Kai x Ein| First Story

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|| Kai's POV ||

I watched from my locker as Aphmau talks & walks with that werewolf boy I always see her talking with.
She usually blows him off most of the time but after joining the werewolf club they seem to slowly grow more closer which is making all types of anxiety fill me.
I gotta play it cool, don't want to seem oddly clingy. Aphmau sees me as this awkwardly calm guy I can't mess it up with some weird behavior race fight with this werewolf guy.
Aphmau spots me just standing at my locker and waves at me, crap do something idiot.
I wave back and smile at her, as she walks around the corner I see the werewolf boy give me this weird glare.

I can't just stand here and let this happen, I can't let her know that I'm into that guy.

~• Time Skip •~

Aphmau & I are at lunch with Lucinda & Ivan, its as awkward as usual but this is the only time I get with her so I make the best out the situation.
"Kai are you listening to me?" Aphmau said cutting off my thoughts, "hm, ah no sorry I was thinking" I say simply.
Aphmau rolls her eyes "cat brain" Aphmau says annoyed "I'm sorry, dont werewolves ever get lost in thought?" I ask confused on why she is angered.
"Ugh I'm not a- huh whatever its been too long for this. Sorry what's on your mind?" Aphmau ask taking bites out her sandwhich and chomping down on it cutely.
"You & Ein, I don't understand for someone who isn't a werewolf, you sure do hangout with a lot of werewolves" I said taking out my milk and drinking it.
Aphmau's face got covered in a light blush, "uh I don't know, he is just a friend and actually a month ago I made him the Alpha male so ya..." She said looking away awkwardly probably thinking what I was wondering.
"So you & Ein are dating?" I asked finishing up my lunch. Lucinda & Ivan were too busy eating one another faces to notice us. "What! No! The Alpha's dont have to DATE! Irene!" Aphmau said all flustered looking away as she finished up the last of her sandwhich.
"Ah sorry, I didnt know....so is um is Ein single?" I asked weirdly.
That was way too obvious, reel it back kitty.

"Hm? I don't know I didnt ask. Also how do you know his name? I didnt tell you it" she said a bit confused.
"Ah well, I've heard it around" I answered quickly and calmly
"Ah okay..OH! I almost forgot a bunch of friends & I are having a movie night at my friend Katelyn's house so everyone can finally meet and stuff! Do you wanna go? Its this Friday" Aphmau said excitingly smiling at me.
I finished up the last bit of my milk before giving her a small smile "I would love to go"
"Great I'll text you all the details!"
Just then the bell ending lunch rang loudly.
"Oh got run! See ya later Kai!" Aphmau said getting her stuff together and awkwardly running back to her class.
"See ya" I said slowly taking my time since I had no reason to rush back to class, finally I could meet him.
The weird werewolf boy, I have a crush on.

~*Time Skip*~

The day had finally came, Friday.
Aphmau gave me the address and told me we would meet up there and to bring a pair of PJs. I didnt question her I just did what she told me to, I finally got to the house and noticed tons people through the window.
Maybe this was too much, I went up to the door and knocked.
Seconds later a boy with light blue hair opened the door.
"Hey! I'm here for the party" I said smiling sweetly, the boy seemed a little nervous and odd. He looked behind him then turned back at me probably hesitant to let me in, "I'm Aphmau's friend" I said adding some reinsurances that I wasn't some random, weird guy trying to crash their party.
"Ah come in" he said still nervous but little less tense. I walked in and I was met with tons girls & guys in PJs standing, sitting or laying around in the living room with tons of snacks,blankets & drinks. "Kai!" Aphmau shrieked popping up off her seat and running over to me to give me a big hug.
I laughed "its good to see you too" I said hugging her back, we pulled out of the hug and she turned back around to face everyone.
"Everyone, Kai! Kai, everyone!" Aphmau said with innocent giggle following her.
"Hey!" "Sup!" "Nice to meet ya" everyone in the room said, "same to all of you" I said back with a smile.
"We are about to start as soon as Ein gets here, there is a bathroom around the stairs to change into your PJs and we will start soon" Aphmau said as everyone went back to their own conversations.
"Okay" I said following her directions yet again, "Hah good kitty" Aphmau joked as I walked to the bathroom.

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