Vylad x Dante | First Story

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|| Dante's POV ||

I sit in the house watching the clouds roll by my window, its bright like always and scorching hot like usual nothing is different. The sound of my cheap Walmart fan & my Netflix playing some random series I've already watched five times fills the living room. I lay on the sofa just starring outside. Very few cars roll down our street, yards & homes lay empty. Like usual I was left behind during summer vacation. Nothing seems to change.

Travis is off at Starlight wonderland with Katelyn & his father leaving me to myself in the house, Aphmau is finally with Aaron again and everyone who lives by seems to be off at Starlight but me. Laurance is off with his family, watching over their new baby brother and here I sit in heat, sweating like pig.

Im lonely here. But thats the usual thing.

I roll over to my stomach, shifting in disgust as my sweat seems to soak my lazy clothes. My joggers & old band tee smell like BO and leftover food I've eaten the pass few days, I pull out my phone and scroll l through my feed as I lay lazily not knowing what to do. I see my feed is full of people I know off doing things, Katelyn & Travis posted selfie of them together in line waiting to get on roller coaster. I sigh wishing I could afford to go to a place that amazing, I keep scrolling and see Garroth posted a boomerang of him chasing KC & Zane with a bucket of water on the beach.

Guess they are a thing now, thats whatever.

Nicole is off with family, Kacey is working, Gene is off with friends and I'm here. I take a break from my self loathing to push myself off the sofa to go make some store bought ramen noodles. I do the tedious steps to make the ramen then started making my way back to sofa slurping down noodles. I plop down back on the sofa & eat as I watch the day pass by.

After finishing my ramen I stand up and begin to make my way to the kitchen but I stop in my tracks seeing a cab stop outside of Garroth's, Zane's & Laurance's house. My heart leaps in my chest, they said they would be back in August but its only June! Maybe they came home early, I quickly put my empty ramen cup down and go running outside.
I got running down my driveway slightly feeling my feet burn as I ran but I was just so excited to finally see people after weeks of being cooped up in my house.
I rounded the corner of my driveway, I couldn't feel my smile spreading cross my whole face.
Suddenly I see the cab door open and I see the top of someone's head, their hair is brown so I instinctively yell "Laurance!"
The door closes and I instantly wrap my arms around Laurance's body almost knocking him and his luggage over.
"Oh my Irene! Thank god you're home! I've been going crazy without you guys!" I pause for a second realizing Laurance feels a little smaller then usual and he feels a lot thinner.
"Laurance did you lose weight?" I say giving him two more quick squeezes.
"I don't think so, I think I've gain weight since the last time I've seen you Dante"
I look down and see dark green eyes peering into mine. The voice, thats not Laurance....
I pull myself back and I feel my face get flushed.
Its Vylad, Garroth's younger brother.
He stares at me chuckling sightly, "its good to see you again Dante" Vylad says as I stand there embarrassed to death.
Can't believe I just did that, it wouldn't be weird if it was Travis, Garroth or Laurance but it was Vylad!
My friend's little brother that I hardly knows at all!
"I'm so sorry, I thought you were Laurance" I said trying to fix the awkward vibes in the air. " I could tell, it's fine. Don't worry about it" I awkwardly play footsies with myself trying to think what to say next.

"Anyway, Vylad what are you doing here?" Vylad looks at me slightly confused before giving me this weird smirk "Um, I'm here to visit Garroth & Zane. Ya know my brothers who lives right there. I just got back from a trip and I dont really have a place to stay so like usual I just came here to crash before I head back out" he says kinda of like I'm crazy, "Garroth and Zane? You do know they are in Starlight wonderland right?" I say adjusting myself not to look so sloppy looking and trying to act natural even though Im standing outside in public looking like a bum. Vylad looks at me with this dumbfounded look, he opens his mouth only to close it right away then begin this weird very obvious uncomfortable laugh. "I actually had no idea, I haven't texted him in awhile. Well that's fine Laurance probably okay with me crashing" Vylad says adjusting his duffel bag strap showing a little bit of signs of panic. I hate to break to him cause he seems very anxious but I gotta break reality to him before it gets worse.

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