Daughter of Artemis 3*

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Media: Percy
<>Chapter 3<>

I placed the arrow in front of me on the bowstring, and aimed. So far, I've robin-hooded six arrows (if that's even possible). Miraculously, I could actually use a bow without injuring myself or anyone around me. For that matter, anyone three miles away. I previously tried to use a sword, but I ended up almost stabbing my foot and cutting off Percy's arm You can imagine how well that went. Then, I tried a spear. I couldn't, whatsoever, throw it straight. It always hit the ground and toppled over or spun clockwise. Clarisse said I was hopeless. I could handle two daggers alright, which was strange considering I could barely hold a sword. I suppose there are major differences between the two weapons, but I was still kind of surprised.

I was surprised I was holding these weapons in the first place. I started to believe that this was real when I was humiliated and shoved to the ground during training repeatedly, resulting in quite a few sore spots. I've been here for about two weeks and a half, and everyday it was training. Train this, train that. Learn how to do this. Learn how to do that. I also had to focus even more on Greek mythology. With the help of the Athena cabin, I've slowy started to understand a bit more. It was all very frustrating, though. I'm a city girl from Manhattan who was attacked out of nowhere then suddenly claimed as a goddess of myth's daughter. Could they cut me some slack? Nope.

Pulling back my seventh arrow, I crossed my fingers mentally that I don't ruin anymore than I already have. Last time I practiced archery, I got a real beating from Chiron. I'm still on kitchen duty. Hey, I'm sorry my mother is like the master of archery. Nothing I can do about that.

Ah, but of course, when I let go of the string, the arrow goes through the other arrow, robin-hooding it. I groaned out loud and made a fist at the target.

"Another arrow, now useless." Clarisse laughed. Clarisse was probably one of the few people to actually treat me like a human being. She didn't gawk at me, or make fun of me. In fact, she usually left me alone but if I was ever in a rough spot or the in the spotlight, she'd come to my rescue. I wondered why, because I was told she was the bully of camp. I was also told of how a few years ago, she was sent out to help on a quest that kind of saved all of Olympus and mankind. During that time, apparently she'd learned quite a bit about actually being nice and civilized. She still had a rather sharp tongue.

"I'm going to be on kitchen duty the rest of my life," I said, half-jokingly. She shook her head and chuckled.

"Hey, Sylvia, how's it going?" Percy yelled from behind me. I turned around to find him jogging up to my station. He wore a grey t-shirt with similar, blue pads I saw on Clarisse when I first met her.

"Well I've managed to kill six arrows, I'm still on kitchen duty, and the voice hasn't gotten any better. Other than that, normal.... ish." I put my best smile on, causing him to chuckle. That voice that I started hearing when I first came to camp scared the crap out of me. There I was, sitting and waiting patiently, not having a care in the world where I was or what was happening, and all of a sudden, this voice starts shrieking. I checked all around me to see if anyone else was there, but it was just me. After maye three minutes, Percy came in and after he was gone, so were the voices. They started a few days ago again, but they don't sound like they're dying anymore. They sound more like crying, or whispering. Percy's name being called out made each of turn to face the sound.

He smiled as a blond walked up to him. He instantly wrapped his arm around her. She was really pretty. Her grey eyes were a really cool color and her hair was a gorgeous blond. She looked really strong and smart, too. I thought I recognized her from the Athena cabin.

"Hello," I said, smiling to the blond. She glanced at me before turning back to Percy. He whispers something to her and she seemed to relax.

"Hey, you're the new girl right? What was your name.. Olivia, Sabrina, Alyssa?" she asked, obviously getting the names wrong. Taken aback by her rather rude personality, I thought two could play at this game. Let me just say this; I am a competitive person. Even though I know when to back down, I rarely do. If she wants to play this game, we'll play.

"Sylvia. What's your name, again? Oh, wait. I've never heard your name because it was never spoken of. I guess you're just not that important, are you?" I smirked. She glared at me, her eyes darkening.

"Annabeth." She raised her head. "Daughter of Athena; goddess of wisdom and battle strategy. I'm also his girlfriend." She shrugged. I rolled my eyes. What a show off, and I really couldn't care less if she was his girlfriend or not. It's not like I had that kind of interest in Percy. If anything, he'd been treating me almost like a little sister for some unknown reason. The only other people who'd been kind enough to continuously talk to me are Travis, Connor, and Percy's best friend and protector (also a satyr), Grover. They all seemed pretty nice, excluding the twins. They could be friendly if they wanted to, but the conversations held with them usually ended with you soaked or covered in anything else that'll ruin your clothes and hygiene.

"Yeah, while that's all interesting and everything, I really don't care. But, I'll be kind enough to inform you, I'm the only daughter of Artemis; goddess of hunting, animals, the moon, and, not to brag, also very good at archery. She's also the twin of Apollo; god of poetry, the sun, and, he too, is very good at archery," I shot back. Annabeth opened her mouth surely to retort, but Clarisse interrupted.

"Okay! Girls, girls, you're both pretty. Sylvia, continue your archery before you stab someone, presumably Annabeth, with your arrow," Clarisse said. I only then noticed how hard I was gripping the arrow. About to snap the arrow, I dropped it.

"Annabeth, you should be with the Aphrodite girls, shouldn't you?" Clarrise added. Annabeth scowled and stormed off, flipping her hair dramatically as she did so.

"What a-" I began.

"What was that about?" Percy asked, looking irritated.

"She was acting like she was 'all that,'" I said frowning. "What a little brat."

"That 'brat' is my girlfriend," Percy said a bit angrily. Yeah... I know. She said that. Was he that oblivious?

"Yeah, sorry I guess," I told him, even though I wasn't sorry. Percy made an excuse and walked away, probably looking for helpless little Annabeth. In my defense, I did nothing whatsoever to provoke her. This little argument was her fault, was it not?

"That was... certainly interesting," Clarisse chuckled to herself. "Alright, I better go. Working with the Hermes kids. Oh joy," she sighed and walked away. I grunted and set my bow down. Unfortunately, the arrow snapped under my boots, so there's another one destroyed by me. Not knowing what to do, I sneaked off to the woods. If there's any place I can think peacefully with no interruptions, it's in the trees.

Why? I don't know. Lately, it seems that I don't know about anything. Honestly, I kind of felt worthless here. Everyone seemed to know about everything and they each had their own places. Each person had another person to turn to if they were having problems, but I was here alone. Even Percy had a brother that I haven't met yet. Trying my best to ignore these thoughts, I jumped and climed from branch to branch and made it to the little hideout I made. When you stand, you can see through the leaves, and see the whole camp. It's really pretty. Especially during sunsets and sunrises. I always tried to get to my tree, but the forest nymphs rat me out sometimes.

I laid on the hammock that I made out of sheets and twigs (I improvised a bit), and rocked gently back and forth, enjoying the nice breeze. I thought about the few questions that have been on my mind the whole two and a half weeks I've been at camp. There's quite a few, for example, 'what did I do to deserve this?' or 'when will I be done and out of here?' There's always one question that comes up, angering me most. Why had Artemis suddenly decided to have a child? That's when I got my crazy idea.

I was going to my mother, and asking her herself.


Alright! Sorry I haven't updated in so long, and sorry if this seemed short or sucky. It was late when I wrote this so yea. :/ well goodnight. -Bailey

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