Chapter 2

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"Hey, can one of you guys save me already" y/n shouted

Genos and Saitama were about to jump up and catch her until a purple blur beat them to it

Y/n was placed down on the ground carefully. She looked up expecting to see Saitama or Genos but she was wrong. The man who saved her bowed and took her hand.

" Speed o' Sound Sonic at your service . You may call me Sir Sonic if you wish, M'lady" he said kissing her hand

"M'lady? Service?" she questioned

"Of course, M'lady. It is an honor to be of service of such a goddess like you" he said standing up right

Thankfully Saitama and Genos came and literally pulled y/n away from Sonic. He protectively placed her behind him and Genos.

"Hello Sonic, how's it been?" Saitama asked casually

"How dare you touch such a goddess that way!" He shouted pulling out some daggers.

He throw it at Saitama but he went to the side, pulling y/n along in the process.

"Hey, calm down. We're her friends"

Sonic ignored him and tried to attack. In one quick movement, Saitama throw y/n to Genos and dodged Sonic's attack. Sonic continued to attack and Saitama just dodged. They did this for a while until y/n thought of a plan

"Hey Genos, I have a plan" she whispered her plan to Genos

"Ok, I got it" Genos said

"3...2...1... lets do this" she said mentally

"Hey Sir Sonic~" she said

"Yes, M'lady?"

While Sonic was distracted, Genos ran to Saitama's side snd told him their plan.

"Could you do me a favor, please~" she asked in her cutest voice then mentally face palmed

"Of couse, M'lady"

"There's a snack called Akanami cookies. Could you please find me some" she requested

With that, he was off to find cookies for his goddess. Y/n sighed the moment he was gone and went to the duo

"You do know I could just sent him flying, right?" Saitama pouted

"I know, I just felt bad for him. Praising a false goddess like that" she said

"What is 'Akanami cookies', y/n" Genos asked

"I don't know. I made it up"

"Eh so that means.....?"

She pinched the bridge of her nose at her how clueless her friend is

"It means Sonic will be looking for a non - existent cookie, Sensei"

"I was getting to that, Genos!"

Meanwhile on the other side of the Earth...

"What do you mean you don't have it!? You store states you have all the cookies in the entire world! How could you not have Akanami cookies"

In my defence, I imagined Sonic to be a gentleman in front of a beautiful lady like yourself. Everyone is beautiful whether it inside or out or even both. Being beautiful in your own way is good enough for anyone. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise ♡. Now enough with all this sap talk. I am so so sorry if Sonic is OOC I tried. Also sorry if you want Sonic at your beckon and call, its part of the plot. See you in the next chapie

~ Janien

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