolled my eyes before picking up a bag of jelly beans.

     I struggled to find any condoms since i don't buy any because i'm not a pervert or anything. I tapped on someone shoulder and the person turned about. This had to be faith, but if i'm wrong, correct me. Ivy's eyes met mine as my lips parted and eyes widen in shock. "You work here?" 

     "Part time." She said with a shy smile on her lips, "Uhm, this is kind of a weird thing to ask for, but are there any condom?" A small laughed escaped her lips as i felt myself blushing from embarrassment, "You have a girl, do you?" Her voice had a strong British accent to it, i thought. "N-No! Of course not! Its for my brother." I corrected her as she pat my head and led me someplace, tossing a pack of condom over to me, she chuckled lightly and put her hands on her hips. "Is that all?" 

     "Y-Yeah." I stuttered and walked away awkwardly. "Your avoiding me in some way as if you dislike me." She  said while following me with her hands behind her neatly, "I like you!" I quickly said, "No, i meant i don't dislike you because i like you as-as a friend, you know what i'm saying." I spoke struggling for words, i was officially tougue tide because of this brown head. "I know." She smiled and walked away from me while i glance at her graceful movement before pacing over to the cashier and paying for everything. I felt as if i forgotten something, but i shrugged off the feeling as i made my way back home. I shoved the key into the lock and twisted it. I stepped into the house and closed the door using my leg with my hand carrying the plastic bag that was filled with condoms and jelly beans. 

     "Ryan, i'm home!" I called before setting everything down and resting to the couch, Ryan jogged down the stairs and ripped open the plastic bag rudely. "Aw, man. Wheres the hot pocket?" Ryan whined, "Sorry, i forgot about because of this girl." I apologized, "What girl? You mean Ivy?" He assumed, "Yeah." I stared at the ceiling as a smirked crawled its way upon his lips.

    "Your so in love." He teased as i tried the best to avoid him. I didn't like her, i just never really been that close to a girl before, which means i don't even say hi to a girl twice, its a habit to leave immediately after seeing a girl. I wasn't very social and un-comfortable when its comes to talking to anyone. Ryan was always the one who was out-going while theres me, whom is the nerd who either play video games, watch chick flicks, watch random anime shows and do shitty homework's. Ryan was always the best, leader of his basketball team, footballs quarterback, hockey player, won a black belt from doing Karate while i'm a potato and him, having girls all around him as if he was some chip, and then his banging girls before you know it. Such a chick magnet.

     Come to think about it, i would never be as good as him. He was the good looking twins even though we looked alike, the guy whom is a chick magnet, was always the best at sport. I sighed in irritation, not all girls are insecure, some guys are, but they just don't show it. For a small example; only a boy would cry if he was planning on going to suicide. I wonder if Ryan was insecure. "Were you even listening to me?" Ryan cut me off from my thought, he was stuffing himself with cookies, his face showed clear amusement. "So deep in thoughts." He chuckled and changed the show that i wasn't paying attention at. Ryan respected everything i do, but i can't help but feel jealously towards my brother yes, his older than me by one minuete, but i wished i was him constantly.

Recenly i was feeling very paranoid and self conscious, i didn't like the feeling at all, to be quite honest. Ryan's phone ranged suddenly which again cut me off from my thoughts which i was deep in. He picked it up innocently and putting it against his ear, "What do you mean your letting her live with us?" He asked with an annoyed look on his face, and goosbumps were formed on his arms. Who was going to live with us? "You can't take good care of her isn't a precise explanation." He whined, "I can't believe it." He hung up and plopped himself besides me, clenching and unclenching his jaw, i could see anger in his eyes.

"Who said what that made you mad?" I asked out of nowhere, it slipped out of my mouth, frankly. "Its our younger sister who's visiting our flat." He blurted out as my eyes widened. "Oh, shit." I cursed and i bit at my chipped nails, i immediately knew what he was fuming about. Uncle obviously couldn't take care of her, of course. Should've seen this coming. I am completely aware that we were going to have a head-ache constantly if she visits us. I doubt she'd change.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2013 ⏰

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