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My white cloak covers me, so the person behind me doesn't know who I am. If I play the cards right I might be able to escape with minor injuries.

We'll just have to wait and see.

"Don't move." I hear a deep voice behind me.

Deep but young. This man behind me must be maybe... Sixteen? Seventeen? Only a few years older than me. I can only tell because of the tone of his voice.

How am I going to escape when my ankle is caught in a snare? I can pretend to be a small hurt child, but I can't. I am not, and never will be. I couldn't even pretend! No. I know what I have to do.

Bentley's POV

I know who this girl is. I watch her sometimes. Her golden blonde hair shimmers like gold in the sunlight, and while she thinks she walks unnoticed, no such beauty could go unseen.

Anyways, I have an idea of how she thinks, so I think I have an idea of what she plans to do. I will play along with it. The thing is, she doesn't know who I am. She doesn't know that I know her. So, she will think that I don't know what she's going to do. And that's exactly what I want her to think.

Alexandra's POV

I use the most intimidating, and deep voice as I possibly can, hoping that maybe he will be intimidated, and I will catch him off guard when he realizes who I really am. When he realizes that a fifteen year old girl scared him, he will be furious, which is why I have to be ready to run. Although, there is no doubt about it that I could scare the soul out of him anyways.

"I think you're supposed to try to kill me now." I say, still keeping my back to him.

"Stand up where I can see you." He commands.

I let out the most intimidating chuckle I can manage.

"I am afraid I cannot do that my lad." I feel weird saying that, as if I was an eighty year old man, but I am just me, and that's what makes it weird.

Bentley's POV

At that last statement, I almost burst out laughing but I manage to hold it in. It takes all the strength I have, but I succeed. I know what to say, and how she will respond. I know her too well. Although she doesn't know me at all, I know almost everything about her. And I know what she will say.

"And why not?" I ask, already knowing the answer.

"I believe that one of your fancy snares has caught my ankle." She responds quietly.

Maybe... I don't know everything that she will say... I immediately feel bad for her, sitting out in the cold, no gloves on, a thin wire wrapped tightly around her ankle.

I'm so dumb. Of course she wouldn't just be sitting outside my cave having a picnic, or whatever! How could I have missed this? Poor Alex... 

I have to release her, of course. I immediately go to her and carefully untie the snare, being careful not to hurt her already damaged ankle.

I can't believe I did this to her. I'm such a terrible person.

Alexandra's POV

I can't believe my eyes! This boy is handsome!

Bulging muscles, that he obviously had to work hard for, medium brown hair, sharp cheekbones, bright shining crystal blue eyes, and a sharp jawline, flexed as he unties the snare.

The Immortal Blade Trilogy: Book #1: Fate's Destiny.Where stories live. Discover now