Zanvis| Second Story;Demons

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|| Zane's POV ||

I sit in the town's small tavern, the village warriors laugh and yell away. Their already obviously drunk, I sit at the bar drinking the same beer I was drinking 45 minutes ago. "Hey kid finish the beer and get another one or get out" the bartender says standing across from me looking down at me. I put my beer down "just cause I don't want to get drunk like your stupid guards doesn't mean I have to leave" I say in a calm tone. The bartender bangs his hand on the bar "dont talk about our gaurds like that you little shit!" He yells, he obviously only wants trouble. I sigh before standing up placing a few coins on the bar and walking out "ya that's right leave you chicken" he yells as I walk out. I walk around the side of the tavern heading towards the place I was going to spend the night at but before I do I take a match box out my pocket, light the match and place it onto a wood pill used for the fireplace inside and watch as it catch flame. It will eventually set the rest of the house a flame soon.

~• Time Skip •~

I walk into the snowy forest and find a old abounded farm house. I walk in and notice how run down this place is, there are holes in the roof, broken glass lays about, some boards are soaked and modly and animals like birds and spiders have already made this their home. I go to one of the driest corner and lay my pack down, I start a small control fire to keep me warm knowing it won't spread cause of all the boards around it are soaked. I lay my back against the wall and cross my arms to keep myself warm before drifting to sleep. I have a long day tomorrow... I need to kill the demon warlock and his son.

~• Time Skip •~

I wake up to the sounds of screeching seagals.I open my eyes and see the fire is out and a injuried man with white hair is laying on the floor bleeding WAIT WHAT. I stand to my feet, pulling out the hunter's knife in my pants pocket and pointing it at him. No reaction. "Who are you and what are you doing here!" I yell, he lifts his head up slightly. His light green eyes are all bloodshot, his face has gashes and bruises covering it and there is dry blood is under his nose. "Help me...." He weakly says before passing out again.shit. I go over to him and roll him over on his back, he has serval stab wounds on his stomach and sizes. Why did he come here! Why not the town's doctor or could he not make it there.I had to do something quick now. But....the demons. I a have job. This guy owes me. I put on my pack on before picking up the guy and slinging him over my shoulder. He is surprisingly light, "don't die on my back bud" I say as make my way outside and heading back to the town.

~•Time Skip•~

I made it to the town's doctor, I practically kicked down the door when I walked in. "Doctor, help this man he is very near death" I say as I gently placed the man down on a bed. The doctor rushed over to the bed and ripped off the man's shirt exposing all his deep stab wounds. "How long has he been like this?" The doctor said getting a face mask and gloves on "I don't know I just woke up and found him like this!" I said panicked. The doctor grabbed his tools, "he is still alive, barely. Nurse!" He yells and a young woman comes in and looked at the man on the bed in fear. "I don't have time to get something to put him under, grab a metal bar put it in his mouth than both you hold him down as I stitch him up" the nurse nodded before running off then coming back to put a metal rod in this guy's mouth. "Are you serious!? I have to go-" "shut up and hold him down now he is dying" I just nodded and grabbed his ankles and held him down while the nurse grabbed his wrist and held them down as the doctor cleaned up his wounds before stitching them up. The boy who was out cold before, but now he is trashing in pain and groaning and screaming as he bites down hard on the metal rod. "Hang in there bud" the nurse says, I looked at this guy as he shakes around in pain it made my heart kind of drop. I shouldn't be here.

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