Daughter of Artemis 15

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What? What's he doing? Travis leaned closer and closer. I could soon feel his breath on my face. I was still frozen. As soon as his lips almost met mine I snapped. I pulled away quickly and winged him across the head. "Ow!" He yelped grabbing his head.

I was surprised, but not sorry. "Why did you do that?! You very well know that there IS something between me and Connor. How could you do that to your own brother?!" I yelled angrily. Travis glared at me.

"Sheesh, sorry," he said. Travis walked away, back to the camp. Oh gods...

What will the others think? Will Travis tell them? Of course he will. Besides, I'm still the new girl. Kind of. I doubt they would trust me over him. Besides, I'm the odd one out, right? The only daughter of Artemis. No demigod has ever felt this way probably. I heard about the girl Thalia, but she's a part of my moms huntresses. WAIT!

My moms huntresses are probably saving her right now! We might as well be doing this for nothing. That wouldn't make sense though, why would my mom call for MY help? I'm not special, am I? Or... What if my mom secretly joined Hades and is calling for my "help" when really she's luring me in to giving Hades to bow! Wait, that wouldn't make sense. This is her old bow.

I guess I'll have to head back to camp... face everyone. How will Travis explain the large bump on his head? Will he sell me out? "Well duh," that little voice said. I started heading back to camp. Oh boy.


Ok I'm sorry this is so short but writers block just... uugghhhh. It's kind of a filler chapter really. Erm, kinda. Not really but kinda. Anyways sorry again, I'm trying guys I really am. But school is being a pain right now and it's just hard:P I'll try to update ASAP.

Btw, (I'm not pointing anyone out) it kind of irritates me when you guys just comment "update" as soon as I update. Sorry but it's a pet peeve lol well I gotta go, bye

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