Chapter 4

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"You can never find the one.......... They'll all die because of you........... You don't deserve anything they gave you............... It's all your fault.......... You have no purpose in this world....................!"

Y/n shot up from her bed so fast she got a headache. She looked around and a sigh of relief leaving her lips. It was just a nightmare. Since she was already up she went to the living room to see three sleeping men. They're sure going to get a major hangover when they wake up. She went to the bathroom and got some pain killers from the medicine cabinet. With the medicine, she went to the kitchen to make breakfast. She was cooking peacefully until she heard groaning she finished up then went to the living room with a tray with three cups of water and three pain killers.

"Good morning~" she chirped

"G' morning" Saitama mumbled

"Guten Morden" Ludwig greeted

"Doog gninrom" Genos said

"Ugh why does my head hurt and why is Genos talking backwards " Saitama asked

"The vodka must still be in your system, for now take these" she handed them the cups of water and pain killers

"Did we do anything crazy last night" Ludwig asked

"........Nope, just a stupid drinking contest" she lied, well it was half true

Ludwig narrowed his eyes at y/n while she sweat as if she was on the sun but shrugged it off. As those three guys complain about their headaches as she went out to get some mail. All she got were bills that the mansion's original owner offered to pay. Y/n had a feeling there was a different reason why that man gave her a mansion, offered to pay for the bill, and even left her half a million in her bank account other than being scared of ghost that don't exist. Another letter caught her eye, it didn't have an address or who it was from written on it. It just said; To: y/n l/n. She opened it and started to read it

"Dear Y/n,

Your eyes are eyes make it seem like the sun wasn't shinning. Your hair is so beautiful and silky smooth. The way you walk, talk, sing, dance, move in general is amazing, I can't keep my eyes off you. Your beauty can not compare to a goddess. I would appreciate that we meet face to face. Would you please meet me at the Katsy Kat Cafe at 1 o'clock this afternoon?

Your Secret Admirer

She read it over again and again to see if it was right. She had a secret admirer that wanted to meet her. Sure, she was so curious about who this sweet man was but if Ludwig ever found out, he would go to the cafe with her. It wouldn't be so pleasant. Speaking of the German, she heard her name called from inside the house. It wasn't a surprise that he was fine after one pain killer, he did used drink vodka every day. Our heroic duo was a different story, they were on separate couches groaning in pain.

"What is it, big brother Ludwig?" She asked, hiding the letter behind her back

"Have jou told them yet?" He asked lowering his voice , they were currently in the kitchen

"About what?" She asked, completely clueless but still keeping her smile

"Jour like Alfred sometimes, has no ability to read the atmosphere" he face palmed " you know the thing" he said gesturing to her bracelet that she never took off

"....... N-no" she said holding the bracelet

"You know, you can't hide that secret if you want to stay their friends" he said walking away

Y/n stayed there looking at the ground. Recalling why she has to keep that on for so long then sighs. She composes herself and walks out the kitchen to the living room.

"How are all you guys doing?" She asked with her hamds on her waist

"Horrible" Saitama stated from under the pillow

"I feel as if my program went wrong somehow, my brain is damaged...." he kept rambling on about how to put his headache in words

"Fine" Ludwig answered

"Well that what you get when you drink beer with Ludwig" she stated

Y/n was mocking Saitama, sitting down on the end of the couch where Saitama was then leaning on his feet. She knew this bothered him but he couldn't do anything about it.

"So big bro, what brought you to Japan, besides wanting to check up on me" y/n said trying to think of a way to insert a topic about her going out to meet her secret admirer

"Jou got me, the Meeting is being held by Kiku"

"Ohhh that makes sense" she made a 'o' shape with her mouth

"What time is the meeting" she added

"Its at 12 o'clock" while he said that, he checked his watch then his eye went a big as saucers

"Oh mein gott" he said, his German accent slipping

"I can bring you there if you want" she offered

"Ja" was all he said as he sped around the mansion

"All according to plan" she whispered to herself

I am so so so sorry I haven't updated that much. I was concentrating on my other books. They're aren't all One Punch Man fanfiction but they're still fanfics. Check them out to see if your interested. I hope you forgive me for not updating. See you in the next chapie

~ Janien

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