I remember when he first called me Lucky, because he felt lucky he had earned my disdain. Truthfully, I was lucky because he walked into my life. When I say walk I mean charged full speed and didn't let any obstacles get in the way. I'm so thankful everyday that I got my second chance.Since that day he sat behind me in math class my life has been an adventure and I wouldn't have had it anyway (okay, so there are definitely some parts I would like to get rid of).
I guess you want to know how this story ends? Well, I'll answer the first question that everyone is dying to know: yes, I did win the talent contest!
Okay, next on the agenda, did Will and I live happily ever after? Let's get one thing straight, our lives have not been a fairy tale, in any sense of the word. Our life together has been more of an action movie, one of the ones where husband and wife kick ass together! We joined the FBI out of college, got married and have devoted our lives to helping people going through the same thing I went through. We've put a lot of bad guys away and it feels great. One day we'll slow down and have kids, but for now there's more than enough Will Memory DNA in the world.
I guess you want to hear about everyone else? Sutton and Riley are still together and have, I think, five children- I've lost count. Will and I are god parents to little Cagney, their first born and she's an angel. Willow and Dex are of course married, they got married before Will and I which was unsurprising. Dex knew he had a good thing and didn't want to lose it. Peter and Emma have been too busy travelling the world to settle down, Peter's mission in life is to live everyday to the fullest, because he knows what its like to not know what day will be your last.
There are a few things I hope you take away from my little story.
Don't hold onto grudges or initial judgements, no matter how certain you are. I could have missed out on the greatest person I've had the pleasure of knowing because I believed he was a criminal and nothing more. Willow and I missed out on valuable years of sisterhood because we were mad for seemingly no reason. I spent my high school years resenting Sutton and I couldn't see the big heart she was hiding. People are more than just their labels and stereotypes and there is definitely more to a person than what they just show the world.
Finally, don't forget to be brave. Face your demons. I don't necessarily mean your physical demons, I pray that no one has to suffer the horrors I did. I mean the dark thoughts that hold you back. Face them, don't repress them. Be brace in your everyday life and your happiness will follow.
That epilogue was horribly written, but I will rewrite it one day!Thank you so much for reading folks, I can't believe it's over! I hope with all my heart that you enjoyed this book and will recommend it to your friends and fellow wattpadders! Once again, thank you so much, I love you all! ❤️
If you're interested in any of my future endeavours please follow me, or you could go and read some of my other books. I'm taking a hiatus from publishing (I'm toying with a few stories at the moment and I've already started writing one but I'm not sure if it will ever be published). If you have a reading requests or recommendations please inbox me!
Thank you so much!
Love always,
JJ xo
Listen Lucky
Teen FictionLife has been pretty normal for Malia Reid for the past two years. She gets good grades, has nice friends, and most importantly: she stays out of trouble. Enter new boy Will Memory, who personifies trouble. He's an infamous bad boy and rebel, known...