Chapter 1

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Y/n was on her way to Saitama's apartment. It became routine for them when y/n came to visit all though today was different. She was walking around town to get something for the duo when she came across a whale -  man hybrid beating up a man with a helmet and and goggles. The man was already knocked out when y/n got there. A kid walked up to y/n crying

"Why are you crying" y/n asked kneeling to the kid's level

"Mumen Rider needs help. I tried calling other heroes but they said he was a lost cause" the kid continued to cry

"Hmm.... don't worry I got this" y/n ruffled his hair and stood up

She walked up to the hybrid. It had a glass bowl on its head filled with water. Once it turned around, y/n roundhouse kicked it causing the glass to break. It fell to the floor flopping around then died from lack of water. She looked back at the kid who was running to y/n. The kid hugged her leg.

"Thank you so much miss"

"Your welcome, now go home and stay safe,k?" Y/n flashes a smile
The kid nodded then skipped away. Y/n kneeled next to the unconscious guy and put her hands on his shoulders then started shaking him. She removed his goggles then tried to check his pulse. Thankfully he was breathing. Slowly he opened his eyes. He stared at y/n with awe

"An angel? Am I dead?" he thought

"Hey, are you alright?" She asked with concern

He was knocked out of his thoughts. He looked around and to his surprise it wasn't heaven. It was still the city

"Y-yeah" he stuttered

He got up but fell right after. Y/n helped him up and they went to the nearest hospital. He thanked you for the help. Afterwards, she ran to Saitama's apartment. She used the key under the doormat.

"Hi guys" she greeted

"Your later than usual" Saitama said putting his manga down

"I ran into difficulty" she went to the kitchen

Y/n cooked every time she visited and every time was a different dish but no matter what it was she always seem to amaze the boys. She finished cooking then set the table

"Dinner's done" she called out

They sat down and thanked for the food. They ate and talked. When they finished y/n washed the dishes. Once she finish she was walking to the living room she tripped. At that moment Saitama was in front of her, they both fell with y/n on top of Saitama. They stared at each other before blushing then getting off of each other

"Uh.. well look at the time I got to go" y/n said walking to the door

"Yeah...." Saitama said scratching the back of his neck

The Next Day.....

Y/n went for another visit. It wasn't weird at all, it was like any other day. Y/n was washing dishes, Saitama was reading manga and Genos was yet again taking down notes. Everything was normal.

"There is a huge undead cow monster reeking havoc in Z city. Threat Level Dragon. Please evacuate immediately" The ground seem to shake on que.

Saitama changes into his hero suit immediately after hearing this. Y/n puts on a particular jacket then her shoes. She then heads to the door.

"C'mon guys lets go" she said

Saitama and Genos looked at each other then at her.

"Isn't it a bit dangerous for you, y/n?" Genos asked

"His right you should stay here" Saitama agreed

Y/n pouted at this then hatched an idea. She smiles her signature smile. She startes running down the stairs.

"You'll have to catch me first" she laughs

Saitama panics and runs after y/n with Genos behind him. A few seconds later Genos comes back and lockes the door. Saitama continues to run after y/n who was laughing at his reaction. She continued to run until she bumped into a foot. She slowly looked up to see the monster from the news.

"Oh shoot" she cursed

The monster laughed and  picked her up. She screamed Saitama's name.

"I've finally found you" it chucked

"Let y/n go!" Saitama yelled at it

It opened its mouth to say something but before it could Genos attacked it with all his might. Saitama suddenly punched it sending it flying. Y/n was now falling, she spread her arms and legs to slow down.

"Hey can one of you guys save me already" she shouted.

Genos and Saitama were about to jump up and catch her until a purple blur beat them to it

I guess you could say this is a cliffhanger so meet you in the next chapie


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