Chapter 18: Dinner Date

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The warm water managed to wash away some worries but yet I cant seem to shake the fact I was nothing more than a monster in my actual world. I'm a killer, what happens when they all come to terms or even read for themselves they might as well just kill me now. This world isn't for me. The Avengers don't need someone like me. I slammed my fist against the shower wall. Why does everything happen to me! First I get thrown through a portal, than I almost die protecting Stark, Than I get freaking kidnapped to top all all of that off I fall in love. Wait I didn't just say that... I'm not in love. I mean when I'm around him I can't stop staring, I have to hold back laughter when he tells stupid jokes. Okay enough I have to get ready for my not so actual date with Bruce.

I turn off the water allowing what ever is left trickle down my body as I take a deep breath before stepping out. Everything is going to get insane in the next few days I can just feel it. I really don't want to go out with Bruce I would rather just curl up into a ball and fall asleep at this point but I have to pretend everything is okay. I reach for the nearest towel wrapping the warm cloth around my body before stepping out peeking around the door to make sure Clint was no where to be found. My eyes darted around the room thankfully Barton was no where to be seen nor is there a Stark laying in the bed playing on his phone. THANK GOD. I step out of the bathroom into the cold marble floor of the bedroom as I shuffle towards the dresser inhaling as I sprung open the top dresser drawer. Crap! What should I even wear I have no idea what Bruce has planned for this dinner. Knowing Bruce it would probably be somewhere nice. I shift through all the clothes I possibly could trying to find something that would be even remotely nice with no success, with a loud sigh I move onto the closet swinging the doors open to reveal a beautiful black dress hanging on a hook. My eyes caught a piece of paper attached to one of the straps carefully pulling it away.

Thought you needed a dress for your not so much of a date with Bruce thought this would come in handy and well make Stark jealous.
     C.B 🏹

I couldn't help but stifle a laugh leave it to Clint to try to start some tension but he did have a point. It would make Stark jealous so who would I be to turn that opportunity down? I quickly throw the dress on odd how Clint knew exactly what size to get. It was tight fitting hugging every single curve that was my body. My finger tips ran down the dress straightening it out before I finally did my hair when I say did my hair I really mean brushed and thrown into a pony tail. "Jarvis what time is it?" I called out towards the AI system.

"It's 8:15 pm Miss Hood." The British sounding AI called out man I was in love with that voice.

"Thank you Jarvis." I smiled politely why on earth was I smiling to an AI system? Well I don't know maybe tony decided that he could see and sense that kind of thing who knows with Stark. 15 minutes left before this whole thing happens. Why in the hell am I nervous?!

I made my way down towards the "living" area where everyone usually was hanging out shooting the shit or being annoyed by Stark. I walked through the large entrance to see everyone in their usual spots Go figure right? Tony was leaned against the counter with a glass in hand talk to Thor who was sitting on a stool eating poptarts. Steve was stationed on the couch talking to Clint and Natasha probably about a mission. Loki who I have yet to even actually talk to was in a chair reading while Bruce was all dressed up nervously playing with his thumbs in the adorable little way he does sitting next to Clint, no one even seemed to notice that I even walked in usually Tony's loud mouth was the first to say anything

"Hey guys." I chirped causing heads to spin, I swear if Bruce's head would of snapped towards me any faster it would of disconnected from his body. Tony's mouth was practically hanging open if it was any wider a fly could easily fly into and choke Stark. "You look amazing!" Clint's voice was the first to enter my eyes I couldn't help but blush like a teenage school girl. "Thanks Clint, just happened to find this dress hanging in our closet." I giggled as Clint rolled his eyes. I watched as Clint practically elbowed Bruce in the side making Bruce to jump up onto his feet. "You do look stunning Eva, Clint did a great job picking out that dress." Bruce smiled, Bruce was shy it wasn't hard for anyone to see that but it was so adorable, Bruce's eyes never left my face, thank god for one of the men to be a gentlemen granted Thor was great since you know he was with Jane.  I could feel Tony's eyes burning a hole into the back of my head  and Bruce's face. Looks like Clint's plan worked after all.

"Aren't you guys going to be late?" Natasha asked practically throwing herself up before pushing me and Bruce from our practically staring contest we were having without actually trying to have. "Right, I have reservations at a nice Italian restaurant you would like, I mean I read one of the comics and it seemed like you liked Italian food so I thought we could go to an Italian restaurant."

"I wouldn't know Bruce don't really remember, but I'm sure I'll love it!" With that being said we both made our way down the tower Bruce held open every door he had a chance to even opened the car door for me instead of having Happy do it, the more I spend time with Bruce the more I realize how sweet he really is even though we haven't really talked a lot.

Hngggg guys I'm so sorry for the short chapter and long wait for an update work has been killing me along with going to class >.> on another note what do you think will happen between Eva and Bruce on their date? Is Eva starting to devolve feelings for Mr. Banner??? What is in store for Eva's future now that she knows what she did?! Let me know your thoughts and feelings!!!! Love you all thank you for reading as always <3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2016 ⏰

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