Chapter 13: Slip up.

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The dress fit around my curves almost perfectly, of course it was tight fitting just the way Tony likes it on woman. I slightly roll my eyes as I look into the bathroom mirror. For once I actually felt like a model. I let my hands run down my sides smoothing any crinkles that maybe in the dress before stepping out of the bathroom to much surprise finding A well dressed Tony Stark standing in the middle of the bedroom. "Jesus Christ Tony! You nearly gave me a heart attack." Tony's eyes were staring me down but it was different than normal, not in the normal sexual look he had but softer admirable look. His smirk wasn't a smirk it was a smile which was odd as hell for Tony.

"Well if I must say I did an excellent job." He stated grabbing my hand and spinning me around to get a better look at his 'work' "If I didn't know you any better Tony I would think that was a compliment." I playfully smile towards the billionaire. He quickly put his finger up in a quick motion pulling a velvet box from his Tux pocket. "Turn around." I did as he said spinning so my back was facing him. He gently brushed my hair away from my neck before I felt the cold of metal touching my bare skin. "Now your perfect. This is my apology for how I behaved earlier with you and Spangles." Wait...did he just?! Apologize??? I reached down touching the necklace it was a simple silver arrow head like what Clint and Tony put on my bow and the suit Tony made me.

"Tony it's okay, I mean I did put a hole in your fridge." I laugh nervously awaiting the yelling from an angry Tony because let's face it I highly doubt he was all happy about me destroying his fridge. "Also! That necklace as long as it's touching you allows you to use your powers without wasting energy I finally figured it out no big deal."

"Wait Tony, you mean I can use my powers now?!" I practically screech with excitement before throwing my hand up allowing a black shadow to emerge from my hand. It danced like a flame being lit. "I thought we were having a moment." Tony stated curling his lip outwards. "Eh maybe. But it's ruined now." I laugh running out of the room. I have to show everyone! I quickly run down the hallway attempting not to trip over my feet considering I'm running barefoot with heels in my hand. Sliding into the living room where everyone was gathered around. "Guys!!!" I scream nearly sliding into the couch causing all the heads to snap backwards. The boys were staring especially Clint who looked like he was about to drool all over himself. "Mortals how obsessed they are with looks." Loki's voice rang out causing the men to snap out of whatever state they were in. "What's going on?" Natasha was the first to ask. I practically had to bite my tongue before I screamed at the top of my lungs, instead I quickly raised my hand up allowed the ball of black shadow consume my entire hand before it creeped up my arm.

"You can use your powers now?" Steve questioned as a smile burst across his face. I squealed loudly. "YES! I can finally use them without dying!!!"

"Training then tomorrow?" Clint ask raising a brow as he stared at me. His eyes following my every movement.

"For sure! Than after that Natasha would you like to go sight seeing considering I kinda you know?" I smile nervously allowed the shadows to retreat in the air. "Of course." Is all she said before sitting down beside Clint.

Tony emerges from the hallway wrapping his arm around my waste, he's lucky I'm in a good mood or I instantly would of decked him or thrown his arm off whichever came first. "Hate to whisk this lovely woman away but we are going to be late." Tony... Tony freaking Stark even the most normal thing comes off sassy as hell.

I groan loudly shifting my weight on my feet as Tony starts to pull me away from everyone. "Oh. Eva?" Bruce calls out causing me to snap my head back. "Dinner tomorrow?" He ask nervously playing with his thumbs. "Of course Bruce!"

Tony and I made out way down stairs to Stark's garage I would be lying if I said it wasn't impressive. Cars... Impressive beautiful cars lined up on both sides just about any expensive car you could ever want you bet he had it. We pilled in a red convertible Ferrari driving off towards the party. ACDC blared from the speakers

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