Chapter 5

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Y/n wore a f/c knee-high dress and a white headband for extra cutie points . She and Ludwig were about to leave when something or rather someone grabbed y/n's wrist. Her eyes followed the hand leading her to a familiar bald hero

"Why don't I come with you" he asked

"Oh shoot" y/n thought "I didn't think this plan all that well"

"Didn't jour have a hangover?" Ludwig asked raising a brow

Y/n looked down and saw Saitama was struggling to keep his balance. She pulled away her wrist from Saitama the other  placed her hands on her hips

"You need to rest, even heroes like you can't handle your first whole bottle of vodka and the hangover that comes with it" she said sternly

"But-" before Siatama could protest, y/n was already dragging him to the couch

She skipped to Ludwig and they were off

"So little sister, vhy are jou vearing such a girly outfit" he questioned

"Um beacuse I'm a girl" she answered

"But usually jou'd vear a shirt und pants"

"Oh man I forgot how much of a tomboy I was when we were together.  What am I gonna say? What am I gonna say?" She screamed in her head

"And usually you'd be with a Italian" she mimicked his tone

"..... "

"Ha! Got you" she smiled widely

"Just.... keep valking,dammit "

Y/n giggled then suddenly pointed at Ludwig's cheecks

"Ohhhh is that a blush" y/n said in facination


"Your thinking about that certain Italian, aren't you?" she asked followed by a few giggles

Ludwig's cheeks seem to go pinker than earlier. Y/n smiled, taking this as her answer

"I made big brother Luddy blush! I made big brother Luddy blush! "She taunted

Teases about that Italian and Ludwig's love life went on until they came to a tall building, Ludwig stopped momentarily infront of it

"Ok little sister, my stop is here. I'll meet jou back here at exactly 3 o'clock. Not before or after. Got it?" He said turning back to the h/c haired girl

"Yeah, yeah, just go already" she said slightly getting annoyed of her brother's strictness

He nodded and went in the building. Once he was out of sight, y/n raced to the cafe she was supposed to meet her secret admirer at. She walked in front of the rather small building and read the huge sign outloud

"... Katsy Kat Cafe..... this must be the place"

As she went the door made a bell sound, signalling that a customer has entered the cafe. Y/n slowly scanned the room but didn't see anyone calling for her to seat with them so she figured she was the first one. She took a sit at the table nearest to the door and made herself confortable in the couch-like seat. A woman in her 20's came up to her with a pen and small notebook

"What can I get you, hon" she asked her voice laced with a somewhat country accent

"Oh, just water for now. I'm kinda waiting for someone" y/n said then smiled sheepishly

She nodded then left. Y/n scanned the room, the chairs were comfortable and soft, there were numerous paintings on the wall, and the entire cafe smelled of various pastries, doughnuts and other baked goods. People around her chatted and occasionally laughed. To her, it felt like a really homely place. The waitress came back with a small cup of water. She carefully placed it down in front of y/n as she gave a nod of gratitude

Y/n waited there for a few more minutes before the bell rang, signalling that someone opened the door. She looked up to see a guy who a kid once called Mumen Rider. He looked around the humble cafe until his eyes fell on y/n. He smile and started walking up to her. Once he got there you looked him with a confused face

"Um, this is kinda awkward to ask but are you the one who sent the letter?" She asked

"Y-yes" he stuttered out, he seems nervous

"Oh, take a sit then" she said with a sweet smile

The waitress from earlier came to take their order. Both ordered cake, Mumen Rider got a chocolate cake and she got a strawberry shortcake. They chatted a bit more about themselves until their orders finally came. While eating though, y/n accidentally got frosting on her nose. Mumen Rider looked at her for a second

"She looks so cute" he thought before pointing at her nose "you have a bit of frosting on your nose" he said while grabbing a napkin and wiping it off


Unknown to the duo that a certain ninja was watching from the window. He got angry and barged into the cafe. Everybody including y/n and Mumen Rider turned their heads to look at him.

"S-sonic?" Y/n said

"Yes, it is I, M'lady " he said and walked to her table

Mumen Rider tensed the more closer Sonic got

"Do not worry, M'lady. I, your loyal servant is here to save you"

"Sonic, I don't need sa-" before she could even finish her sentence, Sonic picked her up bridal style

She sighed "ok now I need saving" she facepalmed "from you". Y/n turned her head to face Sonic "Sonic, be a dear and put me down"


"Its an order from your beloved mistress"

The eventually put her down and sent Sonic to her house to wait for her there. He obliged and ran off. She sat back down to a very surprised Mumen Rider

"I'm sorry he ruined our date" she apologised

Mumen Rider snapped back, as if he was in a trance "no, no its fine"

The two went back to their conversation before Sonic barged in. It was all fine and dandy until a certain topic came off

"So is there anything else I can call you besides Mumen Rider?" y/n asked

"Hmmmm, have any in mind?" He asked back

She thought for a sec,  "... how about...... Muri?"

"Why?Isn't it Japanese for unreasonable? "

"Yes, it does but it aslo means impossible and from what I heard, you've been trying some pretty impossible things "she said, nudging him

"Heh, you've heard?" He asked smiling


The two went on with their little chat for a while. At some point, they finally bid each other farewell and went their separate ways. Y/n went back to that tall building but stopped about a block away, looked at her watch and smiled

"2:59.....heh I guess I should wait I minute" she said before chuckling and walking straight to her destination

She stood right in front the lobby door then an angry German came busting out said doors. Y/n frowned a bit but walked up her brother nonetheless.

"So how was it?"

He let out a heavy sigh "as always "

"Let's go to the mansion, I have a tub there"

"Danke, sister. Danke"

"Anytime Luddy"

Sorry for 1. Slow updates and 2. If this felt short for you. This took me awhile because I had school to worry about and I had to check and change this constantly so it can be better. Also, I don't know about you guys but this felt like a short chapter so for those who had the same feeling. I apologise. Even so I'll try my best to updates as fast as I can. See you in the next chapie

~ Janien

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