Chapter 7

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The h/c haired girl walked to the kitchen. She was so unaware of the chest coming right at her. The impact pushed her back causing her to lose her balance. Unconsciously, she grabbed the collar of whoever bumped into her, pulling her face to face to a familiar bald man.

She stared at those eyes that once held a bored expression but today it was filled with shock. As if frozen in time they stayed in place with y/n's right hand holding Saitama's collar, her other now place over his chest, a few inches from where the heart would be. Saitama's hands kept y/n in place by her waist

They stay like that for a few seconds before a strong arm embraced y/n's stomach and lifted her away from the still shocked Saitama. Y/n's eyes followed where the arm led to until she was met by stern blue eyes

"I vould like to claim my schwester now" Ludwig said now carrying her on his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and walked out the house

"Argh, you know how I hate being carried like this! Put me down! Argh! Put me down!" Y/n continued to yell as she was carried away

Ludwig carried her until the train station. At some point, y/n gave up screamimg and just hung helplessly from her brother's shoulder. Once at the train station, he put her down and immediately after touching the floor she punched his arm to which he didn't react to whatsoever

"What was that about?" She asked angrily

"I needed to talk to jou in private before leaving"

"You should have just asked me" she pouted

Ludwig simply sighed " Listen, jou need to tell zhem. For zheir sake und jours"

"What do you-........" she cut herself off " you mean this?" She said pointing at her bracelet

She thought for I second "There is no reason for me to tell them!"

"Vhat I saw in zhere is a critical! If zhey didn't know, it vont end vell,understand?"

She looked down, tears threatening to spill. Ludwig's usual stern frown turned into a soft smile. He pulled her into a hug only he could do.

"It's okay, I know jou can figure it out. Your my schwester after all" he said

"Thanks big bro"

Ludwig bid her goodbye and got on the train to the airport.

Meanwhile at the mansion

Saitama stared at the spot where she used to be before falling down completely. Genos rushed to him from the dining table.

"Saitama-sensei, are you okay"

"Oh Genos, is that you? Yeah, just a little light-headed"

"Any other symptoms?"

"Hmmm well I felt like...... my lungs shrank, my heart complete stopped beating and every other organ just stopped working. My skin felt cold and my eye lids wanted to close but I wanted to look at her more" Saitama said staring at the ceiling

Genos wrote on his notebook every word as Saitama continued to rambled on.

"Hmmmm sensei, what you just experienced......." he stopped and closed his eyes, as if debating whether he should tell him or not. Saitama raised his head to look at Genos and try to find out why he paused

"Is a vague description of dieing" Genos finished the thought

Saitama sighed and rested his head back down again

"I want to do it again "

I've decided on something. I will update only once or twice a month. I want every chapter to move the story. Sorry if this felt short for you but I hope it was still worth it. See you in the next chapie

~ Janien

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