IRONY (Romano) 3

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I didn't even have to think. I threw myself into the sea, ignoring the cries that chorused behind me. The water felt like needles against my skin, and for a second I was grateful that the potato bastard trained me and Feliciano. 

With only the broken moonlight providing me my vision in the cold darkness, I whipped my head in all directions. The potato bastard said something about staying calm during situations like this but screw him, she was probably having panic attacks and couldn't even perceive the things around her.

Out of luck, sweet luck—I twisted my head and found her drifting still a few feet away from me. I immediately rushed towards her, kicking my legs with such force that impressed even myself. Once I reached her unconscious form, I grabbed her arms and dragged both of us up. It wasn't until we resurfaced that the cold started to really kick in.

However, even with shivering shoulders I struggled to keep it together until we were helped up back on the boat where I was pulled back and she was snatched away from my hold. I tried to protest but Feliciano told me to let the others handle it since they were more used to saving people than either of us. Bullshit. I was the one who jumped and swam immediately to her rescue.

I didn't see her for the rest of the evening. I tried my best to stay awake but the warmth of the bedrooms was too much and I fell asleep without problem.


"Buenos diaz, chica" I blinked a couple of times, trying to get used to the bright light, before turning to my left to find Antonio sitting beside me. He had his usual smile on, but I could tell that something bothered him "You're finally awake. That's a relief"

"Finally?" I winced, when I tried to sit up everything felt like someone had slammed me against a rock a few times and left me in pain.

Antonio glanced at the wall and I saw Lovino leaning against it. He had a tomato-printed blanket over him, and his mouth was opening and closing slightly as he snored. "He's been worried the most. If that's even possible" Antonio whispered and I arched an eyebrow. He turned to me "You almost drowned, remember?"

I flinched at the memory. Oh, yeah. I rubbed my nose and pulled the cotton comforter over my chest "How long was I out?"

"Two days" He chuckled dryly, "Lovino couldn't stay still" 

"Two days?" I muttered. That was the best sleep I had in weeks.

There was some muffled whispering and we found Lovino with his brows furrowed (well, when were they never that way?). He eventually opened his eyelids. Yawning, he stretched his arms upward and letting the blanket fall off his form. That was weird. Lovino seldom got up after just waking up.

After a few seconds of scratching his head and looking aimlessly around the room, his eyes met mine. In an instant, he was beside me, pushing a laughing Antonio away from the bed "Finally! You're awake" He was about to wrap his arms around my neck but then stopped midway, hesitance present in his face. He dropped his arms and instead yelled, "You've been out for two days. TWO DAYS! How dare you leave me with these idiots!"

"Oh, Lovino. You're so mean in the morning" Antonio teased, causing the Italian to call him 'tomato freak' and demanding him to leave. The older man left without protest, laughing as he went away.

Soon enough, Lovino and I were left alone. Alone and in silence. I knew that I was getting more and more distant, and I wanted to make it up to him but I was too distracted. I wanted to ask him and talk to him like a normal person, like the normal me. The normal me. That lucky bitch. I'd give anything to be her again. 

"Ragazza?" My thoughts are cut short and I faced Lovino with a small smile "Yeah?"

He had sat down on the edge of my bed and began to play with the comforter "In the past few days..." 

"What?" I asked curiously.

He kept his gaze down "Y-you know, I was one of the people who watched over you while you were asleep and..."

Without even thinking, my hands pulled the comforter up to my nose as I quivered. Lovino's eyebrows cocked "Wha—I didn't do anything!" His cheeks were red. I suddenly realized what I just did and I let go, sighing "Yeah, I know. Sorry, I just... just some freaky flashbacks is all" I let out a laugh, trying to lighten the mood but that seemed to make him grow more serious.

"Bella, have you been going to your therapist like you've been telling us?" 

"What..." I clenched my fists, feeling a strange sense of betrayal from how he seemed to suspect me "Of course I have been. Why would you even think I would lie about something like that?"

"When you were unconscious there were times when you would scare the crap out of everyone. You would begin to cry and shout and scream incoherent things. You kept kicking and hitting the air in your sleep, like you were fighting something" He bent over.

Great. Just great. "Lovino, I'm fine. They" I inhaled "They're just nightmares. I'm getting better, I promise"

"Are you sure?" Our faces were way too close for comfort and I put my fingers on his cheek, gently forcing him to look away.

"I'm fine" I tried to sit up but again, my limbs were too sore "You're probably hungry you just woke up, right? LOVINO!" I gasped when he grabbed my wrist which I didn't even notice were bandaged.

He had an unusual kind of angry in his eyes when he spoke "If you're fine then what the hell is this?" 

Everything had came to a stop, and when I tried to pull back my arm his grip on it only tightened, making me grimace when he squeezed the fresh ones because I was sure that he had reopened some of the wounds. I couldn't think of any proper reply "I... those are..."

"What?" He asked. Demanded. I couldn't look at him in the eye and drew back my arm again, with success this time. I held it against my chest, keeping my head down.

"You said you were fine!" He got up, swinging his hands up in frustration.

"I am fine!"

"Then what are those?" He pointed at my arms "Don't tell me that they're from an accident because they sure as hell don't look like an accident"

I gulped, "I don't need to tell you what they are" I shouted "You don't need to know, Lovino" He was rubbing his forehead but then dropped his hands down and looked back at me. I could see moisture in his eyes.

"You're right" He whispered "I don't need to know. You want to end up like one of those people we see on TV? Fine" He spun around and made his way for the door "Just don't let me watch"
Soon, I was left alone once again. Left alone by the only person I probably trusted more than myself, and I hated myself even more.

A/N: Third part. That was intense. I hope you guys liked it. Leave a comment or whatever :D  

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