Chapter 14: Playing with shadows

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My eyes flutter open revealing the silk sheets of Tony's bed. Shit. Shit. Shit. I jump up flinging my body away from the bed. The pounding headache killed with every single movement no matter how big or how small. "Ugh why did I drink last night." Groaning I rubbed my forehead wait! Today I'm training with my powers why am I still in this room?! I quickly sprang up throwing off the dress shocking Tony didn't find the urge to undress me while I passed out. I quickly stepped towards the dresser pulling the first drawer open. I grab the first shirt I could which happens to be Tony's ACDC I also shift through finding a pair of black shorts that I quickly throw on. Before you guys ask. No, no I don't ever wear my own clothes.

I rush towards the elevator pressing a finger on the elevator button to the training room the elevator doors slowly close it seemed like it took minutes instead of seconds before they opened back up maybe it was due to the anticipation or the mere fact I don't wish to run into Tony. I'm not prepared to deal with Stark's ego. I quickly shuffle out of the elevator into the training area expecting to see Clint and Natasha instead I seen the familiar long blonde headed Demi God along side his adopted brother Loki. "Please she deserves to be trained with a true God." Loki was the first to anything. The two brothers were standing face to face the whole ordeal actually reminded me of the lion king. Loki being scar the smarter less muscular lion while Thor was Mufasa a born leader with the muscles with less brains.

"Since when do you want to help any midgardians Loki?" Thor bellowed getting in the face of his adopted frost giant brother. "Since one has caught my eye my dimwitted brother."

"As if you could ever be attracted to anyone other than yourself Loki." Thor spewed. Is this all over training me? I watched Loki bring up a hand in a causal manner as he backed up slightly away turning towards me with his eyes closed. "I believe you have me confused with that imbasoul Tony Stark. Why not ask Eva herself who she wishes to train with someone who can use actual powers like myself or someone who has to use a hammer for his powers?" Loki opens his eyes looking towards me with a mischievous smirk spread across his face. His green eyes even appear to be up to something as he looks towards me. Thor turned his head with a boring glare in my direction. "Lady Hood! Who do you wish to train with?"

Not to put me on the spot right Thor? Yea no thanks for that. " you see...Thor?" I question myself out loud staring between the two brothers Loki rolls his eyes with a loud scuff while Thor's face lite up. "Maybe next time brother!" Thor practically yelled as he slapped the back of an unamused Loki.

"Alright Thor just me and you. Woo!" I threw up my hands walking towards the blonde Demi-God who gave a bright smile. The training began, the start of something new this power I felt was new I felt like I was an unbelievable super hero. My heart pounded against my chest as I released a ball of a midnight black shadow. I looked up with a triumphant smile Thor held a small smirk. "Impressive!" Was all that was heard. The next few hours was filled with small talk and me throwing shadow balls towards a target even once at Thor that brought he flying backwards into the wall hard enough you could see Thors imprint of his body. "You have impressive skills Lady Hood! Let's see what else you can do!"

I furrow my brows, stick out my tongue and concentrate as hard as I could, I tried to focus everything I have into allowing the shadows surround me with no luck. "Thor it's not working!" I state attempting once more to bring the ball of shadows bigger. "Concentrate." The Demi God spoke in a calm, but commanding tone. "Thor it's no use all I can do is this stupid shadow ball. I'm totally gonna be much use." I scuff holding the ball in my hands.

"You can more Eva, remember when you wiped out an entire area for man of iron?" He questioned his eyes staring into mine. He walked forward I shifted slightly doing my best to keep Thor safe in case I got to angry and the whole hole in fridge thing kinda scares the crap out of me to be honest, I never wish to hurt anyone especially Thor.

"Yea but I did couldn't control that Thor that was just a thing that happened." I shrug causally.

"Are you sure it isn't because you had feelings for Man of Iron?" Thor pressed his brow together with the most serious face I've ever seen him have in the entire time of known him granted it hasn't been long but regardless of that it still counts. "When I get around Jane I feel protective, I want to protect her no matter what the cost." Thors eyes felt like he was burning a hole in the side of my head. I instantly felt the change my veins began to burn I could feel the power flowing through my veins before my eyes the ball of black shadows inflames my entire body. "That's what I thought." Thor's smirk grew wider with a deep chuckle. "Okay so maybe I have a slight thing for Stark but never gonna happen!" I point a stream of shadow casted out of my finger towards Thor hitting the Demi God in the chest making him sail through the air onto his butt.

"Thor I'm so sorry!" Before I knew it. I teleported next to him in the shadow of the ceiling. "Whoa that was new..." I was shocked that I could even teleport from shadow to shadow I'm starting to like this more and more. A loud explosion filled the air setting me flying forward into the wall head first. The pain rippled through my body without a second thought I quickly jump up I could feel the Crimson liquid run down my forehead. I waved it off as I watched the ceiling collapse in front of me nearly toppling Thor in the process, before I knew it Thor's hammer came sailing past my head. Soldiers in black uniforms pilled into Stark tower at least a dozen filled into the training room. "Eva go get the others!" Thor commanded before I had a chance to pivot the second wall gave in separating me and the Demi God who was probably taking out everyone on his own. Unaware of what I was dealing with. A man in a a black armored outfit walked through the wall it wasn't like the ironman armor Tony has it was different it almost looked as if he was a bat with a metal helmet with pointy ears on it while the rest of the suit looked as if it was made out of caviler.More men quickly surrounded him. Jesus Christ did he bring an army him? "Is Stark having a get together? Because if so you all are totally in the wrong room." I taunt he man laughed as he nodded his head forward his command of telling his men to rush me. One lunged towards me only to be stopped with a thick shadow hitting his chest sending him toppling out of the building more than likely plummeting to his death. Two more came at me one went for my legs while the other three rapid punches, I swiftly blocked almost every punch only one connected hitting me in the temple sending me staggering backwards while I kicked at the other. The rest rushed me I did my best to block the attacks one managed to grab a hold of the necklace flinging it off my neck. I panicked I shot my eyes as I felt the discharge leave my entire body I heard Thor scream my name only meaning the blast must of went through the other part of the wall. My eyes closed as the energy from my body depleted I didn't have the strength to keep them open as my body fell lifeless to the ground but of course only after I felt the sting of ceiling smacking me in the head as I feel along side with it.

That was it...

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