Chapter 9

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"That's because Genos was there to carry your sorry butt!" Y/n yelled, frustrated

"I-" Saitama stopped then started looking around. He looked confused

Y/n's face turned from a angered expression to one that held concern

"S-Saitama?" She stepped forward

He didn't react or respond at all. He just stood there and stared.

She got closer, nervously stepping towards him. As if on que, he stepped back, confusion written all over his face. She continued to step forward once more as he backed up again. After a few more steps he stopped, letting y/n grab a hold of him, taking him by his shoulders

"Saitama. Hey? Are you ok? Saitama?" She said with panic gracing her features. She shook him gently, in hopes of breaking him out this strance like state

He didn't react yet again, instead he looked at the floor suddenly then quickly looking higher and higher until he was as her head level. He didn't look at her in the eye but her surroundings, as if something was there that she couldn't see. She tried to look behind her but nothing noteworthy was there. She shook his repeatedly, desperately calling out his name but nothing happened. Then he just stopped and stared into her eyes. Sighing, y/n thought Saitama had finally calmed down. Actually he wasn't really panicking or scared, he just looked confused the whole time

"Feeling bet-" without giving her any time to react, Saitama collapsed on the hard floor

Unprepared of what happened, she just let Saitama fall as his eyes closed shut. Luckily, he had stepped back enough to position him in front of the futo. It, however, made a loud thud making y/n cringe slightly. She looks at Saitama's figure. He looks... tried. She let's her hair fall on her face, a long and tired sigh left her lips. Silently she mutters under her breath, glancing at her bracelet

"What have you done now?"

Genos and y/n wait in the hospital's lounge. The male paced the floor while y/n bit her fingers nails. Y/n had called Genos to tell him what had happened and she needed help bringing Saitama to the hospital. Now they are waiting for the doctor to tell them anything. Anything at all really. The two were desperate for an explanation for his behaviour. Genos halt his pacing as the door creaked open. The door lead to a room where the doctor previously was.

"Ms. L/n? Mrs. . . . Genos?" The doctor called out sounding dreadful

The two got closer to Saitama, enough to hear what news he could bring. Y/n signals him to begin with a nod

"We are still unsure of his current situation, at the moment he is in deep sleep but we need him to be conscious to run a few more test"

The two glance at each other momentarily before letting the doctor continue

"As of now, one of you needs to answer a few questions while the other watches over him and wait for him to awaken"

Y/n points at Genos with her thumb, side glancing him

"He-" she hesitates " he knows more than I do" she says

"Very well then. Please come with me, Sir" the doctor says with a motion

Genos follows him to a different room that seems to be very secluded compared to the other rooms. Y/n waits until both men enter the room before she enters the room were an unconscious Saitama laid.

She looked at him with concern and worry plastered on her face. To her, he seemed at peace but that couldn't possibly be true

Y/n slowly walked closer, as if afraid that something may happen to him the moment she got close enough. Hesitantly, she sat on the plastic chair next to the plain white hospital bed, keeping her eyes on him as she did. For a while, she just sat there and stared at him

Then, she moved her hand, wanting to hold his hand for comfort when the sound of the door opening caused her to flinch away. Genos walked in with a heavy sigh. Y/n looked at him from her seat

"What did he ask about?"

For about a minute, Genos simply stared at her then decided to speak "Nothing important"

Y/n nodded her head, not really in the mood to try to pry the information off of him. Her gaze moved over to Saitama again.

"I-" she hesitated " I need to be somewhere" she stated while already headed to the door

"Watch over Saitama and make sure he gets some rest" she didn't even give Genos time to respond before opening the door and heading out

The door closed with a harsh slam as Genos simply stared until he took his eyes off of the door only to stare at his teacher

"I am not entirely sure on what has been happening but I will find out. My goal to become the strongest must wait" Genos said, determination laced into his voice


Well that took longer to write than I expected. I'm sorry for not updating soon but I did warn some of you that this will have slow updates. Anyway, this has been on my mind lately but how do you treat the Chapters? Like scene in a movie or episodes in a show. If it's the first one, it might seen like it has too much timeskips. So see you in the next chappie


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