26. Heart Thievery

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Dirty Harry - Grace


Come on Malia, it really won't be that bad," Willow tried to convince me as I stared at myself sadly in the mirror.

"I'm usually the one saying that to you. I can't believe you actually agreed to come," I adjusted my pony tail for the fourth time that morning.

"Would you just look at that beautiful sunshine? What else would you be doing on a Saturday afternoon?" she walked up behind me and began putting lip gloss on.

"Lying in my bed pretending the world doesn't exist?" I suggested, before giving her a strange look. "Why are you so chipper this morning? And why are you putting on lip gloss? You hate make up," I pointed out, turning to face her with arms crossed over my chest.

"I'm just looking forward to the first pool party of the year, they sucked in Portland because the weather was so bad," she shrugged her shoulders. "Dexter's here now," she pointed to his red car pulling onto our driveway.

We walked out to be greeted by a manically waving Emma sat in the front seat of Dexter's car and Will crossing the street. He winked when he saw me, in a sort of reassuring way.

We hadn't spoken about my scars, I knew he didn't want to push me, but there seemed to be this unspoken bond between us. It was as though we knew something that nobody else knew - which in a way was true, we knew the darkest things about each other.

I piled into the car next to Willow, refusing to sit in the middle. I tried to convince her that she had to sit in the middle because she was the youngest, and the smallest, but stubbornness runs in our family. Seeing Will sat in the middle seat is a sight I will never in my whole life forget. He was so tall his head touched the ceiling, and so broad he had to lean forward to avid squishing Willow and I.

"Jeez Will, maybe you should work out less buddy," Emma smirked as she lounged in the passenger seat.

"Aw Em, its not his fault he's too broad to fit through doors," Dexter chuckled next to her.  

"Actually, you would be surprised at the doors I have managed to fit through, its actually a kind of speciality of mine,"  he said smugly. I nudged him in the stomach, to remind him that breaking into places was actually illegal and he shouldn't brag about it.

"Ow! Stop trying to feel me up already Lucky, I'm not even shirtless yet," he exclaimed with the pure purpose of embarrassing me.

"Apparently that's Sutton's aim for today, watch out Will," Emma eased him.

"Is she still after him?" I asked with slight annoyance and disbelief.

"She can feel me up any day," Dexter nodded his head, the slimy look on his face visible in his mirror.

"Ew, Sutton Satherly is a snake," Willow rolled her eyes.

"Jealous, babe?" Dex asked, turning to wink at her.

"Eyes on the road, not on my little sister, creep!" I exclaimed, flicking his face. I saw Willow turn slightly pink and couldn't help but smile, she was so not used to being flirted with. My quiet little sister had always been very mature for her age and chose to refrain from dating as, in her words, 'High school is full of dogs only searching for a bone."

"Don't hit the driver!" he yelled, reaching up to touch his face where I had flicked him. "You can him on the driver, just don't actually hit him," he pouted.

"I think we'd all rather crash that hit on you Dex," Emma smiled at him sarcastically.

"I'd hit on you Dex, hey did you know there's a sale on in my bedroom? Clothes are 100% off," he wiggled his eyebrows in Dex's general direction.

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