Chapter 6

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Y/n and Ludwig were walking to the mansion. The nearer they got the more they realise that there was sound coming from the mansion. The noise of furniture being thrown, glass breaking and shouting from voices all too familiar to the blonde man and h/c haired girl. Worry was written all over their faces. Both ran into the mansion, faces showing concern. The moment they opened the door, their fears were confirmed.

"How dare you be at the home of M'lady" Sonic yelled throwing a scary amount of shurikens

"I told you, I was invited here" Saitama casually said still seating on the only sofa that was ok

Genos was holding back Sonic by the waist as he tried to attack Saitama who was just sitting on a sofa

"Y/n-chan, your here. May I ask for your assistance in calming down Speed 'o Sonic"

Y/n's eye twitched the same as the German beside you

"What in the world happened here?" You said in union

"Are you sure you aren't bloood related? " Saitama teased

"You shut your mouth unless its to explain" she said, venom laced in her voice

The room's atmosphere changed dramatically, turning from a heated fight to a dark, disturbing, and scary atmosphere. She shot her head towards Genos, who was still holding Sonic. The dark arua surrounding mainly her, darkening every second that passed.

"What happened here, Genos?" She hissed

"Well Sonic came and...." Saitama said for the cyborg, seeing as he seems to be frozen

~Flashback ~

Sonic entered the mansion, a somewhat happy expression on his face

"I should do something nice for the mistress " he spoke to himself. He opened the door and not a moment later, his smile turned into a scowl

"Yo, Sonic" Saitama greeted

"Greetings unworthy worm" Sonic greeted back with anger

"What brings you here?" Genos asked

"I could ask you the same question " Sonic shot back

"But if you must know" he added " I was sent here by mistress"

"You mean y/n"

"How dare you call her so lowly"

"Then he started throwing a fit and trashed the place" Saitama finished

Y/n sipped in some tea then sighed. Quick to react, Ludwig brewed some chamomile tea and gave it to you while Saitama was telling the story. She took another sip of the warm liquid.

"Mistress, are you mad?" Sonic childishly asked

She sighed "Mad does not begin to explain what I'm feeling right now" she said sharply

She rubbed her temples then sighed "Sonic" she called out, he turned his head to face her, expecting a praise "I appreciate that you care about me" Sonic's face lighten at this "but I would have liked it more if you didn't fight with every person I'm with!" She raised her voice making him flich

"Schwester (Sister)......." Ludwig said in an almost scolding way

"I - I'm fine, Ludwig. I just need to get some rest for day" she said

She started walking up the stairs to the second floor "We'll talk about this in the morning. Good night"

The three looked at each other before going to guest rooms on the first and second floor, changed into some pajamas that was in the room and slept

The Next Day

"Hmmmm~" Y/n hummed as she made another batch of pancakes

Saitama was the first to wake up after Y/n. He walked out the guest room he slept in with a yawn then headed for the kitchen to find a happily cooking girl. The kitchen had sunlight coming from the windows which lit up the whole place. The smell of freshly cooked pancakes filled the air. Instead of last night's dark aura, a happy and cheery atmosphere came from the girl. She turned around to put some pancakes on the plate and at the corner of her eye she saw a somewhat frozen Saitama

She turned to face him fully "Guten Morgen " she greeted happily

"That's German for 'you're in trouble' isn't it" he said, unsure of how to react

"Come and seat already , silly. The pancakes are ready" she chuckled

Saitama awkwardly sat on the chair and stared at the stack of pancakes in awe with made y/n giggle

"I'll go wake up the others" she said

On que Ludwig walked into the kitchen already in his military uniform "Guten Morden " he greeted

" Okay then, Good Morning to you too, big bro. I'll go wake Sonic and Genos" She said about to go

Genos came in, his blonde hair messy as ever "Good morning, y/n-chan "

"Good morning, Genos-san" she yet again greeted "The pancakes are still warm so please enjoy"

"I'll go wake up Sonic now" she added

"Do you have to?" Saitama whined

"Yep" and with that she left the three and headed to every guest room, calling his name

It was until she was at the last room that was left unchecked "Sonic! Hey , breakfast is ready"

She was met with a bed with nothing but a folded note. She neared the folded note and picked it up with her hands. In beautiful cursive was her name. She carefully picked it up and opened it. She read it in a whisper like tone

"I apologise for my behaviour, my mistress. Please forgive me. I feel as if I have dishonored you and now I've gone to train so I may have the strength to defeat that worm that dares to claim to be your "friend" and protect you. Please do remember I am forever at your beckon and call and will dash to your side at anytime

-Sir Sonic "

".........what a drama queen"

Sorry so much for this late late update but I will still try my best to update as often as possible. I will see you beautiful peeps in the next chapie

~ Janien

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