Chapter 11

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She stayed inside that day, unable to find the motivation to leave the house or even move from her bed. She didn't bother to fix her hair or change her clothes, instead she curled up in her bed and stared at the wall. From the corner of her eye, she saw her phone come to life from her bedside table, emitting a bright light and the soft sound of it vibrating. It stayed like that for about five minutes until it abruptly stopped. That's the tenth or so time it happened. Well, she stopped counting at ten.

Eventually, from the guilt of being so unproductive, she got out her bed. Letting a long and exhausted sigh leave her lips while running her hand through her hair in an attempt to fix it. Her attempts were useless as it was still tangled. She gave up and tied it up on a [ponytail,bun, braid]. Her e/c eyes glanced over to her phone that displayed an array of missed calls and back-to-back messages from the same number. Deciding to ignore it, she walked over to her mirror.


The mirror didn't show her reflection, it showed her the reflection of someone completely different. It was a girl with bags under her eyes, her horrid posture-that would have made any mother gawk, her hair was tied lazily, some strands of hair either standing or covering the girl's face. She lips held a frown while her eyes held no life in them. She waved at the figure in front of her as it waved back. This girl who looks like she's gone to hell and back twice. Though the girl in the mirror seems different, it was in fact her. She felt disappointed in herself, how she's so affected by such small things, although this is not a small thing. Even so, she should be over this, she should be out talking with people, out socializing but she isn't. She's here, looking at herself with shame. This clearly isn't the girl from a week ago, this is someone living is the past. Still so afraid of what happened years ago.

"This can't be happening again" she thought

"I'm not letting this happen again" she says to herself

"I need to stay away from them"

. . .

It was silent for she was in deep thought. How in the world was she supposed to do that?

Quickly, she walked to her small bedside table and snatched her phone then proceeds to call a familiar number.

One ring

Two rings

Three rings


"Hey, Muri!" She faked a happy tone

"Oh, y/n. Been a while" Mumen Rider said as he was pleasantly surprised

"Has is it been? Time flies by so quickly" she forced a giggle making it sound slow and a bit rough

"Uh anyways" Muri said "not to be rude or anything but why did you call?"

"Oh I was thinking we could meet up. You know, hang out, talk a bit. Do you wanna?"

There was silence for a few minutes, then a tapping noise came from the other line "Sure!" He finally answered

"Great! Tomorrow at 8? I heard they had a breakfast buffet a few blocks down from the Catsy Cat Cafe"

"I'll see you tomorrow!" He said cheerfully

"See you!" She nearly matched his cheerfulness, if only it wasn't so fake and forced

Genos wait patiently for his teacher to awaken. He was rereading some of the notes he had taken, perhaps some symptoms had already revealed itself in the past. As he leafed through several notebooks, a paragraph from one of his most recent entries caught his eye. It read:

" I've noticed some changes is sensei's attitude though miniscule, this change had peak my intrest. He had been staring off into the distance. Perhaps it was was a new form of Meditation? I tried doing the same but failed to make out as to why he seems to do this a lot. I've asked but he'd brush it off. I believe he wants me too figure it out by myself. Such on interesting method of teaching"

This was particularly interesting due to the fact that this was written around the same time that they met y/n.


She's was also interesting, from the day they saved her to this day. Genos had always been curious what could be behind that cheerful smile she often had, it was the brightest yet seemed to be the dimmest. He could continue to study y/n as well but he mustn't stray from his original goal. He doesn't have time to dwell on someone else's past yet he feels compelled to do so.

Before he could come to a conclusion, rustling bed sheet were heard. Genos looked over to his side to find his sensei already sitting upright with a confused look

"Oh hey Genos" Saitama said nonchalantly

"Master!" Genos yelled, immediately standing in surprise "I must tell the doctor that you have awaken" He announced as his body turned toward the door

"Wait" Saitama called out but Genos had already left

He just sighed, knowing how determined that cyborg can get at times

"Where could y/n be?" He said as he glanced at the window, as if he was missing something


So life hasn't been treating me like usual so I've been writing this book inconsistently but I'm not going to give up on it! Anyways hope you're enjoying the book so far


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