Chapter 3: The results are in!

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A/N: left the last chapter at a cliffhanger sorry not sorry! This chapter is basically finding out what is up and Eva getting settled into the tower enjoy!

"There's no birth certificate, no record, no anything, but get this her blood is full of radioactive cells." Bruce spoke tapping his glasses against the palm of his hand. The team looked at me it was like they were burning holes in my face.

"Wait radioactive like a mutated spider or something?" I ask dumbfounded. Did the portal have something to do with it or did I always have them??

"So sexy superhero? Well Widow looks like you have some competition now." Tony sure didn't waste anytime making unwanted comments. They all looked around with bright eyes and smirks spread across their faces. It was clear I was the youngest out of all them which was pretty scary especially with looks like that across their faces.

"Er do you have  training room and could someone help-" before I could finish my sentence Steve popped up with a wide smile before anyone else.

"I can run through with strength-" Steve was quickly cut off.

"Don't be foolish if anyone should train Lady Hood it should be me I am-" Thor yelled loudly before Banner interjected himself cutting off the Demi-God. "Naive, it should be me after all I can control my element of anger and-" once again cut off. This is getting really freaking annoying, are they really fighting over this? "No absolutely not!" Tony rumbled "If anyone should train this beautiful, single, nice body woman it should be-." Natasha reached over in one single motion slapping Tony in the back of the head. "Silly boys being a master assassin is more than important then all your pathetic things." Natasha growled making all the men besides Clint back away.

"So whose it going to be?" Stark asked crossing his arms as he waltzed over his face only inches from mine. His breath ran against my skin sending chills down my spine as he talked, the faint smell of booze filled my nostrils. He smirked but this one was different than the other one he tried earlier as if it was his seductive smirk if you would. I gulped hard because frankly he was having a massive effect on me.

Think...Think who do you want? Steve is hot and powerful but so is Thor strength is rather important. Natasha is a total badass who can teach me stealth plus how to easily take someone down, Bruce is smart he can offer lessons of will power but I don't really have an issue with that, Tony is sexy but a cocky, egotistical douche whose smart as Bruce if not smarter plus he's strong he could easily teach me how to utilize my brain and the how to use the technology, but is it worth being hit on constantly while I'm trying to train? However Clint is also sexy damn all these guys being so good looking. Clint could teach me how to use accuracy and visual plus I already know to use a bow rather decently and he just happened to be the only one who didn't argue. "So?" The deep voice pulled me out of my thoughts god damn it Stark!

"Er....Clint would you possibly?" The room fell silent quickly I swear you could hear a pen drop. Clint threw his arms up in victory. Taking that as a yes. Tony pulled out the wallet from his back pocket pulling out a $100 bill slapping it against Clint's chest who held a triumphet smile breaking across his features. "Wait you guys took bets?"

"Man of Iron said you would choose him over everyone else." Thor nodded towards Tony before patting Tony roughly on the back nearly knocking him over on his back.

"Eventually you'll come around to me sweetheart." He managed to wink causing the others to roll their eyes other than Natasha who however had an amused grin on her face. The heavenly house AI voice speaks from above "sir, may I suggest showing Miss Hood to her room?" I nearly jump off the chair yet again, Bruce laughed amused that I still jump considering it's the third time it's happened.

"I would offer to carry your things but you have none." Clint let out a small chuckle escape at his own joke.

"I'll help." Natasha adds in as we head back to the elevator I could feel Tony's eyes burning a hole in my ass while I walk away. "Do you have any respect Tony?" Steve asked I could hear Tony laugh. "I'm highly respecting her." Tony staring at me ass doesn't count. As the three of us enter the elevator I managed to give Tony a death glare before the elevator doors closed. The elevator was nothing but silence before I decided to speak up.

"Sooo is Tony always so-" Clint turned to look at me cutting me off mid sentence "Annoying, self absorbed-"
"Arrogant, constantly hitting on anything that moves?" Natasha added on.

"Uh yea all those things." I let a light laugh escape as Clint jabs the 76th floor button sending the elevator shooting down.

"Yup." Both of them said in unison before they both shared a look towards each other. Well living here is going to be fun. "Anyways you will be bunking with me since I'll be training you." Clint stated facing back towards the elevator door. Everyone besides Tony seems to be decent with no hidden agendas I mean the worst that Tony wants is clearly my pants which will never happen so no worries there. Jesus this is literally the slowest elevator ever! Wait bunking with Clint like sharing a room? Okay this is going to be weirder than I thought I'm going to be sharing a room with a man I only meet like an hour ago. The ding of the elevator quickly pulled me from my thoughts.
Natasha was the first one out but Clint stayed "Night Clint." She called out as she exited the elevator. "Night Nat, don't kill to many people in your sleep." He laughed jabbing the elevator button floor 75 because you know totally can't use the stairs to go down a floor. Once again the elevator door closed and down we went in a few short moments we arrived to the 75th floor it was just like the one Natasha had went to. Clint exited raising his hand and motioning me forward. I quickly exit the elevator following close on Clint's heels. I followed him through what looked like a large apartment before he turned down a hallway opening the second door on the right. The bedroom was HUGE like nothing I've ever seen before the one wall was entirely a giant window so you can look out to see the entire city, there was one giant bed almost smack damb in the middle, the walls were all painted a cream/off white. There was a large wooden looking wall that projected a tv must be one of Tony's inventions. Clint clearly wasn't a man of many words considering he didn't really say much just grabbed a few blankets and a pillow after he hung his bow up against the wall. "I'll take the couch you can sleep in my bed, be prepared to be up at 6." He was nearly to the door before I stopped him.

"Wait!" I called out causing him to turn around. "I can take the couch after all it is your room. And you mean six in the morning?!" I asked looking towards him I must of looked horrified the mere concept of being up at six in the morning was not okay.

"It's alright, and yes six in the morning be there floor 70 that's the gym and archery range normal gym is top floor. Help yourself to any of my clothes in the dresser seeing that you don't have any." He stated before taking his leave. Well this is fantastic. I shuffled across the floor to the dresser where I grabbed the first pair of shorts and the first t-shirt I found the shorts were just normal black basketball shorts while the t-shirt was plain black which was fine by me. I quickly stripped down throwing Clint's clothes on before heading off to be after all it basically midnight which only left me five hours to sleep yaaay.

A/N: not a lot of things happening right now I know disappoint the only thing that's happened was Tony hitting on Eva which comes to no shock and introductions promise next chapter will contain some action :) as always vote and comment away can't wait to see feedback <3

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