Garrance| Second Story

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|| Laurance POV ||

Today's the day. The day Garroth & I are going on our first official date! I'm so excited and nervous right now! We have gone out as friends before and did stuff but that was before Garroth asked me out a month ago and right now I feel like my heart about to pound out my chest. I look at the mirror and start fiddling with my shirt, I'm trying to dress nice but I have no idea what Garroth has in store on this date it may be a fancy dinner or it may be a walk in the park so I have no idea what to wear! Im wearing a black short sleeve shirt that says 'Kawaii' on it in white letters and a jacket over top of it, its black fabric jacket with red and black plaid design in the torse area and some jeans and old sneakers. I look okay but I'm so nervous I'm undressed, I shouldn't be this nervous since Garroth & I have always done stuff together for so many years for Irene sake we were Bff for years....but this is the first time we are go with the title of "boyfriend & boyfriend" hearing the word 'boyfriend' now makes my stomach drop. Theres a knock on my bedroom door "Hey Laurance you ready to go" Garroth ask from the other side of the door, my heart is racing. This is it...are first date starts now, I open the door to see Garroth smiling at me. He is wearing a gray sweater and some jeans and pair black boots he looks nice and not too overdress "h-hi you look nice" I stutter like an idiot, he chuckles nervously and runs a hand through his messy blonde hair "um thank you I just threw this on but I should be really saying that to you" he says slightly blushing. I feel my face burn "um thank you so w-where to?" I say as I close my bedroom door and walk across the living room with him "well there going to be a parade to kick off summer that leads into the faire that we use to go when we were kids so I thought maybe it would be fun." He says giving me a warm smile "ya sounds great! I hope there is good food this year..." I say excited, Garroth laughs as we get into his car and start heading downtown.

~• Time Skip •~

We make our way downtown and the streets are filled with people. People sitting on fold out chairs or brought blankets to sit on or just standing around. We walk up to crowd trying to see if we can find a spot "you see any spots?" Garroth ask "um no I-" as I start to speak people depressed to find a spot or find there friends starts walking down the sidewalk bumping into me and pushing me down the street with them. All the sudden I feel a strong grip around my wrist, "hey be careful you almost got swept along the crowd" Garroth says pulling me back to him and giving me a warm smile, I feel my heart throb "um ya that was almost bad t-thank you" Garroth moves his hand down from my wrist to interlock my hand with his. "I better hold your hand so we don't get separated" he says looking away trying find a spot but I think he blushing a little "oh o-okay" I say shyly as he holds my hand and we walk down the street to try and find a spot before the parade starts.

~• Time Skip •~

We finally find this weird brick wall that is a fence for some type of business and climbed it and sat on top of it, the wall was very close to street so of course people sat in front of us and walked passed us and even few other people joined us. As we climbed the wall we let go of one another hands and sat on the wall waiting for the parade to start, I looked over at him. Embarrassing as it was I liked holding his hand, maybe he didn't like holding mine cause I bet I was sweating too much! Now I'm just nervous that I did something weird. "Hey Laurance look!" Garroth yells wrapping his arm around me and pulling me close to him so I could follow his one arm better to see what he was pointing to. Garroth was pointing to the faire and I could see a neon colored sign that said 'Deep fried ores' "oh my god the parade hasn't even started yet and your already thinking about food? When did you become me?" I say giggling. As I say that he laughs with me and after we stop laughing I realize I was still leaning against him with his arm around me. I felt my face burn just then the parade starts coming down the street and kids cheered, families get excited and everyone watched as bands, clubs and other such things passed while all I could think about was Garroth was holding me. I look at him nervous he looks so happy starring at animal shelter float as it passes by, I want to see him smile like that forever just then he suddenly turns to look down at me "something wrong hun?" Hun?!? I quickly turn to look at the parade "hahaha nope I'm all good very good indeed hahah" I say fast like an.idiot. Garroth lets out a chuckle and pulls me closer to him "cute" he says before turning and looking back at the parade with me. I think I'm going to die!

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