The Eyes at the Foot of the Bed (Sweet Devil!America)

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TRIGGER WARNING: Implied sexual assault.

I feel like I just wasted an amazing title for a horror story. 



: An evil spirit that lies on persons in their sleep; especially one that has sexual intercourse with women while they are sleeping. (

It's back. I don't know why, but it's back. I'm scared. What am I supposed to do?' You write down on your journal. You just turned 27 a week ago, and last night it came back.  

   'I thought I've forgotten about it' The pen's ink is splotching but you simply don't care 'but I guess the truth is that I just kept refusing to remember'

   A skeptic, you had a difficult time in acknowledging the possible existence of ghosts and the paranormal.

   It was the night after your 21th birthday party. The majority of your friends were hammered and one of them suggested a good game of "let's go contact a dead guy". You didn't know where the Hell they found it but they got an Ouija board.

   Everyone had gathered around the dining table, and someone dimmed the lights for atmosphere.

   Two volunteered to put their hands on the planchette, Arin and Arthur. The first things they asked were pretty basic, things like "Can you hear us?" and "What's your name?"

   The answers were "Yes" and then "Alfred". You rolled my eyes at the whole thing, blaming it all on the ideomotor effect since you were quite certain Arthur has a cousin or brother whom he has deemed dead in his eyes, with the same name as our so-called "spirit".

   However, everything changed when Arin decided to joke around and ask, "Do you like the birthday girl?"

   There was a noticeable pause before the planchette moved.


   Angry, you scolded your friend who raised her hands, laughing but admittedly creeped out.

   "It's not like he's real" She had drunkenly, stupidly remarked.

   The lights flickered before a light bulb shattered, the whole room erupting into terrified screams.

   You and the sober Allen managed to calm everyone down before sending them home. You went to bed that night believing everything was okay, but no.

   You woke up to find that it was still dark outside your window.

   Another thing was how heavy your entire body was. It was like you could actually feel gravity pulling you down. You could barely lift your eyelids up. Cursing inwardly, you thought about how much you hated this.

   Sleep paralysis made you feel vulnerable. Unable to move or defend yourself, it was among the worst feelings in the world for you.

   However, unlike the few times that it had happened to you in the past, something was... off.

   The temperature had dropped and every hair on your skin was standing up.

   Your neck was bent at an angle where you could see the end of the bed, and leaning over was a tall and shadowy figure almost resembling a man.

   It felt so surreal.

   You couldn't even see its face. The room was dark; the only light was from the city outside, and you were too weak to completely open your eyes.

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