Zanvis| Third Story

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|| Zane's POV ||

"This is going to be the best summer yet!" Aphmau squeals from the front seat. Right now we just got off the plane and rented a van for all us to fit in. We're driving down this path in the woods, this summer Aphmau & Aaron rented a cabin near the side of the lake. It wasn't just some random cabin camping trip it was resort all hook together, cabins connected with bridges and there were shops, restaurants and all sorts of things all around the lake. "Were here" Katelyn yells excited, I look out window and see were on the side of the lake. The lake is huge and bridges spread all over the lake with dangling lights hanging up making the water sparkle while shops, clubs, bars around the lake fill the air with music and happy people laughs. I get out and take it all in, its beautiful. "Zane come on last one in can't pick there room" Travis yells. I turned and nodded my head before walking over to the van and grabbing my suitcase. We all rush inside the cabin, once we get in were in awe. Its two story cabin obviously modern but decorated like its suppose to be an old cabin and looks beautiful. "Okay well Aphmau & I get master suite since we bought it the rest of you go crazy" every one cheers and starts rushing to the stairs or all around trying to find a room.I just stand there kinda of scared "go on Zane I swear they won't trample you" Aphmau says giving me a warm smile. I nod before carefully making my way upstairs. Laurance & Garroth are fighting over a room while Dante has already found a room and has started to unpack his stuff since we will be here all summer. I go to the end of the hall and pick the first door on the right, the room is on the small side. A twin size bed hugs the wall and dresser to my left seems too big to open the door all the way. I push it a little further away from the door it fits, I lay my bag on the bed and notice I have window with a little bench near it. I sit on it and look at the view. Its beautiful. "Aw I see you got the crap room" I turn to see Travis standing at the doorway. "Hm I guess but its fine" I say standing up and walking over to him "hah for a guy complaining all the time you don't complain a lot" he says laughing, I look at him confused cause what he said made no sense. "Well if you need more room or storage my room is across from yours so you can use my closest its a bigger room" "thanks Travis but I'm okay..." Travis looks at me worried "Zane are you-" "I'll see you at dinner" I say gently closing my door shut. I hear no response but just a sigh and the sound of footsteps disappearing, I flop on my bed, pull out my phone and play some music loudly. As my room is filled with heavy, metal like music I feel tears form in my eyes. I'm in love with Travis and I have been since Middle school how am I going to survive a whole summer if I can't be away from him.

~• Time Skip •~

I walk downstairs to see everyone in the living room watching some movie, after a long day of traveling everyone decided to change into PJs, order some pizza and just watch some movies. "Hey Zane! We left you two pieces little bro" Garroth yells from the floor sitting close to Vylad & Laurance. "Thanks but I'm fine I'm going to go for a walk for a bit" I say sweetly and softly, Garroth looks at me weirdly "a walk? Zane its 12am" I laugh a little "ya it is,I have my phone on me if anything bad happens I'll call ya" I say calmly he nods his head before going back to watching the movie with everyone else. I sigh and quickly make my way outside, I find a trail near the woods and start walking. Its dark but there is a slight light coming from the lights dangling over the lake so I'm fine. I put my headphones in my ears and start playing sad love songs. Halfway through walking I find a nice spot to rest. I sit on the log and its silent except for my music playing softly out my headphones. I scream loudly and angrily into the air "STUPID STUPID WHY DID YOU THINK THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA! YOUR GOING BREAK BEFORE THE WEEK HASNT EVEN STARTED HOW ARE YOU GOING TO KEEP A UNRESPONSIVE FACE AROUND TRAVIS ALL FUCKING SUMMER" I yell as tears run down my face. I throw my phone to the ground and I put my face into my hands and start to lose it. "I can't do say your not in love with him.... But you know its a lie. He was the only person who treated you nice since 6th grade, he is your Bff! your going fuck up!" I whisper to myself as tears fall and hit my pants. "I'm such a disappointment, if he even found out I'm gay he will probably be disgusted" I say as sad music softly plays out my headphone of my phone that I can no longer see. "Zane....." A sweet voice says before someone wraps there arms around me and pull me into there chest. I contuine to cry as the sweet smell of someone's cologne fills my nose. "Im sorry...I had no idea you love me" that can't be him..I sit there speechless letting out sniffles this isn't what I wanted. I didn't want him to find out and I don't want him feeling pity for me. I push him away, unable to speak cause it feels like I just been stabbed "Zane.. I had no.." It is Travis. It really is. "S-stop, I didn't want you f-finding out so its my fault. Pl-lease pretend you heard nothing and don't give me p-pity just cause....I like you" I say standing to my feet and finding my phone and starting to walk away "its not Pity! You think your the only one who's heart isn't being squeezed to death every time we see one another!" I stop standing in the same spot. I want to look back but I'm scared. "Travis...I haven't had a crush on you or been in love with you since middle school but since middle school I've been falling for you...I would hold you when you slept over at my house, beat up anyone who gave you trouble and every year that 'mystery' girl who gave you a flower every valentines day was me. I never said anything cause you seem like you don't want love, wanna be alone forever but as long as I could be your Bff it was good enough for me" his words filled my heart. I feel my heart beating so hard "I don't want this to be the confession where we end up together forever but I would like this to be confession where you give me a chance...and open up to me. We don't need a title now if it makes you...uncomfortable but maybe later down the road..." I turn and run at him. I wrap my arms around him and hug him tightly and lay my face into his chest "I would like...that please.." I say as happy tears run down my face. Travis run his hand down my head through my hair to back of neck, he lifts my head slightly before leaning over and giving me a soft, gentle kiss on my nose I feel my face burn. "Let's get back to the cabin and clean you up you emotional mess" he says as he puts me on his back "hey! Don't call me emotional that's no fair you idiot!" We laugh as we head back to the cabin....I finally get a chance to be with someone I'm head over heels in love with.

Katelyn; Aww they're so close together!
Aphmau;so are the finally dating now?
Dante; I don't know but its none of our business if they tell us they will but just go away!
Kawaii~chan; Kawaii~Chan ships it!
Garroth; shh there trying to sleep!

*Garroth closes Travis's bedroom door, Travis and Zane are on a bed sleeping together. Zane'a little body lays over top of Travis's while Travis tightly hugs Zane close to his body*

|| End ||

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I Hope You Enjoyed This Short Story! Doing Short Stories So I Hope You Enjoy! Leave Some Request, Comments, Votes And Love And The Count For This Story 1526 Words!
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If You Like Minecraft Diaries Check Out My Everything Minecraft Instagram Account : Phoenix_Drop_Factory. Also Message If You Have Any Request Or Suggestions About My Story Please Do.

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