Chapter 8 [The Missing Part]

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Quick A/N

The last chapter isn't complete. There must be a glitch on Wattpad but I don't know how to fix it. So here it is

If you've seen the A/N in the last chapter then you may skip this

(More of my explanations in the comments)

Genos took a glance at Saitama, who was playing with the dust pile. As if deep in thought



"Have you seen miss y/n? I have not seen her since last week"

The man stayed quiet, no exactly knowing the answer. Though, his thoughts were already drifting to the events of last week. That feeling, he couldn't quite get enough of. It was unsettling but exciting. Saitama did not say a word, instead he looked at the distance. Genos seemed to be concerned by the bald man's silence


"..." Saitama remained quiet


"..." Not a sound


Genos was cut short as the Earth started to shake, the dust visibly moving. Genos had not expected this and lost his balance. The earthquake was so strong it shook the buildings around them. Saitama looked around, though his face held a blank look, he was expecting something. Something big and as if the world had read his mind, the ground began to break apart, causing a huge crater to form just in front of the duo. Genos stayed on the floor but Saitama watched as an entity emerged from the crater. First, a big blood red hand, reaching out. Claws that were bigger than Saitama himself. Then the rest of the monster- no demon's body emerged. It pulled it self out revealing a face full of terrifying fangs. Eyes seemed to contain souls of the fallen. Finally, horns, sharp enough to cut through passing planes and helicopters that got too close and long enough to pierce through the clouds above. The sky hsd turned to a glomy grey. It continued to claw it's way out the crater, taking Genos by the legs and dragging him into the crater. His yells of agony filled Saitama's ears along with the blood curdling scream of other poor unfortunate souls but he did nothing but watch. After which, a menacing laughed had filled the air. Saitama looked up at the demon who was now surrounded by souls. It snapped it's fingers and the souls, with a sorrowful look, charged at Saitama. Each soul had regretful and sorrowful facial expressions. They reached out to Saitama as he kept stepping back. He fell as an ghastly arm protruding from the ground grabbed his ankles. He layed there, seemingly helpless as the arm continued to pull itself up from the ground. The arm belonged to what seemed like a female who was pale. Her hair was long enough to cover her eyes but not her mouth which held a creepy blood filled smile. Her face drew closer as is ready to consume his soul from his eyes alone. As she moved, he caught a glimpse at her eyes. Her eyes gave him some kind of deja vu, as if he's seen it before. Saitama watched as she opened her fang filled mouth


He blinked


Saitama looked around. Everything had turned back to normal. He blinked and rubbed his eyes, not believing what was clearly reality.


Have I failed to mention that for the past week, he has had visions similar to this? Well now you know

It always hit at the most unexpected times and had the most unexpected events. It has not once fail to confuse Saitama.

"SAITAMA!!!" A feminine voice had called out to him. A voice he was very familiar with

"Y-y/n?" Saitama's voice was raspy, as if he has not talked in years

"Oh my god, Genos said that it was bad but I didn't know it was this bad" the h/c haired girl said with concern and worry

"What? I-" before he could finish his sentence, he realized where he was

He was laying on a futon in his apartment, a damp cloth presumably to wipe his sweat, was resting on his forehead but strangely enough, no cyborg was anywhere to be seen

"Genos told me everything"

"Genos? What did he tell you?"

"Everything! From your hallucinations, to you staring at apparently nothing!"

"I-" y/n had cut him off with a string of questions

"What's going on? Are you okay? Have you been eating well?"

Saitama ignored her and instead asked: "Where is Genos?"

She sighed " he went to do some errands for the doc"

She grabbed the cloth from his head and replaced it with a newly soaked one. Afterwards she made her way to the kitchen sink to wash the cloth

"You're going to stay here until we figure out what is wrong with you" said y/n as she continued to wash the cloth

Conveniently the TV was on the news channel

"Reports show a crab monster attacking City B"

Saitama sat up letting the cloth fall onto his lap. He watched the TV showing a crab monster, similar to the first monster he has ever killed but bigger, attacking civilians around it. He stood up while y/n was occupied in the kitchen. As he neared the door, he looked back to see if y/n was still there but he saw no one

"And where do you think you're going?" A voice in front of him stated

He turned to the door to see y/n blocking his way.

"Out" he didn't hesitate

"Don't you think you're going out in that condition"

"I've been fine for the past week. I'll be fine today." He argued back, sounding monotonous

"That's because Genos was there to carry your sorry butt back here!" She shouted, frustrated by his stubbornness

"I-" before he could finish his sentence, the world around him changed drastically. It got darker

The ceiling slowly got closer and closer. The window no longer reflecting the gentle sunlight but a harsh crimson red light. The different furniture were pierced with long spiky rocks. Walls were lined from ceiling down with blood accompanied by a black substance. Saitama looked at where y/n stood but found that she had been replaced by a ghastly figure who's hair reached to its waist. It's hand were twisted in all the wrong places, the feet were nothing but chains. The face was . . . horrific to say the least. It's mouth was just blood smeared on the figure to mimic a smile. It's eyes were not even there, instead it was two empty holes with blood seeping from it. Saitama backed up from the creature, trying to get as much distance from him and it. As he did, his visioned blurred, his body was slowing consumed by the darkness. It came from the floor, coming up on his body. He tried to move but his body wouldn't respond. It continued to climb until he could not see anything . He stared at the abyss that surrounded him. The abyss stared back

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