Chapter 16: Serious Shit

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~Tony's POV~

Everything was going horribly the other night was perfection but now it seems like Eva wanted nothing to me after the events happened last night, that kiss was amazing I defiantly needed more. Jesus Christ Stark your letting her get to you. Your a lady killer you don't get caught up in woman they get caught up in you. Shake it off Stark, Shake it off. I need to talk to someone but who?? Right Jolly Green hes always a good talker right? I shift down the hallway if there was one place I knew to find Jolly Green was down in the lab where he practically lives, which I guess I can't say much I would rather work on my suits vs working on relationships because lets face it suits don't give you crap.

I walk into the lab to of course to see what I expected seeing Jolly Green working on some sort of experiment that had to deal with Eva and getting her memory back, to also figure out what other powers she could possibly possess as well. I walk past Jolly Green sneaking a peak over his shoulder before grabbing a cup and the best glass of whiskey I had hanging around the lab. Always keep a bottle you never know when you need it. "Can I help you Stark?" He asked never removing an eye from his project he was working on.

I quickly spin around to face him. "As a matter of fact Jolly Green I need to talk to you about something...rather important."

"Why would the great Tony Stark, genius, playboy, philanthropist need to talk to me?" He asked raising his head from his the computer screen as he spins around taking off his glasses in the process. 

"If I remember correctly your having dinner with Eva correct Jolly Green?" I ask taking a sip of the whiskey in my hand as I lean against the desk. Jolly Green gave me a puzzled look as he tapped his free hand against the desk top. "Um yea but what does that have to do with anything Tony?" He raised any eyebrow as i causally take another drink.

"I have this slight problem, I need your help." I point to Jolly Green who is still intently watching me "You see somethings happened between me and uh Eva-" I started "Tony you didn't sleep with her did you?" He practically shouts. Well i'm sure Manhattan heard that.  "Relax we kissed thats it. Anyway Brucie now shes avoiding me which is hard to do because face it im Tony Stark. SOOOOO this is where you come in my green friend I need you to see what her deal is."

"Shes probably embarrassed because she kissed you I know I would be." So Jolly Green has jokes now fantastic! Focus Bruce we are dealing with my problems!   "This is serious matter Bruce, I...never mind its just important."

"Alright Tony I'll do it, but I need to know-"


A loud explosion rattled the entire building my first thought...Eva "Jarvis what floor was that?" I ask as I race towards the Elevator with Jolly Green. "Training Floor Sir." Jarvis voice echoed. I jab a slender finger towards the correct floor before looking towards Bruce. "Do not go code green in this elevator." That earned a loud sigh from Banner. "I can control it you'll be safe." He grunted clearly annoyed but did I care, NOPE! As the elevator opened it revealed nothing but dust. I quickly walk through swinging my arms in attempt to clear the dust. "Jarvis air this place out."

"As  you wish sir." Thank god I created Jarvis. As the dust clears an entire wall of the tower has been knocked down, Point Break was standing in the middle of the room clutching his side while Legolas, Natasha, spangles, and Reindeer games we gathered around him. "Wheres Eva?" My eyes scanned the room, the necklace I had given Eva rested on the floor, the arrow flashing blue which meant Eva was in trouble... Clearly.

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